General Poetry posted December 21, 2016 Chapters:  ...30 31 -32- 33... 

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Free verse The shortest day of the year,
A chapter in the book Poetry

The longest night

by Jackarrie

Winter Solstice the shortest day
the wonder of the sun's rebirth
ancient voices we overhear
to share the mysteries
and rejoice another year

we gather
once again
to all who celebrate this  
winter's day
when a phenomenon to enjoy

recalling  our ancestors
they also welcomed same

 upright  stones await the Sun
from the lowest point in the sky
the tropic of Capricorn revered
radiance from small openings

how  stunning this sight to see
as the sun arrives in wonder clad
praise to the glory of our natural world.

the longest night is also the shortest day,

Ireland has a long and rich mythological history. In fact, some of Ireland's prehistoric structures date back more than 6,000 years, from before the pyramids in Giza in Eygpt.
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