Walking a fine line.24 total reviews
Comment from Lordinajamjar
Lisa, this is a great expression of faith.
You captured the spirit of the subject and released its essence in a poetic spray that complemented that spirit.
Beautifully done.
reply by the author on 30-Jun-2019
Lisa, this is a great expression of faith.
You captured the spirit of the subject and released its essence in a poetic spray that complemented that spirit.
Beautifully done.
Comment Written 30-Jun-2019
reply by the author on 30-Jun-2019
Thanks so much for walking the tightrope with me, John. I really appreciate your affirming review.
I got the speed wobbles when I heard the poem had won!!
Comment from dragonpoet
You use line breaks well in the this free verse poem about faith and looking for hope ahead and gaining strength from faith to not look behind and trust the path you are given
Congrats on the win, Lisa.
reply by the author on 30-Jun-2019
You use line breaks well in the this free verse poem about faith and looking for hope ahead and gaining strength from faith to not look behind and trust the path you are given
Congrats on the win, Lisa.
Comment Written 30-Jun-2019
reply by the author on 30-Jun-2019
Thanks for your spot-on interpretation of my poem. I am pleased you visited it and have given me your affirming comments. I appreciate your good wishes, too.
Comment from Joan E.
Congratulations on winning the Faith contest with this striking ensemble. I particularly admired your alliteration of "s's" and "wire" metaphor. Here's to a productive, new week- Joan
reply by the author on 30-Jun-2019
Congratulations on winning the Faith contest with this striking ensemble. I particularly admired your alliteration of "s's" and "wire" metaphor. Here's to a productive, new week- Joan
Comment Written 30-Jun-2019
reply by the author on 30-Jun-2019
That's a lovely review! Thanks you so much for your kind good wishes, Joan.
Comment from Contests
reply by the author on 30-Jun-2019
A contest winning entry! A seven star rating from the Contest Committee for posting the winning contest entry. |
Comment Written 30-Jun-2019
reply by the author on 30-Jun-2019
Thank you so much for the vote of confidence in my poem.
Comment from Rachelle Allen
You have the most incredible knack for being able to find strength and resolve deep within yourself. You have been knocked down, but you have never stayed down, and that is the most laudable and admirable of qualities. To me, this poem is the perfect representation of all that and the remarkable person I consider you to be. xo
reply by the author on 19-May-2019
You have the most incredible knack for being able to find strength and resolve deep within yourself. You have been knocked down, but you have never stayed down, and that is the most laudable and admirable of qualities. To me, this poem is the perfect representation of all that and the remarkable person I consider you to be. xo
Comment Written 19-May-2019
reply by the author on 19-May-2019
Who? Me? Impostor syndrome... fake it till you make it... shuffle, shuffle. I feel honoured that you have deigned to notice what a stratospherically superior scion of ability I am. Back atcha. x
Copy cat.
Or is it Birds of a feather flock together?
I just think that might be so. Cheep, cheep (why don't birds go: expensive, expensive?)
You're obviously operating on very little sleep this morning.
Btw, do you know why Mozart killed his chickens? Because he was sick to death of hearing them say, "Bach, Bach, Bach."
Did he end up Chopin their heads off??
Yes!! It made them Liszt to one side!
They'll just have to Handel it better.
They've got to become better at Haydn.
Damn... you stole my next retort!!!
Well, I'm off to put Debussy outside now.
Comment from Dean Kuch
Good example of consonance and alliteration with, "the wire hums hymns of hope," Anonymous Poet.
This also portrays a tangible form of faith in order that we can wrap our minds around the concept in utilizing the tight rope walker and balancing pole.
Good entry, well presented.
Good luck!
reply by the author on 18-May-2019
Good example of consonance and alliteration with, "the wire hums hymns of hope," Anonymous Poet.
This also portrays a tangible form of faith in order that we can wrap our minds around the concept in utilizing the tight rope walker and balancing pole.
Good entry, well presented.
Good luck!
Comment Written 18-May-2019
reply by the author on 18-May-2019
Thanks for reviewing. We all need to hang onto something to keep our balance in life. Some of us know to choose faith. Even baby steps will get us to the other side.
Comment from Irish Rain
Beautiful faith poem entry Miss Lisa.
Something to remember when I'm faced
with the choice of quitting, or going forward.
I never walk the tightrope alone.
Lovely, Blessings...
reply by the author on 17-May-2019
Beautiful faith poem entry Miss Lisa.
Something to remember when I'm faced
with the choice of quitting, or going forward.
I never walk the tightrope alone.
Lovely, Blessings...
Comment Written 17-May-2019
reply by the author on 17-May-2019
Thanks for your very generous words and rating. Much appreciated. We all should trust His unseen guiding hand in perilous places, to keep us balanced and looking forward.
Comment from Gail Denham
This poem describes so many of us - at least me - I worry a lot. This poem speaks to me about that worry. "I won't look down". We're told to "rejoice evermore" - "don't worry about anything" - and God backs up His promises.
Your poem made me think.
reply by the author on 17-May-2019
This poem describes so many of us - at least me - I worry a lot. This poem speaks to me about that worry. "I won't look down". We're told to "rejoice evermore" - "don't worry about anything" - and God backs up His promises.
Your poem made me think.
Comment Written 17-May-2019
reply by the author on 17-May-2019
I hope you didn't have to think TOO hard too early in the morning! God will help us to cross the abyss to a safer place if we trust him.
Thanks for reviewing.
Comment from Raffaelina Lowcock
Wonderful use of metaphors. I love the positive aspect of your poem. Never say die and never give up. Truly well composed and meaningful.
Love it.
reply by the author on 17-May-2019
Wonderful use of metaphors. I love the positive aspect of your poem. Never say die and never give up. Truly well composed and meaningful.
Love it.
Comment Written 17-May-2019
reply by the author on 17-May-2019
Just keep shuffling along when it gets scary. Thanks so much for your lovely comments. I really appreciate them.
Comment from Carla Trinklein
Now I have clammy palms. I can't watch tightrope walkers. Reading about one isn't any better! :) This is a different twist on the faith theme! Yes, a tightrope walker would make his living based on his faith in himself...and his co-performers, and in God. Your premise is creative and I'm guessing you'll do very well in this contest.
reply by the author on 16-May-2019
Now I have clammy palms. I can't watch tightrope walkers. Reading about one isn't any better! :) This is a different twist on the faith theme! Yes, a tightrope walker would make his living based on his faith in himself...and his co-performers, and in God. Your premise is creative and I'm guessing you'll do very well in this contest.
Comment Written 16-May-2019
reply by the author on 16-May-2019
Thanks for your support in this review. I'm sorry it made you quiver.