General Poetry posted July 19, 2014 Chapters:  ...21 22 -23- 24... 

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The story in a poem about Maude Gonne.
A chapter in the book Poetry

A revolutionary feminist

by Jackarrie

An Irish nationalist she was
fighting for the Irish cause
wanting independence for Ireland
seeking to unify the whole Island

She was born on England's soil
this lady of beauty and beguile
with enthusiasm unbounded
"Daughters of Ireland" she founded

A special love for Yeats
Renown poet of the Greats
She was the main inspiration
of "The Rose" his literary creation

A woman of substance,
fighting for justice
from the English invader
an Irish Joan of Arc crusader.

Wife of Major John Mc bride
what followed did betide.
He was shot by a firing squad
his bravery was never flawed.

Their son Sean Mc bride,
won the noble peace prize
also silver medals from UNESCO
for his humanitarian manifesto.

Pride of a loving mother was denied
some twenty years earlier Maude died.


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She worked tirelessly for the release of Irish political prisoners from jail. In 1889, she first met William Butler Yeats, who fell in love with her.Maude was the love of Yeats life, but she said she did him a favor because poets should never marry.
She, along with other volunteers, fought to preserve the Irish culture during the period of Britain's colonization.

Maude married Major John Mc Bride He was executed in Kilmainham Jail Dublin, showing bravery, he would not wear a blind fold.
UNESCO is "United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization"

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