Reviews from

Hide and Seek with The Fairies

A children's story about an adventure with the fairies.

8 total reviews 
Comment from Gayla putnam
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Your descriptions of the festivities in fairyland were spot on. I could imagine the fun, the nectar, and the excitement. It's every child's fantasy to play with fairies and have it be a secret no adult shares. I loved it. gayla

 Comment Written 19-Mar-2025

Comment from Loren .
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I did enjoy reading this light-hearted story. It spoke of earlier times and of innocent fun. In a way it transported the reader to an "imaginary" world that you shared through the eyes of the two girls. Though admonished by the fairy not to tell anyone, it does no escape my notice that the story was captured in written form. Well done - Loren

 Comment Written 19-Mar-2025

Comment from Sallyo
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is an interesting story because, on the surface, it's the sunny tale of sisters playing with fairies among the trees, but to anyone steeped in fairy lore there are constant hints of danger. Tricky vines and giant mushrooms hold a hint of menace, and eating or drinking anything offered by a fairy is held to be dangerous in some lore. (Not in the fairy place I write about...) Then there's the "don't tell anyone" and the playful (?) threat to turn them into mushrooms...

 Comment Written 18-Mar-2025

Comment from Debi Pick Marquette
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Oh, Jacquelyn, this is so sweet. I loved this tale of two regular girls who got to play with the fairies. It is delightfully and could do it again and again as long as they don't tell anyone. Who would want to chance being turned into a mushroom, after all. LOL..
Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful story with us and for being such an upbeat and lovely woman,.

I have to tell you that I was going to give you my one nomination I had left today for reviewing. But after talking to Tom, he told me that somehow it got used twice on the same person last night when my hand jerked on the screen of my iPad.
So instead I bumped you from 52 to 72 cents on this delightful post.
You are such a wonderful reviewer, my dear friend.
Love, Debi

 Comment Written 18-Mar-2025

reply by the author on 18-Mar-2025
    Thank you for your wonderful and encouraging review. Also for the compliments. Thank you for the rating that you gave me. I’m glad that you enjoyed it. Your review is encouraging for me. I haven’t written too many stories here, I write mostly poetry, but have wanted to get back into my writing stories. Thank you for the consideration for the nomination, and for bumping me to 72 cents. I appreciate you.
Comment from Michael Ludwinder
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Your story is pure magic! I love how you shared the excitement of Lily and Sophie's adventure - it felt so real. It was like I was right there running through the woods with them. The fairies and elves were so fun! The ending was perfect. Just like a good fairy tale should be. This was such a joy to read!

 Comment Written 18-Mar-2025

Comment from Iza Deleanu
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This was such a lighthearted read, and I like the idea of playing hide and seek with the fairies in a secret world, that is reveled only to the kids. Thak you for sharing and good luck with your writings.

 Comment Written 18-Mar-2025

Comment from Dolly'sPoems
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Although this is a fantasy write Jacquelyn we have large dragonflies here called the red veined darter and they are huge and they hover in front of your eyes and then dart way, they remind me of fairies. I enjoyed your well written post as your imagination entertained us here, love Dolly x x x

 Comment Written 18-Mar-2025

Comment from JohnnySnowblind
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is a hidden gem! After skipping a lot of potential candidates for review, I landed on this sweet little story. I would love to create a small comic based on your story. Beautifully told. And vividly imagined.

 Comment Written 18-Mar-2025