Contest Vote For Fan Story HeroesThe voting has ended. Showing the final vote count. |
12 votes | My Dear Friend and Soul Mate by Sasha |
8 votes | The Blank Page by Spiritual Echo |
2 votes | FanStory Heroes by dbmccarter |
Loving story of a friend met on FS.
This author looked beyond that which is at first evident and found the mind, heart and soul of her hero on FanStory.
Heart rending
It was good to see someone actually name one hero and tell why this person was her hero. I loved how she added some of his poetry at the end.
First of all, because you mentioned me--just kidding. Because you are one hell of a writer, and teacher, my friend.
This is filled with humor, deep emotion and well developed metaphors. It is what I hope to do and hope to read more about on this site. It is very inspirational and very well written. It speaks to the reader in a way that we can relate to and in a way that inspires us.