Romance Fiction posted February 9, 2025 Chapters: 1 -2- 3... 

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Tyler learns more about Rebeka.
A chapter in the book A Serendipitous Meeting

Serendipitous Chapter 1 B

by barbara.wilkey

Respect any man who heals a spirit he did not crush and raises a child he did not make.
Tyler and Rebeka met today.
Previous post:  
   "I guess I didn't fully introduce myself.  I'm Dr. Tyler Butler.  I'm an ER doctor.  I worked at Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas and oversaw the trauma center.  When Lori passed, I moved back home, to Longhorn Creek, to raise my niece, Lily or Missy to me.  I couldn't move the child to Dallas.  She needed to remain in familiar surroundings."  He took a few steps toward the den, then turned and faced her.
 "You still haven't given me your name.  How should I address you?"
 A loud gasp escaped her lips, before she answered, "Rebeka Miller."
   Tyler offered his hand.  "It's a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Miller."
 Cautiously Rebeka accepted it.  "I'm glad to meet you, Dr. Butler."
 "Now we have the introductions out of the way." Tyler grinned and turned.  "I'll get my bag."

Chapter 1 B


     Tyler sat in a chair across from Rebeka and opened his black bag.  He removed the stethoscope and draped it around his neck.  “I don’t have a lot of equipment at home, so I’m going to rely on you answering questions.”  Next, he removed a blood pressure cuff.  “I’ll check your blood pressure and pulse.”  He studied his watch as he did.  “It’s a little high.  Do you know what your normal reading is?”

     “Around 115/65.”

     He nodded.  “Right now, it’s 183/97.  I’m sure you were shaken by the accident.  I’m going to listen to your heart and chest.”  He stood and moved the stethoscope chest piece around.  “Please take a deep breath and exhale slowly.”

     Rebeka did.

     “Good.”  He moved to her back and listened.  “Everything sounds good.”  He took a retinoscope from his bag.  “I’m checking your eyes.”  After he did, he held up his right index finger.  “Follow my finger with only your eyes.  Don’t move your head.”  He put away the instruments.  “Other than the elevated blood pressure and pulse rate.  It registered at about ninety-five.  I’d say you’re doing all right.  I want to check both in about an hour.”

     He set his bag aside.  “Just rest for now.  I’ll make some coffee.  How do you like yours?”

     “How do you suggest?”

     His eyes widened.  “You don’t drink coffee?”  When she shook her head, he asked, “Sorry, what would you like?”

     “Water’s fine.”

     “Do you drink tea?”

     “I do.”

     “Aunt Beth’s a tea drinker.  Tea it is.”  He walked toward the kitchen.  “I’ll be right back.”

     A few minutes later, Tyler returned with two cups of tea.  “Tell me a little about yourself.  Where you from?”


     He grinned at her one-word answer.  “What brought you to this area?”

     “A vacation.”

     Peter and a large, wet, hairy dog entered.  “Ty, I brought your guest’s purse and a briefcase.  I didn’t see any luggage or a coat.”  He turned toward the door.  “I need to check a few things in the barn before I head home.”

     The dog shook and water flew everywhere.

     “Zeke, no!” shouted Tyler.  He stood and faced Rebeka.  “I’ll be right back.  I need to dry him off.  Then you can tell me how one goes on vacation without luggage.”

     Tyler returned with two large towels.  “Zeke, get over here.”  He waited while the golden retriever mix lumbered to him and sat.  When he knelt beside the dog, Zeke licked his face.  Tyler swiped at it.  “You know I’m not a fan of dog kisses.”  He dried the thick fur as much as possible, then stood and said to Rebeka, “As soon as I put these in the laundry room, you can explain why one would go on vacation without luggage.”  

 When he returned and sat, he said, “I’m anxious to hear this story.  Since I’m sharing my home with you, I’d prefer the truth.”

     “I had some problems today and decided to go for a drive and just kept driving.”  Rebeka studied her hands, as she continued, “When I stopped for gas, I decided to take a vacation for a few days, but then the storm and the accident.”

     “You’re running away?”

     “I guess that’s one way to put it.”

     “Are you running from a job, a boyfriend or husband, or the law?”

     “Definitely not the law.  I don’t have a boyfriend or husband.  I’m an author, so I have a job.”

     “Then what?”

     “I discovered someone I trusted embezzled some money.  I needed time to decide how to handle it.”

     “Did you contact the police?”

     “No.  I wasn’t sure how to handle it.”

     She’s soaking wet.  Tyler studied her for a few moments.  “I’m sorry.  I’ve been a poor host.  You’ve got to be cold.  While you take a hot bath, I’ll contact Aunt Beth.  I’m sure she has some clothes you can borrow.”  He led Rebeka upstairs and pointed to a room down the hall and to the right.  “While you’re here, that’ll be your room.”  After a few more steps, he opened the door.  “The bathroom.”  He removed a few towels from a closet and handed them to her.  “Maybe this will help.  I’ll be in the den, if you need anything.” 


     It didn’t take long for Tyler to get Elizabeth on FaceTime.  “Aunt Beth, I’m sure you, Missy, and Christina are having a great time.”

     Lily butted in, “Uncle Ty, we’re making chocolate chip cookies.”

     “Bring me some, okay?”

     “I’ll try, but they’re really good with hot chocolate.”

     “You’re right.  I need to talk with Aunt Beth.  I’ll call later tonight, all right?”  Once she returned the phone to Elizabeth, Tyler said, “A young lady’s car crashed into our mailbox.”

     “Is she all right?”

     “I attempted to take her to ER, but the road’s flooded.  She doesn’t have any luggage and her clothes are wet.  I’m wondering if she can borrow some.”

     “Of course.  Is she about my size?”

     “No.  She’s very petite and slender.”

     “They’ll be too large.  What’s her name?”

     “Rebeka Miller.  She says she’s an author.”

     “No way!  The Rebeka Miller?”

     “That’s what she said.  You know her?”

     “She’s my favorite new author.”  Elizabeth turned from the phone.  “Christina, Rebeka Miller crashed into our mailbox and is in our home.”

     Christina came to the phone and held up the back of a book.  “Does she look like this?”

     Tyler nodded.  “That’s her.  What does she write?”

     Elizabeth answered, “Romcoms. Romance, clean Christian romance.  She’s young.  Something like twenty-two or twenty-three years old.  She published her first book before she graduated college.  The second book came out a few months ago.  Both were immediately best sellers.”

     “I guess she’s the real deal.  Where can I find some clothes?”

     “In my bottom dresser drawer are some I outgrew.  It’s the smallest I have.  They’ll still be too big.  The sweats have ties so she can tighten them.  Just have her help herself to whatever she needs.”

     “Thank you.  I’ll put her clothes in the dryer.”

     “Wash them first.  From what you said, it’s all she has.”

     “It is.  I’ll call later and say goodnight to Missy.”

     “Wait.  I have beef-vegetable stew in the crockpot and the makings for cornbread on the counter.”

     “Don’t worry Aunt Beth, I have this.  Talk with you later.”


     Tyler went to Elizabeth’s room and grabbed some sweat bottoms.  He didn’t find any tops, so grabbed a couple flannel shirts from his closet.  They’re too large, but at least they’re dry.  He knocked on the bathroom door.  “I laid some dry clothes outside the door.  I’ll be in the kitchen when you’re done.”  A few moments later, Tyler knocked on the bathroom door again.  “I forgot to say, bring your wet clothes with you, and I’ll wash them.  I’m leaving a T-shirt and some more clothes in the bedroom.  You can use the T-shirt for PJ’s tonight.”


     Once she heard footsteps return down the stairs, she cracked open the door and grabbed the clothes.  She held up the sweat bottoms and studied them.  “I’ve never worn pants.  Father would be so upset, but I don’t have a choice.  I wonder if the females’ not wearing pants rule has exceptions.  I hope so.  I’ve broken so many rules.”  Tears welled in her eyes.  “Father will be so disappointed when he finds out.”  She held the clothes to her chest and cried.


Rebeka Miller - our heroine, she's twenty -two, a romance award winning author, extremely old fashioned
Dr. Tyler Butler - 'Ty' an ER doctor, raising his niece.
Richard Stuart - Rebeka's agent and all around not nice guy
Amber Wilson - Rebeka's personal assistance and best friend
Peter Dawson - Tyler's friend and part-time ranch hand
Elizabeth - 'Aunt Beth', helping raise Lily and helped raise Tyler after parents died
Christina - Elizabeth's close friend
Lily - 'Missy', Tyler's niece, 5 years old
Lori - Tyler's deceased sister and mother of Lily
Zeke - Golden Retriever mix, family dog



For those who are just joining me. A Serendipitous Meeting is a little different novel for a number of reasons. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did as I wrote it. Tyler and Rebeka became close as they worked together through the forces that attempted to keep them apart. I have completed writing it and am off writing a new novel. I pray you enjoy reading this novel.

Chapter 1 is a really long chapter. I had hoped to post it two parts, but I need to do it in three parts. Today I'm posting part 2 and it's a little over 1200 words.

As you already know, I made changes last minute, as I posted. Thank you for taking your time to read and write a review.
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