Biographical Non-Fiction posted January 15, 2024 | Chapters: |
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One world to another
A chapter in the book Spectre
by Lea Tonin1
The author has placed a warning on this post for language.
The suns sink bleeds color over cobalt mountains
The misting lake pleads a liquid hand
White wonder freeze casts on asphalt faces
Dark vehicle spins a crunching dance
Rocky hills carved out silhouettes against azure skies
Curved strip of the moon smiling it's lunar grin
First on the scene it's power waxing
Diamond soldiers blinked their staccato beat
The pine army bows their heads for the moon's reign
The light of day will see them stand once again.
Game highways twist and turn among the green
Nature displays her wares both day and night
We are the blend
Here, deep in the mountains of western Canada, surrounded in some of the best scenes of nature in the world, I wake in the wee hours of Sunday morning. I've awoken early because my mind's been spinning with ideas and plans to create art, to write and to decorate my new home.
I will go home and move quickly as I have five days to pack.
I take possession immediately, being ready on time is the only option. Finally after years of trying, I can leave and can do this anonymously. I cannot be worried about what my family will do, if they don't know where I'm at.
Regardless, it's set up in such a way that they can do nothing to me. I have all my ducks in a row. I have my writing and the mission I wish to accomplish with that. I make exquisite jewelry. I paint wildlife pictures and give readings to try and help other people.
My dreams have become a mixture of future hopes and past realities. At the very best, it's confusing. At the very worst, it's a nightmare. But I think it's just my subconscious trying to sort things out and showing itself in dreams.
Soon I will live by the warmest Lake that this province can offer it is the warmest tree-lined lake in the province at 22 degrees Celsius in the summer. A very nice tempurature that works out to around 70° Fahrenheit.
Smallmouth and wide mouth bass fishing, Kokanee and trout. I have my belly boat, my flippers and my fly rod. Fly fishing is great fun I will take advantage of it this year and going forward. Any fanstory friends are welcome to visit!
So my past self and my present self are moving away. The first time I did it, was best decision I could make and so will the second one.
So let's check on her journey now that we've checked on mine.
All aboard!
The week went by quickly, as if destined for speed. It speeds again when you're happy, and I was feeling pretty euphoric.
Mrs. B was as gracious as always and assured me my place in her family remained. I made promises to keep in contact and she with me. We hugged many times, cried a little, and resolved to stay close.
Friday came and it was time to meet with our friends for the evening. The early morning would see us on the road. A dozen of us, including my sister gathered together in C's apartment chatting and laughing at the years memories as well as years past before I came along.
C had a nickname, Pookie or Pook for short, named after Garfield's teddy bear. I found that amusing since C was tall, slim build, and blond. One other friend, not too tall not too short, but he was round all over the place. His head was very round, everyone called him 'Egg' instead of his real name.
P was there too showing off a new we way to give people the finger. First, middle finger up, followed by the index finger pointing at you and then the 'ok' sign, finally a thumb sticking out like you're hitch hiking.
Translated to English it means, 'Fuck you, ok? Get out.' I laughed until I thought I was gonna pass out!
Much sick humor was imparted that night. Emphasis on sick. So I told a couple.
"How come chickens can't wear underwear? Cuz, their peckers are in their heads!"
They all laughed again. The night sped quickly like the nights have for the last year when feeling good. Assuring our friends that we will contact them once we're set up, so that they know where we were and that all is well.
It was sad and exciting to see them all go, because I knew that the time was coming to leave. To go and start a new life elsewhere, and yet we would not see our friends for a while either. I caught a ride home with P saving C a trip so he could get more rest. With a light kiss good night and a promise to see each other in the morning, I left with P.
"Whazz up girl? This is what you want? You gonna be ok?" P peppered me with questions just to assure himself all was well.
Returning home, I turned and gave P a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. I thanked him for all that he has done, his friendship to me and all that we shall do as friends in the future.
As I slipped between the covers to what would be my last night in that room, my mind is filled with questions as to what it be like where we were going. How we would do as a couple, but with never any intention or thought of failure in mind. Finally sleep took me. It seemed like seconds when there was a light knock on my door.
"Oh, good morning dear, you're friend's here."
Sometimes, when I look back at certain times of my life, I wonder if there's regrets or memories. Is there fondness? Is there love? Or is it that I'd rather not have any thought of it at all. But, I think in any relationship, good or bad, you have all of those elements.
These days my priorities have changed. I have bigger fish to fry as they say. There are moments, I find, in my life where I feel profound change is on the verge of blooming.
I wait for the bloom....
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This chapter is part of an autobio called Spectre. Book two in a three-part trilogy. Book one is called Ghost and can be found in my portfolio.
Both can be read if you wish. Please note, a word of caution. Some chapters are hard to digest, therefore reader discretion is advised.
***Photo by Lea Tonin***
one point
and 2 member cents. Both can be read if you wish. Please note, a word of caution. Some chapters are hard to digest, therefore reader discretion is advised.
***Photo by Lea Tonin***

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