Reviews from

Grandma in Her Garden

A tribute to gardeners everywhere this spring.

49 total reviews 
Comment from artisart4u
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

When a person enjoys doing, they will do it throughout their life.
Your picture and colors are nice and congratulations on your wins.
I tried reviewing the one about Autumn but I couldn't select a rating.

 Comment Written 24-Aug-2024

reply by the author on 24-Aug-2024
    Thank you so much for taking the time to find and praise this poem. Rod
Comment from MissMerri
This work has reached the exceptional level

Wow! Such vivid imagery and detailed descriptions that bring this scene so clearly to life. I loved this poem, with its musical lilt and delicious rhymes, but best of all was the picture your words painted. It could have been describing my mother, who also tilled the ground and planted her bulbs and flowers until a few weeks before her death. What wonderful memories you've created with this beautifully written poem. Thank you. It is simply perfect.

 Comment Written 05-May-2018

reply by the author on 05-May-2018
    I am so pleased you think my poem is perfect, and even more delighted it brought back fond memories of your mother. It was a joy to write. Many thanks for the high praise and those six bright stars. Rod. P.S. look for ?Grandpa in His Garden? which I am posting tomorrow.
Comment from frogbook
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

What a lovely and vivid tribute to a grandmother's love of her garden. A sweet picture and poem so full of imagery that it makes us feel as though we know her or would at least like to.

 Comment Written 02-May-2018

reply by the author on 02-May-2018
    I am delighted you enjoyed ?Grandma in Her Garden.? Could you explain your rating? Rod
reply by frogbook on 02-May-2018
    I went back to see and would not show but I believed I gave it a 5 -was there an issue? Anyway I did give a 5 now if there was. Sorry for any confusion.
reply by the author on 02-May-2018
    Thank you for rechecking. Rod
Comment from Mrs. KT
This work has reached the exceptional level

Hello Rod,
Gardening is my life...aside from writing...
Your beautifully executed poem truly reflects the love and care that gardeners everywhere expend in their gardens. I have spent so many hours on my hands and knees weeding that I have lost count!
Your last stanza sums up gardening for me:
Her love for Nature's clearly shown
in secret smile and shining eyes.
No other place does she prefer
than this, her garden paradise.

Thank you for this wonderful tribute!


 Comment Written 01-May-2018

reply by the author on 01-May-2018
    Hi Diane. I am delighted that you enjoyed ?Grandma in Her Garden? so much and could easily relate to this gardener. I truly appreciate your very kind praise and that six-star bonus. Rod
Comment from Joy Graham
This work has reached the exceptional level

Hi Rod,

You had me at your title :) Anything to do with Grandma and her garden is a sure winner with me. You describe her clothes and what she does in the garden so well. I can picture it well.

Joy xx

 Comment Written 30-Apr-2018

reply by the author on 30-Apr-2018
    Joy, I am delighted I could put you there in Grandma?s garden. Many thanks for your high praise and the six-star bonus. Rod
Comment from Artasylum
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I was right there with grandma in her happy and perfect place. I love gardening and completely understand the thrill of being able to read the ground and make things grow. yours, diana

 Comment Written 30-Apr-2018

reply by the author on 30-Apr-2018
    Ah, Diana, I am delighted I could put you there with Grandma in her garden. Many thanks for sharing. Rod
Comment from LateBloomer
This work has reached the exceptional level

Hello RogG, I just loved reading this poem, and I could relate. It reminded me of my own grandmother from the babushka in the photo to the following verse:

She'll scratch the earth and scrutinize
each swatch of greenish growth she sees,
survey the ground metic'lously
for mold and other maladies.

Excellent rhyming, good alliteration, vivid imagery, and great vocabulary word choices. A pleasure to read. Keep the blue water flowing. LateBloomer

 Comment Written 30-Apr-2018

reply by the author on 30-Apr-2018
    I am excited that you like ?Grandma in Her Garden? so much and delighted the poem reminds you of your own grandmother. Many thanks for the wonderful praise and the six-star bonus. Rod
Comment from Abby Wilson-hand
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

wow what a beautiful poem
so derseving of a six I'm all out
excellent I would not change a thing

 Comment Written 30-Apr-2018

reply by the author on 30-Apr-2018
    Thank you, Abby, for your very kind praise of ?Grandma in Her Garden.? Rod
Comment from Boogienights
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I think this is lovely. It reminds me of my mom who loved plants and flowers. She could never really have a garden as we lived in the city and rented, but she did wonders with flower pots and bagged soil. Sorry to say, I don't have a green thumb. Thanks for sharing.

 Comment Written 30-Apr-2018

reply by the author on 30-Apr-2018
    Pot gardening is becoming quite the thing among condo and apartment dwellers. I am delighted you enjoyed stepping into Grandma?s garden if only vicariously. Rod
reply by Boogienights on 30-Apr-2018
Comment from tfawcus
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Clearly the complete gardener. What a lovely pen picture! I particularly liked, "to sift rebirth from winterkill". There's nothing more satisfying than planting things and watching them grow. Of course, the inveterate gardener seldom has time to sit about watching anything, unless it be with an eye to eradicating pests!

 Comment Written 30-Apr-2018

reply by the author on 30-Apr-2018
    Thank you, Tony,for sharing my poem. I agree that planting and watching even house plants can be a joyful experience. Rod