Romance Poetry posted October 12, 2023 Chapters:  ...52 53 -54- 55... 

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Gogyohka - Five Lines Poem
A chapter in the book 2023 Gypsy's Tanka

When my Bride Blossoms

by Gypsy Blue Rose

sunrise wakens my desire

when my bride blossoms in my arms—

I lick cherry juice from her lips

as her womanhood opens
and she tastes like spring

Gogyohka is a five-line poem similar to Tanka but with an unlimited syllable count, though you should keep it as succinct as possible.

Gogyohka is a five-line free-style Japanese poetic form with no strict rules on syllable count but as brief as possible. Any theme. Lines are grammatically connected. Alliteration, personification, and metaphor are okay but never rhyme. Japanese poets have written gogyohka since the 1910s. However, they did not name the form until 1983 by poet Enta Kusakabe. === source = writers digest ===source=wikipedia

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