Reviews from

The Chosen People

get off God's property

7 total reviews 
Comment from mrsmajor
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I'm against violence, no matter who it is that feels the need to harm someone else.

What I find so troubling, is this:

As a Christian, I do not demand that people feel as I do, Religious beliefs are personal, and because no one, will ever change the Faith I have in the living God I serve, I'm not concerned about what anyone says about me.

I believe the people of Gaza, are human beings.

I feel in my heart how horrible it must be for people to live under the kind of stress they are dealing with, war is never going to make anything better, for anyone.

The God I serves teaches me to love my neighbor as my self, and that's how I try to live my life.

Yet, I see right here, that to even to show any feeling for the thousands of people that have died, including children, in this awful war, is called being against the Jewish people...

Why must I forget that the God I serve loves all of us...Yes, that's what I've been taught, and what I believe.
I'd give apiece of bread to anyone that asked, no need to know what they believe.

I have to agree with the premise of your piece, no one should have to live under the fear of violence, because of their beliefs.

If that makes me a bad person in the minds of some, so be it!

Take care, and stay well!


 Comment Written 02-Feb-2025

Comment from tempeste
This work has reached the exceptional level

Ciao Harambe,

a powerful poem about injustice and violence.

When people state they are The Chosen nothing good can come from that.

Land theft has been occurring in the West Bank for more than 50 years.

Palestinians have been pushed out of their homes by Jewish settlers who come mostly from Brooklyn (there are more than 1/2 a million Jews that reside there) in search of an easy way to begin a new life.

As soon as someone points out their dirty deeds, he /she gets labelled an antisemite.

 Comment Written 23-Jan-2025

reply by the author on 28-Jan-2025
    Thanks Tempeste. Yeah, I agree. I grew up being told "well they ARE the chosen people". Based on their own theology, they WERE. "Whoever does the will of my father is my mother or brother or sister". They would do well to remember that. I think you and I will agree, DNA may go a long way, but it does not determine one's worthiness to be remembered as virtuous. 🦍
Comment from Rachelle Allen
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Ohhhh, Simian, you and I are going to butt heads over this one. For someone who's "not pro-Palestine," you certainly seem to be identifying as such with your words - so beautifully ensconced, may I add, in the form of a lovely lune poem for the purposes of adjudication! Shall we share the never-ending list of terror-laden attacks said group you don't claim to espouse has committed upon this group of "pricks?" Shall we go into how they kidnap and torture children and civilians and hold them hostage? Do you think that the way to deal with people this feral and absent of a conscience is by verbal negotiations, Simian? Does it seem likely they would capitulate to anything other than a stronger force than their own? Let's pretend you're in a dark alleyway and a big group of machete-wielding troglodytes approaches you and strips you of your health, your well-being and your dignity. When you recuperate, will you seek them out in their neighborhood with cookies and lemonade and ask for a chat? Or will you be more likely to blow them to smithereens as they sleep? If you haven't been in that situation, you have no freaking idea in the world how people "should" act. And, for whatever it's worth, I've seen some of your caustic reviews lately that hover on crossing the "appropriate" border with their intimations about people of other nationalities (not just Israelis, I'm talking now) The people on the receiving end of them have certainly found you to be on a par with how you describe the Israeli settlers. So, until you are squeaky-clean yourself, maybe casting aspersions upon entire GROUPS of others is not such a decent way to proceed. I'm seeing way more Simian than Savant these days, and it is NOT a good look.

 Comment Written 22-Jan-2025

reply by the author on 22-Jan-2025
    Which reviews that I left? This piece is in response to current, ongoing events. Can't one be both against October 6th atrocities and also be against bullying and the destruction of private property? Taliban Joe is finally out of office, but the responsibility to speak for justice must be willing to cross party lines. 🦍
reply by Rachelle Allen on 22-Jan-2025
    Absolutely! But surely you realize that things do not happen in a vacuum. You're sounding like a bad ref who sees the retaliatory action but is blind to the initial aggression. You get what you give in this world. Don't want problems? Then freakin don't 'em.
reply by the author on 22-Jan-2025
    I get your point -- that it's like commenting on a police video that starts halfway into an encounter. Trouble here is, the initial aggression started well over 2000 years ago. The matter of land ownership complicates everything. The only way for justice to prevail is to call out wrongdoing on both sides. There is a context for all injustice. Censorship, abortion, and deserting the Afghanis are three areas I yell about here regardless of the context. If that costs me votes or gets me blocked, I'm cool with it. It's a small percentage of my writing. Poetry is for feelings, not nuance. 🦍
reply by Rachelle Allen on 22-Jan-2025
    Fair enough. I never block people about their opinions, but I do speak up occasionally. Usually I just ignore or continue on to the next post and don't review. Today, for whatever reason, this one sorely rankled me.
Comment from Debbie D'Arcy
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Well said in your notes, Simian! And God is used in a never-ending variety of ways to endorse any behaviour no matter how ungodly!! Good luck in the contest! Debbie

 Comment Written 21-Jan-2025

Comment from Alexandra Trovato
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I'm pro peace. The start of this war was horrific but we've watched unimaginable atrocities that were undeserved as well. None of this pleases God, in my opinion. What do the peacemakers and negotiator discuss? Maybe they should be switched to other negotiator amd peacemakers. Successful ones. Why not?

Thought provoking.



 Comment Written 21-Jan-2025

Comment from Abigail May
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This poem is incredibly effective in such small form. Even in just three lines, the composition gives me chills. Excellent work! I love how effective the title is as well, almost serving as a first line to the poem itself.

 Comment Written 21-Jan-2025

Comment from Michael Ludwinder
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Your poem is striking! The difference between the destruction and the claim of divine justification is so powerful. It made me pause. Your ability to share such intense emotion in just a few lines is remarkable. Keep crafting these powerful poems.

 Comment Written 21-Jan-2025