
Contest Vote For Holiday Blessings

The voting has ended. Showing the final vote count.

11 votes Mom's Last Christmas by Earl Corp
8 votes The Joy of Christmas by Mary Vigasin
4 votes A Solemn Celebration by eliz100
2 votes Christmas by Joanne Gill-Maddick

Comments For The Joy of Christmas by Mary Vigasin

I voted first place for the story titled, "The joy of Christmas." Why I voted for this story is because the author's mother had no christmas when she was a child. She made sure that her children enjoyed the festive season and heartily prepared for her family to enjoy Christmas. She also took time to tell them the story behind Christmas. The father stopped celebrating Christmas with the children after the loss of the wife,maybe because he did not want to replay what used to be the happy moments of his wife and his children. The latter part of the is good, the author himself continues the spirit of Christmas because according to him, "Christmas is a blessing and a special gift," from his mother to keep her momery and the truth of the story behind Christmas she used to tell.

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