Essay60 total reviews
Comment from judiverse
Mikey, my husband and I don't own a gun. Guns make me nervous and I wouldn't want to own one. But every time there is a killing spree by someone using a gun (some foreign terrorists use knives) there is a big outcry about new gun laws. I contend that our focus should be on what's behind the killings. Many innocent victims, including children, succumb to random gang shootings. Some of the shooters, like the Aurora movie theater crazy, have all kinds of weapons, not just guns. The Orlando killer thought he was doing his bit for ISIS. These people are giving out red flags all over the place, and the warning signs are ignored. Focusing only on gun control is a noble idea, but we need to address the problems in the inner city where the gangs run amok. You may prevent a few deaths by more gun control legislation, but they will be miniscule until we figure out what to do about the cancer of hate that festers in society. I got carried away, but I do want to commend you on your presentation. You do a good job of including statistics, and your comments are sincere. judy
reply by the author on 15-Aug-2016
Mikey, my husband and I don't own a gun. Guns make me nervous and I wouldn't want to own one. But every time there is a killing spree by someone using a gun (some foreign terrorists use knives) there is a big outcry about new gun laws. I contend that our focus should be on what's behind the killings. Many innocent victims, including children, succumb to random gang shootings. Some of the shooters, like the Aurora movie theater crazy, have all kinds of weapons, not just guns. The Orlando killer thought he was doing his bit for ISIS. These people are giving out red flags all over the place, and the warning signs are ignored. Focusing only on gun control is a noble idea, but we need to address the problems in the inner city where the gangs run amok. You may prevent a few deaths by more gun control legislation, but they will be miniscule until we figure out what to do about the cancer of hate that festers in society. I got carried away, but I do want to commend you on your presentation. You do a good job of including statistics, and your comments are sincere. judy
Comment Written 09-Jul-2016
reply by the author on 15-Aug-2016
Thanks so much. Sorry for the late reply, mikey
You're very welcome. I'm not able to keep up with reviewing myself. judi
Comment from Kingsland
We need more common sense messages like this one you have written here. Our lives are in the hands of fools that don't give a damn about anyone but themselves. This is an article that should be read by everyone. This is a well-written article that deserves all six-stars awarded here... John
reply by the author on 15-Aug-2016
We need more common sense messages like this one you have written here. Our lives are in the hands of fools that don't give a damn about anyone but themselves. This is an article that should be read by everyone. This is a well-written article that deserves all six-stars awarded here... John
Comment Written 09-Jul-2016
reply by the author on 15-Aug-2016
Thanks so much. Sorry for the late reply, mikey
Comment from LIJ Red
Interesting. Each to his own opinion, and to whom he will believe. There was a time when I say we should ignore those lesser nations with their
high taxes and bossy governments, but the old gray USA ain't what she usedta be...well said.
reply by the author on 15-Aug-2016
Interesting. Each to his own opinion, and to whom he will believe. There was a time when I say we should ignore those lesser nations with their
high taxes and bossy governments, but the old gray USA ain't what she usedta be...well said.
Comment Written 09-Jul-2016
reply by the author on 15-Aug-2016
Thanks so much. Sorry for the late reply, mikey
Comment from lancellot
This is an interesting commentary. You site 'certain' statistics in favor of your position. That is a normal thing to do, but I remind you of the quote by British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli: "There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics."
One can find any number stats to support an argument for or against anything.
That being said, I agree that reasonable solutions need to be found to reduce murders in our country. The issue as you know, is that it is hard to get two people to agree on what to have for lunch.
I would caution that the desire is to reach a compromise between two opposing sides, this cannot be done if you begin with insults and ridicule. This may endear you to those on your side but it will anger and then end any discussion before it ever begins.
This entire section is irrelevant and makes no sense.
" I don't care what the NRA says, it doesn't take a machine gun to hunt ducks. It works well when slaughtering dozens of humans though.
True, it will be possible to acquire a machine gun no matter what regulations are put into play. I draw your attention to the numbers. Compare the statistics of countries allowing machine gun ownership, The United States, with those who do not, i.e., everyone else. Get it?
Restricting ownership and availability of machine guns DOES make a difference. What in hell is the argument against regulating ownership and availability? "It's our right to own them. An interalieniable right guarendamnteed by the Constitution by gumption."
the National Firearms Act of 1934 bans the civilian possession of fully automatic weapons (machine guns). There hasn't been a mass shooting with a machine gun in over 70 years. Why is this here?
Again the stereotyping with language is something I don't think you would do with nay minority group. Would you?
If it is wrong in those cases. It is wrong in this one.
"According to the numbers, it's high time to re-interpret the right to bear arms. (this is a statement we can actually debate)
The rest of the world has. We are the only nation on Earth who arms their populace. (Now this is where you begin to slide away from the truth. The US does not arm its populace. I don't know why you, as an American, would say a lie like this. Please tell me where I can go to get my free gun? Are federal agents handing guns out with free school lunches? Why would you say this, when people in other countries may believe your essay as the truth?)
We are the only nation on Earth whose citizenry murders children by the thousands every year. ( by the limitation of your own chart this is also untrue. You are misleading readers by using homicide and murder interchangeably. Also, your own statistics is restricted to high income. I would also, advise you to look into what is happening in the middle east, African nations, South America, Mexico and on and on.)
Finally, you look into cases where a gun was used, but if you broke it down to who the people using the guns to kill. It would bring up a topic most 'Liberals' do not want to have. I know. Look at Chicago, and look at why the Illinois legislative Black Caucus and ACLU (not the NRA) has blocked every effort to stop the gun-related murders. That is a discussion no one wants to have.
"The time has come to get rid of all of these guns."
(I would like a jet pack and a billion dollars too, but that ain't gonna happen. This is a nice thing for you to say because realistically logistically we all know it will never happen.)
At [his] point, the opposition is welcome to state their reasons for defending these policies.
- should be: this
Very interesting write, Michael. Well done.
reply by the author on 15-Aug-2016
This is an interesting commentary. You site 'certain' statistics in favor of your position. That is a normal thing to do, but I remind you of the quote by British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli: "There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics."
One can find any number stats to support an argument for or against anything.
That being said, I agree that reasonable solutions need to be found to reduce murders in our country. The issue as you know, is that it is hard to get two people to agree on what to have for lunch.
I would caution that the desire is to reach a compromise between two opposing sides, this cannot be done if you begin with insults and ridicule. This may endear you to those on your side but it will anger and then end any discussion before it ever begins.
This entire section is irrelevant and makes no sense.
" I don't care what the NRA says, it doesn't take a machine gun to hunt ducks. It works well when slaughtering dozens of humans though.
True, it will be possible to acquire a machine gun no matter what regulations are put into play. I draw your attention to the numbers. Compare the statistics of countries allowing machine gun ownership, The United States, with those who do not, i.e., everyone else. Get it?
Restricting ownership and availability of machine guns DOES make a difference. What in hell is the argument against regulating ownership and availability? "It's our right to own them. An interalieniable right guarendamnteed by the Constitution by gumption."
the National Firearms Act of 1934 bans the civilian possession of fully automatic weapons (machine guns). There hasn't been a mass shooting with a machine gun in over 70 years. Why is this here?
Again the stereotyping with language is something I don't think you would do with nay minority group. Would you?
If it is wrong in those cases. It is wrong in this one.
"According to the numbers, it's high time to re-interpret the right to bear arms. (this is a statement we can actually debate)
The rest of the world has. We are the only nation on Earth who arms their populace. (Now this is where you begin to slide away from the truth. The US does not arm its populace. I don't know why you, as an American, would say a lie like this. Please tell me where I can go to get my free gun? Are federal agents handing guns out with free school lunches? Why would you say this, when people in other countries may believe your essay as the truth?)
We are the only nation on Earth whose citizenry murders children by the thousands every year. ( by the limitation of your own chart this is also untrue. You are misleading readers by using homicide and murder interchangeably. Also, your own statistics is restricted to high income. I would also, advise you to look into what is happening in the middle east, African nations, South America, Mexico and on and on.)
Finally, you look into cases where a gun was used, but if you broke it down to who the people using the guns to kill. It would bring up a topic most 'Liberals' do not want to have. I know. Look at Chicago, and look at why the Illinois legislative Black Caucus and ACLU (not the NRA) has blocked every effort to stop the gun-related murders. That is a discussion no one wants to have.
"The time has come to get rid of all of these guns."
(I would like a jet pack and a billion dollars too, but that ain't gonna happen. This is a nice thing for you to say because realistically logistically we all know it will never happen.)
At [his] point, the opposition is welcome to state their reasons for defending these policies.
- should be: this
Very interesting write, Michael. Well done.
Comment Written 09-Jul-2016
reply by the author on 15-Aug-2016
Of course, I'm not in favor of banning guns for all citizens, just crazy ones. Your arguments are valid and a strong part of the debate I realize. I'm just looking for some kind of solution. I certainly would have a responsible gun owner's phone number on speed dial, I'll admit that much. Thanks so much. Sorry for the late reply, mikey
Comment from patcelaw
Michael, if the stats for the cities of Chicago, Los Angeles and a couple other big cities that have the strictest gun laws were taken out of the stats, our death rate from firearms would be among the lowest in the world. Patricia
reply by the author on 15-Aug-2016
Michael, if the stats for the cities of Chicago, Los Angeles and a couple other big cities that have the strictest gun laws were taken out of the stats, our death rate from firearms would be among the lowest in the world. Patricia
Comment Written 09-Jul-2016
reply by the author on 15-Aug-2016
I'd like to see those stats. That would be interesting. Whatever it takes to avoid some of the terrible incidents we've seen and reduce these stats, I'm in favor of. Thanks so much. Sorry for the late reply, mikey
Comment from enitsalemap
I completely agree with your poignant and timely essay. What do we have to do to make those that can do something about this do it? I wish this essay would run on the front page of every newspaper in America. Thanks, Michael, for sharing this with all of us. I will read the other articles you cited.
reply by the author on 15-Aug-2016
I completely agree with your poignant and timely essay. What do we have to do to make those that can do something about this do it? I wish this essay would run on the front page of every newspaper in America. Thanks, Michael, for sharing this with all of us. I will read the other articles you cited.
Comment Written 09-Jul-2016
reply by the author on 15-Aug-2016
Thanks so much. Sorry for the late reply, mikey
you are welcome
Comment from giraffmang
Hi Mikey,
I've said it before, and I'll say it again...
Any country that sees Kinder Eggs as a bigger threat than gun ownership needs a good hard look at itself!
Some will never see the facts over belief.
reply by the author on 09-Jul-2016
Hi Mikey,
I've said it before, and I'll say it again...
Any country that sees Kinder Eggs as a bigger threat than gun ownership needs a good hard look at itself!
Some will never see the facts over belief.
Comment Written 09-Jul-2016
reply by the author on 09-Jul-2016
HAAAAHAHAHA! Jeesh. I have to laugh, it's so true I want to cry. Yep, beliefs can sure override sense. mikey
Comment from Neonewman
Oh Mikey!
You may have just opened a can of worms my friend. I have read this piece twice and find at the bottom you meant to say "this instead of his" I believe. You know people on this site lol. I do own firearms myself. The statistics you provide are indeed cause for alarm and rightfully so. I see it on the news every damn day. I certainly respect your views as I find you both intelligent as well as a dear fanstory friend.
If this brings enemies your way, so be it. Did you really need them as friends anyway? I admire you courage in bringing this much needed information to this site. The guns I own were left to me by my grandfather and have a sentimental value to me. I do own a personal firearm for my own protection and that of my family. I certainly believe in the old saying "Don't bring a knife to a gunfight".
My guns "with the exception of the personal one" are locked tight in a gun vault with no ammo to accompany them. They are stored in secured location in which only I am aware of. The personal firearm is also secured in a crafty little hideaway out of harms way, unless needed.
I have only used it once(not fired by the way)to subdue a burglar in my home. He entered while my family slept in other rooms to rummage through our goods. That was many years ago and I do believe the outcome would have been different had I not owned the gun.
God bless my friend and I hope my words nor my beliefs did not offend.
reply by the author on 09-Jul-2016
Oh Mikey!
You may have just opened a can of worms my friend. I have read this piece twice and find at the bottom you meant to say "this instead of his" I believe. You know people on this site lol. I do own firearms myself. The statistics you provide are indeed cause for alarm and rightfully so. I see it on the news every damn day. I certainly respect your views as I find you both intelligent as well as a dear fanstory friend.
If this brings enemies your way, so be it. Did you really need them as friends anyway? I admire you courage in bringing this much needed information to this site. The guns I own were left to me by my grandfather and have a sentimental value to me. I do own a personal firearm for my own protection and that of my family. I certainly believe in the old saying "Don't bring a knife to a gunfight".
My guns "with the exception of the personal one" are locked tight in a gun vault with no ammo to accompany them. They are stored in secured location in which only I am aware of. The personal firearm is also secured in a crafty little hideaway out of harms way, unless needed.
I have only used it once(not fired by the way)to subdue a burglar in my home. He entered while my family slept in other rooms to rummage through our goods. That was many years ago and I do believe the outcome would have been different had I not owned the gun.
God bless my friend and I hope my words nor my beliefs did not offend.
Comment Written 09-Jul-2016
reply by the author on 09-Jul-2016
I'm so pleased you're back, Steve. I miss these great thoughtful responses. The way you describe your personal attitudes and practices of gun ownership is exactly how gun ownership should be treated. I have no doubt you'd be perfectly fine with filing out a few papers and even waiting a day or two for your purchase. I'd be fine with putting you in charge of penning regulations for gun ownership.
I know it would be a vast improvement over the mess we've got going now. Thanks so much for the great input. Just what I was hoping for, my friend. mikey
Happy To hear this my friend. The way kids are raised today has a lot to do with the society we live in now. We were raised in a different generation, the right generation.
God bless!
Happy To hear this my friend. The way kids are raised today has a lot to do with the society we live in now. We were raised in a different generation, the right generation.
God bless!
Comment from Spiritual Echo
For both presentation and content. Very strong. The forum has had this 'discussion' for some time. Watch out for Lancellot, as he has a very adamant argument about 2nd amendment rights.
I totally agree and have been very public and verbal on this issue. Try comparing Canada to the US where gun registration is mandatory, background cheques and safety course part of the deal. I don't live in fear of being shot. You can drive for hundreds of miles and not find a gun shop. Yet...all the illegal guns were brought in from the US.
reply by the author on 09-Jul-2016
For both presentation and content. Very strong. The forum has had this 'discussion' for some time. Watch out for Lancellot, as he has a very adamant argument about 2nd amendment rights.
I totally agree and have been very public and verbal on this issue. Try comparing Canada to the US where gun registration is mandatory, background cheques and safety course part of the deal. I don't live in fear of being shot. You can drive for hundreds of miles and not find a gun shop. Yet...all the illegal guns were brought in from the US.
Comment Written 09-Jul-2016
reply by the author on 09-Jul-2016
I'm so pleased you found this to your liking. I've been wanting to write something serious and straight forward for a change. Finally! Yep, Lancellot and I have been friends since I started here. I'm sure I'll here from him. LOL No problem. I do seek a discussion
I sooooo envy Canada in so many ways and along with medical care this is way at the top of the list. What a damn shame you folks can drive down buy a gun from us idiots and take them home. That is just embarrassing. Lovely neighbors, yes?
Thanks so much. mike
Comment from Ima L. Ami
The problem with the right to bear arms is that it was established so the Militia (We the People) could defend ourselves in the event of an attack on our country, to protect ourselves from a tyrannical government, and/or to ensure our continued way of life. It was never meant for us to have to defend ourselves from each other. If we were to ban ALL guns, then We the People who are innocent no longer have a way to protect ourselves from the internal threats that now exist.
reply by the author on 09-Jul-2016
The problem with the right to bear arms is that it was established so the Militia (We the People) could defend ourselves in the event of an attack on our country, to protect ourselves from a tyrannical government, and/or to ensure our continued way of life. It was never meant for us to have to defend ourselves from each other. If we were to ban ALL guns, then We the People who are innocent no longer have a way to protect ourselves from the internal threats that now exist.
Comment Written 09-Jul-2016
reply by the author on 09-Jul-2016
I'm not at all in favour of banning all guns. I'm just for some sense in regulating the ones we do allow. No problem with me for a sensible person having a firearm to protect their family with. Most sensible people don't mind a little scrutiny when qualifying for a driver's license for instance. Indeed, it's a pretty crazy world and the need for protection doesn't escape me. Thanks for the well thought out input. mikey :))
I do agree regulations are needed. No one in this country needs an AK47, or anything like that. If the day comes we do, I'm sure the government will arm us. hahahahah...... Btw, you're welcome again!