General Poetry posted March 17, 2023 Chapters:  ...21 22 -23- 24... 

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Honoring our Lovely Ladies for Women's History Month
A chapter in the book Tributes

The Great Women of FanStory

by Debi Pick Marquette


All of the women I know here, are wonderful and great

We build each other up while helping others to create

Respectful views and feedback, while you also illustrate

Some sound advice to new ones, as you help initiate


I love hearing the great news, of a dear friend's health update

She may need some TLC,  but you don't hesitate

A person who has done quite well, you always celebrate

To make their day with kindness, as you then congratulate


No place is always perfect, so we must communicate

They don't look down their noses and do not judge or berate

And won't assume a heart, unless their shoes they navigate

Instead see good in everyone; it's such an awesome trait


Some tell about their kids, or maybe, "Grand and also Great"

I do not have the "Great" yet, but I fear I'll have a wait

If not allowed to share our faith, I'd worry 'bout my fate

God wants us to love all; I think we do accommodate 


Our physical and mental health, we can't manipulate

This is a happy healthy place, where we all congregate

I love this second family; my heart will say it straight 

You are the "Greatest Women," here at FanStory Estate



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