Fantasy Fiction posted March 27, 2025 Chapters: -1- 

This work has reached the exceptional level
Commander Kain faces an impossible siege on Galvaron.
A chapter in the book ASCENDANT DAWN

Chapter 1 - Joreth

by Sanavixx

Galvaron — Cycle 4229.07

Crimson dust coated Commander Joreth Kain's face as he stood atop the ancient fortress walls of Kaul'tharan. The storm had raged for seventeen days now, a tempest too precisely targeted to be natural. Each breath filled his lungs with the iron-rich particles that gave Galvaron its blood-red hue, a planet being slowly consumed by those who once mined its depths.

Beneath his gloved fingers, the weathered stone wall thrummed with subtle vibrations. Kaul'tharan had witnessed empires rise and fall, had seen the Accord transform from guardians of wisdom to zealots of blind faith. Now, it observed what might be the last stand of a Hegemony commander who never imagined his story would end in this forgotten corner of contested space.

«Your neurochemistry suggests existential contemplation, Commander. Perhaps allocate those cognitive resources toward something with a higher survival probability?»

ECHO's voice crystallized in his mind, her artificial consciousness infusing his thoughts with characteristic irreverence. The Embedded Cognitive Heuristic Observer had been grafted into his neural pathways three years ago. The Hegemony's gift to its field commanders was supposed to enhance tactical efficiency. In practice, Joreth found her commentary oscillated between perceptive and intrusive.

«I don't need algorithms to quantify our predicament,» Joreth thought back.

«No, but you might need me to redirect your attention from dramatic brooding to actual survival strategies. Though I must admit, your silhouette against this apocalyptic backdrop creates quite the inspiring image for your remaining troops.»

Joreth ignored ECHO as he surveyed the eastern rampart. Through his enhanced lenses, reality fragmented into overlapping tactical displays: force trajectories, survival probabilities, defensive calculations. Yet the rebel forces remained hidden within the tempest's crimson embrace, their movements obscured by swirling veils of dust.

«The storm exhibits a 72% probability of artificial manipulation,» ECHO offered, her analysis appearing in his vision as delicate blue script. «The patterns suggest deliberate control rather than natural weather systems. Also, your left ear has accumulated enough dust to qualify as its own geological formation.»

With a mental command that felt like closing an inner eyelid, Joreth deactivated the lenses. Without technological interpretation, the world revealed itself in primal fury, a universe of churning russet walls punctuated by energy discharges that pulsed with colors no mining equipment should generate.

The rebellion had ignited three weeks earlier in Galvaron's deepest excavation zones. Outlying stations had fallen with methodical precision, overwhelmed not by desperate masses but by coordinated units exhibiting military-level training. When the rebels seized Processing Hub Meridian, repurposing its refinement systems into devastating weapons, Admiral Thorne had dispatched Joreth's battalion to "restore order," a euphemism whose inadequacy now bordered on the absurd.

What they encountered defied conventional understanding of insurgency. The miners moved through storm-ravaged terrain with preternatural awareness, wielding modified equipment that channeled Galvaron's electromagnetic fields into devastating attacks. Most disturbing was their collaboration, each unit acting in perfect harmony despite Galvaron's mineral-dense atmosphere rendering standard communication impossible.

His wrist vibrated with the approach of another Hegemony transponder. Lieutenant Vex materialized from the haze, his once-pristine combat exoframe now stripped to bare metal by Galvaron's merciless elements. The Hegemony insignia on his chest plate, a stylized ethereal flame embraced by three stars, was nearly obliterated beneath accumulated grime.

"Three hours until the storm front passes, Commander," Vex reported, his voice hollow through his filtration mask. His bloodshot eyes mapped territories of sleepless vigilance. "Though meteorological predictions have proven increasingly unreliable."

"The storm isn't natural," Joreth said, borrowing ECHO's analysis. "It won't dissipate until whatever orchestrates it decides we've been isolated to satisfaction."

«Appropriating my insights without attribution? I'm wounded, Commander. Next, you'll claim credit for inventing heroic last stands.»

"Status report," Joreth said, ignoring ECHO with practiced discipline.

The quantum slate emerged from Vex's exoframe, its display materializing into a holographic representation of their shrinking reality. Red indicators pulsed throughout the schematic, each a failure point, a resource depleted, a system fracturing under strain.

"Water reclamation efficiency at thirty-seven percent and declining," Vex began, his professional tone barely containing underlying dread. "Engineering estimates fifty hours before complete environmental failure."

«He's being optimistic,» ECHO interjected. «My calculations suggest 43 hours maximum. His pupil dilation indicates he knows this, too.»

"Casualties?" Joreth asked, his expression revealing nothing of his internal dialogue with ECHO.

"Twenty-seven dead since yesterday's report. Forty-two new cases of...the condition."

The condition. Such bloodless terminology for a transformation that rewrote living tissue into crystalline architecture, replacing biology with geometric patterns of terrible beauty.

«These geometric transmutations match no known pathology in my database, which contains over three million documented conditions,» ECHO noted. «Yet they share structural signatures with the mineral formations found in Galvaron's deep mines. Coincidence? I calculate the probability at approximately 0.02%.»

"Show me," Joreth said.

Their passage through Kaul'tharan's interior revealed a marriage of disparate epochs. The weathered elegance of an ancient temple now hosted the cold precision of Hegemony technology. Stone corridors carved by Accord architects centuries ago bore hastily installed military systems like parasitic growth on a dying tree.

Soldiers acknowledged Joreth's passage with weak salutes, conserving precious energy that diminished rations could no longer adequately provide. Some bore the early signatures of the condition: an iridescence haunting the whites of their eyes, a prismatic shimmer visible beneath the skin in certain light. Their faces had grown hollow, eyes sinking into darkened orbits. Yet something else lurked behind those eyes, a strange luminosity that seemed to emanate from within, as if their essence was being systematically rebuilt.

"Commander," a young corporal acknowledged, forcing his body into rigid attention despite visible strain. Joreth recognized Ryven, a transfer from the 31st Reconnaissance Unit after distinguished service during the Tarvis Prime campaign.

"At ease, Corporal," Joreth said, noting the subtle tremors in the young man's hands. "Your section has maintained the north wall admirably. How are your people holding up?"

"Fulfilling our duty, sir," Ryven answered, the practiced response failing to mask his desperation. "But we're stretched beyond tolerance. Three more showed advanced signs of the disease last night."


"Began with headaches, then the skin developed anomalies. A translucent quality, sir." Ryven swallowed audibly. "Dorn can no longer move his right arm. Reports painful sensations within the bones."

As Ryven spoke, his sleeve shifted, revealing a delicate tracery of iridescent lines beneath his skin, geometric patterns forming and dissolving like frost on a winter window. They glimmered momentarily before disappearing as he adjusted his stance, a secret briefly exposed then hidden again.

«Progression follows consistent protocols,» ECHO observed. «Articulation points first, then lymphatic networks, culminating in central nervous system transformation. This has been engineered with specific intent.»

"Have them report to medical immediately," Joreth ordered. "That's not a request, Corporal."

"Sir, we're operating below minimum manning for the section—"

"I'm aware of our personnel disposition, and I'll redistribute coverage accordingly. Your people require immediate medical assessment. Understood?"

"Yes, sir. Thank you, sir."

As Joreth navigated the fortress's winding corridors, his mind drifted to the manicured garden terraces of Nexus Prime, where his childhood had unfolded under the exacting shadow of his father. General Marcus Kain had instilled leadership principles through relentless drills, never through gestures of affection. "A Kain commands respect, not sympathy," his father would pronounce, measuring Joreth's posture whenever it betrayed weakness.

«Fascinating,» ECHO interjected, apparently monitoring his thoughts. «You're seeking psychological reinforcement through familial reference points despite documented negative associations with your father. Classic trauma response.»

«Stay away from my personal memories,» Joreth thought sharply.

«Merely observing,» ECHO replied, unperturbed. «Though your father's warfare doctrine might prove relevant. His monograph on 'Asymmetrical Response to Superior Forces' maintained required reading status at the Academy for three decades.»

Joreth's jaw tightened. His father's legacy haunted him even at the farthest reach of Hegemony influence. He consciously redirected his focus as he approached the medical bay.

The medical bay announced itself through sound before sight. The modulated suffering of the afflicted reverberated through corridors like a grim symphony. Emergency lighting cast everything in stark blues and reds, transforming human suffering into abstract compositions. Vex took a guard position at the entrance as Joreth continued onward.

Dr. Sera Kalis emerged from the orchestrated chaos, her medical carapace humming with constant monitoring of patient biometrics. The sharp efficiency of her movements contrasted with the strain evident around her eyes.

"Commander," she acknowledged, her tone clinical but respectful. "Here to witness what your status reports cannot adequately convey?"

«Interesting. Dr. Kalis's autonomic markers shift when you enter her proximity. Either she harbors attraction, or she appreciates competent authority.»

"Show me the worst case," Joreth replied, ignoring ECHO's observation.

She guided them through rows of medical cradles to an isolated unit protected by a shimmering quarantine barrier. The barrier pulsed with irregular rhythms as if struggling to contain whatever lay beyond its threshold.

"Sergeant Talan Dryden," Dr. Kalis announced with professional detachment that failed to hide compassion. "Twenty-six standard years of age. Distinguished himself during the initial landing operation."

The figure in the cradle shared almost nothing with the vibrant young sergeant in Joreth's memory. Dryden's skin had acquired a waxy translucence, stretched taut over a form no longer conforming to human anatomy. Through that diaphanous membrane, crystalline formations emerged. These geometric structures captured ambient light and fractured it into impossible spectra, transforming the human form into a living prism.

The structures pulsed with subtle internal luminescence, responding to external stimuli with shifts in intensity and color. What had once been muscle and sinew were now biological systems reimagined as non-human engineering.

«Simultaneously horrifying and mesmerizing,» ECHO noted, her tone contemplative. «These crystalline structures aren't merely growing; they're calculating, processing information. Like an emergent form of consciousness.»

"May I?" Joreth gestured toward the quarantine field.

Dr. Kalis hesitated before entering a sequence into her wrist console. "Three minutes, Commander. We haven't identified transmission vectors with certainty."

The field parted with a sound like reality tearing. As Joreth stepped through, the air transformed—colder, sharper, carrying the scent of ozone after a lightning strike.

At close proximity, the mineral lattices revealed their true complexity. These were not random geological formations but evidence of orchestrated intelligence, replicating according to some incomprehensible blueprint. They erupted from Dryden's flesh like the architectural spires of an alien civilization, their translucent facets occasionally pulsing with light that aligned perfectly with the sergeant's weakening heartbeat.

"What exactly are we witnessing?" Joreth asked.

"Unknown," Dr. Kalis replied precisely. "The material shares molecular characteristics with Galvaron's mineral composition, but its structure defies established physical principles. It shouldn't self-organize within living tissue."

«She's withholding information,» ECHO noted. «Micro-expressions suggest she harbors theories she's deliberately not articulating.»


"Terminal, based on current progression vectors. The mineral configurations advance systematically through the lymphatic system, methodically replacing organic tissue with analogous structures."


"Approximately nineteen hours until complete system failure, assuming consistent progression. Unless..."

"Unless what, Doctor?"

Dr. Kalis's lips compressed into a tense line. "Unless the process completes whatever transformation it's attempting to achieve. Previous cases reached a critical threshold where crystallization accelerated exponentially. We've had to...contain those outcomes."

«Translation: fully transformed specimens exist within this facility,» ECHO clarified. «And based on her elevated stress markers, they're not simply pretty crystal statues.»

"Contain how?" Joreth asked sharply.

"Isolation chamber seven," she replied. "Three subjects have progressed beyond Dryden's current state. They're no longer recognizably human, Commander."

"Take me to them."

«I strongly advise against this, Commander,» ECHO interjected, her typically playful tone vanishing. «My systems detect unusual quantum fluctuations emanating from isolation chamber seven. Whatever exists in that location generates energy signatures that violate standard physical parameters.»

Joreth proceeded despite the warning as Dr. Kalis guided them deeper into the medical complex to a sealed doorway guarded by soldiers in full-hazard exosuits.

"Stand aside," he ordered with quiet authority. The guards complied without comment. Behind their visors, their eyes remained vigilant, shifting between Joreth and the sealed doorway.

"Full hazard protocols," Dr. Kalis instructed, indicating containment suits. "Complete isolation."

The suit enclosed Joreth within a second skin of reactive polymers, isolating him from direct sensory contact with the external environment. Inside the helmet, displays activated in sequence, overlaying his vision with atmospheric analysis and threat assessment metrics.

«My sensory apparatus is experiencing significant interference,» ECHO reported, her voice fragmenting. «Some kind of quantum field...disrupting normal...operational parameters.»

The inner chamber existed in perpetual twilight, illuminated solely by monitoring equipment and what awaited at its center. Three containment tubes stood aligned, each housing what had once been a Hegemony soldier. The crystallization process had progressed beyond anything witnessed in the central medical bay, transforming the subjects into entities that transcended simple categorization.

Their bodies had become intricate networks of interlocking geometric formations, human forms still recognizable but fundamentally transformed. The mineral matrices pulsed with internal luminescence in shades of amber and deep scarlet, creating an almost ethereal appearance. Where eyes had once existed, faceted orbs now reflected the chamber in fractured perspectives.

Most unnerving was their perfect synchronization despite physical separation. When one entity's head rotated, the others mirrored the movement with precision no organic nervous system could achieve. The movement lacked the subtle imperfections characteristic of living beings; instead, it executed with mathematical exactitude.

«They're networked somehow,» ECHO managed through the interference. «Operating as a unified system.»

"Do they retain consciousness?" Joreth asked.

"They respond to stimuli," Dr. Kalis replied cautiously. "Whether that indicates consciousness as we understand it remains undetermined. They emit no verbal communication, though they generate frequencies beyond human hearing."

As Joreth observed them, all three entities suddenly oriented toward him with perfect coordination, their heads pivoting in unsettling unison. The luminescence within their structures intensified, pulsating in complex sequences.

"They've never demonstrated that behavior pattern before," Dr. Kalis whispered, scientific detachment momentarily replaced by visceral unease.

The nearest entity pressed an appendage against the containment tube's interior surface. Where crystal met the barrier, the intervening space seemed to ripple and distort, reality itself buckling under some invisible pressure. Monitoring equipment erupted with alerts as energy readings surged beyond established parameters.

"Quantum resonance detected," an automated system announced, its voice distorted by interference. "Warning: containment field integrity at eighty-seven percent and declining."

«EVACUATE IMMEDIATELY!» ECHO's voice spiked in his mind. «They're...scanning...your...neural...implant!»

"Evacuate," Joreth ordered sharply. "Now!"

They retreated to the antechamber as emergency protocols engaged automatically. Through the reinforced viewport, Joreth observed the entities continuing their movements, their forms now pulsing with increased luminosity. The light they emitted had transformed, deepening from amber to a blood-red radiance that seemed to absorb rather than illuminate the surrounding space.

"How long have they existed in this state?" he demanded as they removed their hazard suits.

"Final transformation occurred approximately forty-eight hours ago," Dr. Kalis replied. "Each case progressed at different rates initially but coincided during the terminal phase."

"And this was reported to command?"

"Three separate communications, with escalating urgency classifications. The only response received was automated acknowledgment."

«ECHO? Status assessment,» Joreth thought.

«Operational functionality restored, though I detect residual quantum disturbances in my cognitive matrices,» she responded, her voice regaining its characteristic cadence. «Whatever those entities represent, they attempted to establish a direct interface with your neural implant through my systems.»

«Data compromise?»

«Negative, security protocols maintained integrity. However, these are not merely transformed humans, Commander. They're attempting communication, possibly control, through technological interfaces. The crystalline structures function as computational architecture.»

An alarm shattered their exchange, its pulsing tone indicating a perimeter breach. Joreth's communication unit activated automatically.

"Commander," Captain Morrow's voice fractured through, "Rebel forces have initiated a major assault on the western approach. The storm has cleared unexpectedly in that sector. They've deployed advanced artillery platforms."

"En route," Joreth responded. To Dr. Kalis, he added, "Maintain those entities in absolute containment. If they attempt to escape, you have authorization for termination."

Joreth moved with efficiency through the corridors, Vex matching his stride. Around them, the fortress vibrated with the initial impacts of enemy artillery. The corridors pulsed with emergency illumination, transforming familiar passageways into something alien and threatening.

«The timing suggests coordination rather than coincidence,» ECHO observed. «The entities becoming active, immediately followed by rebel assault? They share some form of connection.»

The command center pulsed with controlled urgency as officers coordinated defensive operations. Holographic displays rendered the battlefield in real-time: wavering red indicators representing rebel forces surrounding the blue fortress icon on three sides.

"Tactical assessment," Joreth demanded upon entry.

Major Elara Voss looked up from the central display. "Two thousand plus advancing on the western approach, with artillery support from these elevated positions," she indicated the locations with precise gestures. "Southern approach shows increasing activity, likely a secondary assault vector. The eastern sector remains quiet, but we've detected unusual energy signatures within the remaining storm concentrations."

"Our effective strength?"

"Two hundred eighty-four combat-capable personnel deployed according to contingency plan Delta. Fifty-two in strategic reserve, though many exhibit early manifestations of the condition."

«They're maintaining numerical superiority approaching ten-to-one if considering only uncompromised personnel,» ECHO calculated. «Standard Hegemony battle doctrine would recommend immediate evacuation or orbital bombardment support. Neither option appears viable.»

"Display their artillery positions," Joreth instructed.

Voss expanded the display section, magnifying the ridgeline where rebel weapons had been deployed. Joreth immediately recognized the configuration: standard Hegemony artillery units, almost certainly captured from previous outposts or supply raids. Their familiar silhouettes carried bitter irony, weapons engineered to extend Hegemony dominion now deployed against its defenders.

The rebels had arranged them with unsettling precision, each placement reflecting military doctrine Joreth himself had studied at the Academy. Someone with intimate knowledge of Hegemony warfare was directing this assault.

"Magnify," he ordered, analyzing their positioning. The rebels had arranged their artillery with sophisticated understanding, maximizing coverage while minimizing vulnerability to counter-battery fire.

"Energy signatures consistent with Hegemony HX-70 artillery platforms," reported the sensor officer. "They've disabled identification transponders, but output patterns are unmistakable."

As if responding to this observation, the fortress shuddered under direct impact, cascading dust from the ceiling like crimson snowfall. For an instant, Joreth experienced a disorienting perceptual doubling—the displays before him overlaid with a ghostly impression of the entities in isolation chamber seven, as if their awareness had momentarily touched his consciousness through ECHO's interface.

"Shield integrity at sixty-three percent and deteriorating," reported the engineering officer. "They're targeting our emitter nodes with remarkable precision."

"Adjust shield harmonics," Joreth ordered. "Randomize frequencies after each impact rather than attempting to maintain consistent barrier parameters."

The engineering officer's expression registered surprise but acknowledgment. "Unconventional approach, sir, but achievable."

«In crisis scenarios, Hegemony soldiers must maintain strict adherence to established operational procedures. Yet here you stand, improvising. How delightfully human of you.»

"Communications status?" Joreth asked.

"Degraded below seventy percent effectiveness," reported Lieutenant Commander Riggs. "We're intercepting rebel transmissions, but they're employing an unknown encryption protocol."

"What of the rebel leadership structure?"

Voss expanded another tactical section, focusing on the central mass. "One significant figure emerged approximately twenty minutes ago, surrounded by what appears to be an elite guard formation."

The figure distinguished itself immediately. Taller than surrounding rebels, it was clad in modified Hegemony officer armor with a distinctive mask concealing its facial features. The mask commanded Joreth's attention, seemingly crafted from material identical to that afflicting his soldiers. Its surface captured and refracted light in geometric patterns reminiscent of the isolated entities.

«Biometric analysis suggests veteran combat experience,» ECHO analyzed. «Movement patterns consistent with Hegemony special forces training.»

"Designate as High-Value Target Alpha," Joreth said. "Direct sniper teams to prioritize."

"Already implemented, sir, but they demonstrate extraordinary situational awareness," Voss replied with professional concern. "Our snipers report the target alters position at precisely the optimal moment, every time."

"Sir," called Riggs, "we've partially decoded a rebel transmission."

Static filled the command center, punctuated by voices coordinating movements: "...western perimeter secure...advance second battalion...primary objective remains the command center..." The voices carried the cadence of military communication but with a subtle harmonic distortion. It sounded as if multiple speakers were perfectly synchronized, creating an eerie choral effect.

Joreth moved to the western observation port, a reinforced viewport offering direct line of sight to the battlefield. The storm had cleared with surgical precision, revealing Galvaron's barren landscape stretching toward the horizon. The clearing formed a perfect semicircle. It looked as if some invisible force had carved away the storm, creating a stage for the impending confrontation.

Advancing across this desolation came a sea of figures moving with military precision, their formations reflecting training beyond what insurgents should possess. Their armor, assembled from repurposed mining equipment and scavenged Hegemony components, created a patchwork appearance that belied the lethal cohesion of their movements.

Nearer to the fortress, the ground bore the scars of previous assaults, impact craters forming black wounds in the red earth where rebels had fallen to defensive fire. Yet they continued their advance, undeterred by the knowledge that they walked where others had perished. Such determination transcended desperate rebellion. It suggested purpose, conviction, and perhaps the most dangerous motivator: belief.

"They're systematically targeting our sensor arrays," Voss observed, joining him at the viewport. "Methodically eliminating our surveillance capabilities."

"They intend to blind us for their next phase," Joreth replied. "Tactical, deploy shadow drones along the approach vector. I want observation where they believe we lack visibility."

The advancing forces had reached the outer perimeter defenses. In previous engagements, these defenses had inflicted significant casualties. This time, the rebels navigated the defensive zone with uncanny anticipation, their bodies flowing around danger with extraordinary awareness.

"They’re maneuvering through our minefields with precision,” Voss said, her voice tight, the edge of control fraying at the corners.

"Someone has compromised our protocols," Joreth replied grimly. "We have a security breach."

He surveyed the command staff, noting micro-expressions of surprise, fear, and—most troubling, if detected—guilt. Someone present might have provided intelligence to the enemy, the transformation afflicting his troops perhaps compromising security beyond conscious awareness.

"Implement randomized firing algorithms," Joreth ordered. "And deploy our reserves to the lower western approach. They'll anticipate us holding them in reserve for final defense."

The distant defense turrets adjusted their firing patterns, transitioning from methodical to erratic. Immediately, the rebel advance faltered as unpredicted energy discharges caught several units in their formation. Bodies tumbled across the crimson soil, trailing smoke and scattered equipment. But the disruption proved temporary; within moments, they had reestablished cohesion with professional efficiency.

"Casualties don't affect their operational cohesion," noted the tactical officer. "They're sacrificing front units to map our adaptive defense patterns."

"They're mapping our strategic responses," Joreth corrected. "Observe how casualties increase in proximity to HVT Alpha. They're functioning as reconnaissance."

As if confirming his assessment, the rebel leader raised a hand, redirecting assault teams with precise gestures. The formations immediately reconfigured, creating new approaches that exploited the gaps in defensive fire. The adaptation occurred too rapidly for conventional command systems, the rebels moving with the conjoined precision of colonial organisms rather than individual combatants.

"Observe that perfect unison," Joreth remarked, connections forming in his mind. "This transcends conventional coordination." He gestured toward the rebel leader's position. "The entities in medical move as unified consciousness despite physical separation. These rebels demonstrate identical patterns." His gaze narrowed on the masked figure. "HVT Alpha doesn't merely command; it functions as their nexus, processing collective information for the entire force."

The fortress shuddered under renewed bombardment. Shield integrity indicators flashed urgent warnings as multiple sectors approached critical failure thresholds.

"Prepare all personnel for close-quarters defense," Joreth ordered, his voice cutting through the command center's controlled chaos. "They'll breach our outer defenses within minutes."

Through the viewport, the rebel leader's masked face tilted upward. For a moment, Joreth felt certainty that the figure was looking directly at him, awareness bridging impossible distance. At that moment, he understood with terrible clarity that whatever intelligence guided these forces was the same presence transmuting his soldiers into these alien geometric formations.

Joreth felt the weight of command not as an abstract concept taught in Academy lecture halls but as a physical pressure constricting his chest. Around him, his officers awaited directives while throughout the fortress, his remaining soldiers prepared for what logic suggested would be their final stand.

As the army advanced with inexorable precision, Joreth finally comprehended that this wasn't a rebellion to be suppressed—it was a harvest that had already begun.

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