Fantasy Fiction posted January 20, 2025 | Chapters: |
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Who needs an aerial drone when you've got Valentin?
A chapter in the book The Gardens at Weatherbury
C12 - Seeing the Whole Picture
by Y. M. Roger
Background Background: After accepting the position as Groundskeeper (**See End Notes), Nicholas is discovering all about the fantastical Gardens he'll be in charge of. Here, a REAL look at the grounds... |

SPECIAL NOTE: Through Thursday Night (January 23), you can also earn points and bucks for EVERY CHAPTER of the book up to this one. Just pop over to my Portfolio and it’s right there on top! Don’t miss out on this fun adventure! And, yes, each one is only about 500-700 words, folks! ;)
END of Chapter 11: “Oh my gosh!” I exclaimed as I realized what was happening. “Sir Archie! Valentin’s becoming part of the map!”
The imps all froze in their actions – Shot and Jerry still hovering – all of their mouths agape. Archie turned slowly toward me with that look of consternation as I watched some of the different shapes on the map begin to glow with that same luminescence as Valentin himself. Of course, the sudden halt in activity was Constantine’s cue to put those hands on his hips again and eye me from head to toe, searching intently for the second head that his gaze made me feel like I’d suddenly grown.
“It’s Devining!” Was the loud chorus from six different voices all quite incredulous in their own manner and tone.
BEGIN Chapter 12:
As I stood staring, it appeared that each of the basic ‘figures’ and even the pathways only lightly depicted in ink on the original map took on their own unique hue, some solid colors, some more of light-on-the-water effect. More and more, every aspect became three dimensional, a miniature representation of the particular item designated on the parchment by simple words. It was the most beautiful ‘becoming’ I’d ever witnessed!
There were ‘water attractions’ like ponds and fountains that grew up out of the page and actually ‘flowed’. And the bamboo grove stood tall and swayed in some unseen breeze – okay, six inches high or so, but that’s tall compared to a flat shape labeled ‘Bamboo Grove’ on the page! It was like a virtual reality representation of the entire Weatherbury grounds…
I leaned in to get a closer view of what looked to be some of the biggest flowers I’d ever seen. They were all a yellowish orange, it seemed, and it was a bit difficult to discern their individual petals. But they were still so pretty! I began to reach toward them when Constantine’s diminutive hand gently grabbed my wrist.
“Ay, Groundskeeper,” he whispered reverently as the map continued to ‘come to life’ across the desktop, “but if we int’rupt the connection, we could miss somethin’ else that needs fixin’.”
I nodded in agreement, although I really had no idea to what connection he was referring. Or that there was anything wrong with the flowers – they were just really big! Truth be told, I was completely wide-eyed and lost in fascination with the whole process.
And that was when I chanced a glance over at Constantine as well as Sir Archie. I’m not sure they were any less amazed at the process than I was; although, honestly, Sir Archie was a bit harder to read with his stiff posture and those squinty little eyes of his. But both of them seemed to hold their collective breath as the process neared the end of the parchment.
Until Sprig sneezed.
And it wasn’t just a teeny, tiny little imp-sneeze – I mean, that sneeze blew the poor little thing across the desk and into the wall, a trail of bluish-green liquid spraying in his wake. As Sprig slid down the wall into a heap, everything on the map froze, including the imps. In fact, the only sound was a tiny whimper from Sprig himself.
“Sprig, are you al–“
That was all I managed before the entire entourage erupted in laughter: including Valentin, although his was a silent laughter of neon colors that played along the walls, floor and ceiling.
Even Sprig joined in. Okay, so one of his antennae was a bit cock-eyed, and he couldn’t walk straight at first especially as he tried to wipe that gooey ‘snot’ from himself, but he was certainly laughing. And then he began nodding his head waving his arms with hands clasped over his head in that ‘victory’ action… not sure what he had to be ‘victorious’ about since he was still stumbling quite noticeably. Then, before he had time to completely steady himself with his ‘cheering’, Minah sneezed, too, and was propelled against the same wall, only a short piece away from Sprig.
And just as suddenly as the laughter had begun, it stopped. Constantine just shook his head with slumped shoulders and Sir Archie’s stature seemed crestfallen.
But Sprig stood as tall as a drunken sailor, proclaiming with all the bravado of a conquering hero, “And I found the problem FIRST!” He stumbled following the proclamation, still having not fully found his equilibrium after his collision with the wall.
“That’s not fair!” piped in Minah, sprawled on the floor though valiantly trying repeatedly to stand. “Just because his nose is bigger! We both fou–“
“Ye both found squat!” Constantine interrupted. “Groundskeeper Nicholas spotted the issue long before either of ye. In fact, he spied it before Valentin even finished and ye got a good sniff of it!”
Sir Archie gasped and turned to look at me. Even Spot looked impressed as Jerry’s mouth hung open in disbelief. And it was obviously Minah and Sprig’s turn to fold those unsteady arms and glare me for apparently stealing their thunder, as it were: Sprig standing while Minah had managed to steady his seated position.
“Doomed!” Jerry hollered in feigned anguish and threw himself dramatically onto the desktop. “We’re all doomed to a life of uselessness!”
Oh, no! What issue did I spot?
**The Gardens at Weatherbury started out a few years ago as a collection of approximately 500 word chapters that resulted from a 'First Chapter' competition. The story is about young Nicholas' continuing adventures as Groundskeeper for the unique gardens at the fantastical Weatherbury Estate. Although I'm not limiting my present-day contributions to exactly 500 words, they will definitely 'hover' in that vicinity to maintain the attention of a pre-teen audience for whom the book is intended.
Nicholas (narrator) - young boy (current age 17), telling of adventures since accepting Weatherbury's Groundskeeper job at age 14.
Constantine - garden gnome and self-appointed on-site manager of the Gardens
Sir Archibald - (aka Archie or Sir Archie) eccentric pink armadillo tasked with organization and upkeep of the Garden Shed
Imps - (an imp is a small mischievous sprite) There are a total of four imps: Jerry, Shot, Minah and Sprig. They are charged with the care and handling of the Gardens' maps and other contents of the filing cabinet.
Valentin - (officially the Gardens' DeVine) sentient vine occupying the 'desk' in the Garden Shed whose responsibility it is to read and interpret the maps contained in the filing cabinet.
Rosalind - (aka Rosa) sentient climbing rosebush whose job it is to guard the Garden Shed
Sir Phillipe - owner of Weatherbury Estate
George Thrasher - (aka G-Trash according to Constantine) former Groundskeeper, employment terminated by Sir Phillipe in Prologue
one point
and 2 member cents. CAST OF CHARACTERS:
Nicholas (narrator) - young boy (current age 17), telling of adventures since accepting Weatherbury's Groundskeeper job at age 14.
Constantine - garden gnome and self-appointed on-site manager of the Gardens
Sir Archibald - (aka Archie or Sir Archie) eccentric pink armadillo tasked with organization and upkeep of the Garden Shed
Imps - (an imp is a small mischievous sprite) There are a total of four imps: Jerry, Shot, Minah and Sprig. They are charged with the care and handling of the Gardens' maps and other contents of the filing cabinet.
Valentin - (officially the Gardens' DeVine) sentient vine occupying the 'desk' in the Garden Shed whose responsibility it is to read and interpret the maps contained in the filing cabinet.
Rosalind - (aka Rosa) sentient climbing rosebush whose job it is to guard the Garden Shed
Sir Phillipe - owner of Weatherbury Estate
George Thrasher - (aka G-Trash according to Constantine) former Groundskeeper, employment terminated by Sir Phillipe in Prologue

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