Reviews from

Hannukah Miracle

Actually Hanukkah Story! Hope o.k.

8 total reviews 
Comment from zanya
This work has reached the exceptional level

This story warms the heart of us humans in our far-from-perfect world - a family muddling through , just as most of us try to do- realism shines through the dialogue and these are some of the everyday 'miracles'which we sometimes fail to notice

 Comment Written 09-Jan-2016

reply by the author on 10-Jan-2016
    Thank you Zanya so much for the reading and review! I'm truly honored.
    Thank you also for your spot-on interpretation (at least as I intended): we are all flawed in some way, yet there is the possibility of the miracle of love and family.
    Thank you again!
    All the Best,
reply by zanya on 10-Jan-2016
    Stacia Ann,
    You are most welcome- it's a rarity to encounter writing that encapsulates the human 'everyday' struggle so well. Zanya
reply by the author on 10-Jan-2016
    Thanks again:)
Comment from dragonpoet
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is a very well written story of the sad fact that a lot of people have forgotten the stories of their faith. Faith doesn't seem to be as important as it used to be. It is good that school now teaches about all religious backgrounds.

Not quite a Christmas story but a good holiday story that shows miracles of any religious holiday season.

Congrats on the placing in the contest.

Keep writing


 Comment Written 07-Jan-2016

reply by the author on 10-Jan-2016
    Thank you so much for the reading and review, Dragon! Much appreciated.
    Agree, many of us forget in the rush of everyday living our traditions--but somehow having children tends to reignite the importance of our cultural heritage.
    Thank you again for stopping by!
    All the Best,
reply by dragonpoet on 11-Jan-2016
    You are very welcome. How true about children.
    reigniting the idea of tradtiion.

Comment from babylonia
This work has reached the exceptional level

I really LOVE that you at least received third place for this. I was one of the first to win one of these Christmas contests with a Hanukkah story. A friend won a year or two later with a Ramadam story. I really enjoyed your story. It made me laugh. Hope you have a great day.

 Comment Written 07-Jan-2016

reply by the author on 10-Jan-2016
    Thank you so much for the reading and review, Barbara! I'm truly honored.
    I thought it was something of risk entering a Hanukkah story, but I don't really know how to write about Christmas, and so many other writers do it well. Glad to hear other cultural/religious traditions are being recognized.
    Thank you again for stopping by:)
reply by babylonia on 06-Apr-2016
    I totally understand. I don't do Christmas stories. We have to be brave and write what we know. Here is your safe place. Hope you are having a great day.
Comment from w.j.debi
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

What a sweet story. The Hanukkah celebration produced a miracle that was not expected. Love can grow in the oddest places, but it is something we all need and we all cherish. Nice way hat you slump the story of Hanukkah in. You do a great job of making just another evening turn into a special occasion by showing how re people really do care for each other.

 Comment Written 25-Dec-2015

reply by the author on 26-Dec-2015
    Thanks so much for your thoughtful analysis of the story, Debi! Much appreciated.
    "Incidental" love and the coming together of a family is a favorite theme of mine:)
    I'll have a look at your work asap.
    Thanks again for stopping by!
Comment from Linda Kay
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I agree with you, this should meet the spirit of the contest, I really enjoyed it. I think the inner dialogue of Sharona worked very well to help create the backstory and develop the characters. By the end of this short story, the reader cares about the 3 characters and is happy they have found the miracle of a family!

 Comment Written 25-Dec-2015

reply by the author on 26-Dec-2015
    Thanks so much for the reading and review, Linda! Much appreciated.
    I really like that phrase, "the miracle of family." The magic of a family coming together is not always based on biology but is always magic:)
    Thanks again for the reading and review!
    I'll stop by your work asap.
Comment from Rosalyne
This work has reached the exceptional level

Hi, Stacia.
What an excellent story, bringing in the Hannukah miracle, not only of light but of Sharona's new family. You showed her growth throughout the story and the ending really rounded out the importance of family and the two miracles that had taken place over the holiday. I really like how you told the story of Hannukah, the lighting of the candles and the history behind the holiday.

Great addition to Sharona's story and the subtle mention of her connection with Kev, and the time they met during the robbery.
Wonderful story! Best of luck in the contest.
Rosalyne :)

 Comment Written 25-Dec-2015

reply by the author on 26-Dec-2015
    Thanks so much for the reading and review, Rosalyne! Much appreciated.
    Thank you also for the thoughtful analysis of the story, the miracle of a family coming together.
    I'll stop by and have a look at your work (as well as turn "Manny and Stanley" around) asap.
    Happy Holidays--
reply by Rosalyne on 27-Dec-2015
    Hi, Stacia.
    Thank, but please don't feel any rush. The holiday time is busy. I'm so glad that you shared the story of Chanukah, so well written and doing so from Sharona's life. I burst out laughing at the fried zucchini. Clever and not something I would have thought of for Chanukah. Maybe time to begin a new tradition for next year, a healthier choice than fried latkes. LOL Sharona is a wonderful character that really stands out. Looking forward to following her continued growth.
    Rosalyne :)
Comment from rmj09
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Sorry I'm out of ****** stars and this story deserves them.
The focus is who knew the holiday best, the child.
The story line development she was a step-in mom and partner that lasted her lifetime. The child teaches the adults the true meaning of Hanukkah a time of sharing of hope.
The dialog develops the personalities of the characters.
Keep on writing and good luck with the contest.

 Comment Written 25-Dec-2015

reply by the author on 26-Dec-2015
    Thank you so much for the reading and review, RMJ! Much appreciated.
    That is an important theme of the work, the way adults learn from their children, whose insights tend to be uncluttered by the baggage adults carry.
    Thank you again for stopping by! I'll have a look at your work as well asap.
Comment from trumby
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

HO HO HO!!! I think that this very good story would qualify as christmassy. I think that I'll let it slide anyway.
Kev & Michaela are certainly doing a fine job of bonding, but our heroinne is having a few problems getting into the Christmas spirit.

 Comment Written 25-Dec-2015

reply by the author on 26-Dec-2015
    Thanks so much for the reading and review, Trumby! Much appreciated.
    A good point--Sharona begins ambivalent about her relationship with Kevin and Michaela but by the end has also realized her bond with them. Sharona, Kev, and Michaela are recurring characters in my work, in which Sharona's growth from a loner with addiction problems to an addiction-free adult with commitments is demonstrated.
    Thank you again for the reading and review! I'll try to have a look at your work as well asap.