Compliments for Dummies
Words to the wise17 total reviews
Comment from T B Botts
Hello Karen,
I have a question or two. Is bologna surprise a real thing? I've eaten sandwiches that were made from ground bologna with relish and mayo, and I rather enjoyed them. I don't mind eating a fried bologna sandwich with cheddar and mustard, but I've never heard of bologna surprise. I can't say it sounds very enticing.
Also, do they make such a thing as a glass rolling pin? I've never seen one. My daughter uses a large metal one at the cafe' where she's a baker, and they have a wooden one without any handles on the ends, but no glass ones. I think it would be easier to roll out a pie shell with a glass one, but I suppose there would be a chance it could get chipped.
By the way, I made a delightful cherry pie the other day, with homemade crusts. I just use a wooden one that I have to put a lot of flour on to keep it from pulling up the crust as I'm rolling it out.
My wife never asks me if her clothes make her look fat, and I of course never offer any comments. Happy wife, happy life. Thanks for sharing gal. Have a blessed evening.
reply by the author on 18-Jan-2025
Hello Karen,
I have a question or two. Is bologna surprise a real thing? I've eaten sandwiches that were made from ground bologna with relish and mayo, and I rather enjoyed them. I don't mind eating a fried bologna sandwich with cheddar and mustard, but I've never heard of bologna surprise. I can't say it sounds very enticing.
Also, do they make such a thing as a glass rolling pin? I've never seen one. My daughter uses a large metal one at the cafe' where she's a baker, and they have a wooden one without any handles on the ends, but no glass ones. I think it would be easier to roll out a pie shell with a glass one, but I suppose there would be a chance it could get chipped.
By the way, I made a delightful cherry pie the other day, with homemade crusts. I just use a wooden one that I have to put a lot of flour on to keep it from pulling up the crust as I'm rolling it out.
My wife never asks me if her clothes make her look fat, and I of course never offer any comments. Happy wife, happy life. Thanks for sharing gal. Have a blessed evening.
Comment Written 18-Jan-2025
reply by the author on 18-Jan-2025
Thanks for the read. Yes there is Bologna surprise. It is basically any chicken recipe where you substitute bologna instead, Surprise! I mean the new bologna. The cheap chicken and pork one. I like it just fine.
I make little sliders or small hamburger buns sandwiches for the freezer. So I can nuke em' in the microwave. I open up the bun squirt mayo or mustard on each bun, or one of each depending on my mood. but some American cheese on each side and then bologna on each side , this works with chicken, ham or beef lunch meat too. I like how American cheese melts. Then I bag them up and throw them in the freezer, Currently I have bologna sandwiches, baby burritos, Breakfast sandwiches, baby burgers and chilidogs in my freezer in the freezer. And yes. there are glass rolling pins. Ma had one, it was a heavy sucker, but much better than a wooden one. stuff didn't stick to it near as much. and it was hollow so you could put hot or cold liquid inside. Love to you and yours. Karen
Comment from Sandra Stoner-Mitchell
I'm old too, but I find I'm still learning reading your posts. I'm going to copy these thoughts of yours and hide them from my hubby. I might need them to ask the questions and then check out his answers! I will be nipping out and buying a heavy glass rolling pin! LOL! This is such a fun contest entry. I love it. Good luck!! :)) Sandra xx
reply by the author on 17-Jan-2025
I'm old too, but I find I'm still learning reading your posts. I'm going to copy these thoughts of yours and hide them from my hubby. I might need them to ask the questions and then check out his answers! I will be nipping out and buying a heavy glass rolling pin! LOL! This is such a fun contest entry. I love it. Good luck!! :)) Sandra xx
Comment Written 17-Jan-2025
reply by the author on 17-Jan-2025
As people send me questions, I will write more, this will be fun! Thanks for the read. Do you have a question for me>? Karen
Comment from Sanku
I remembered an article I read in Reader'sDigest .When people ask you 'How do yo like my new out fit?" You should always answer 'It looks good on you or it suits you" I know many who would say 'Why did you chose this colour you could have chosen yellow".IT went on saying that most of the time when people ask your opinions all they want is to agree that their choice was fine .Remember they bought it because they liked it ..
I enjoyed your article...
reply by the author on 17-Jan-2025
I remembered an article I read in Reader'sDigest .When people ask you 'How do yo like my new out fit?" You should always answer 'It looks good on you or it suits you" I know many who would say 'Why did you chose this colour you could have chosen yellow".IT went on saying that most of the time when people ask your opinions all they want is to agree that their choice was fine .Remember they bought it because they liked it ..
I enjoyed your article...
Comment Written 17-Jan-2025
reply by the author on 17-Jan-2025
Thanks for the read, I try not to lie, but you can say things without really answering. Ooh, Did they have that in dark green. I might get one too!, Or, Where did you get that great outfiT! It is a great outfiT but it does not suit her.
Comment from Begin Again
Once and I mean ONCE then husband made me eggs in the same pan he'd reheated some pasta in...ever had marinara scrambled eggs... Good job, Karen!
Smiles, Carol
reply by the author on 17-Jan-2025
Once and I mean ONCE then husband made me eggs in the same pan he'd reheated some pasta in...ever had marinara scrambled eggs... Good job, Karen!
Smiles, Carol
Comment Written 17-Jan-2025
reply by the author on 17-Jan-2025
Thanks for the read.That doesn't sound half bad. :-)
Comment from Carol Hillebrenner
These are cute. So glad my husband hasn't come up with bologna surprise. He's created a few other surprises and it's about 50/50 if they are really edible. You always have a good way to make people smile or even laugh out loud.
reply by the author on 17-Jan-2025
These are cute. So glad my husband hasn't come up with bologna surprise. He's created a few other surprises and it's about 50/50 if they are really edible. You always have a good way to make people smile or even laugh out loud.
Comment Written 16-Jan-2025
reply by the author on 17-Jan-2025
Thanks for the read. I have made some things when I first started cooking, that even I wouldn't eat. How can you say, Darling, I love you with all of my heart, but if I have to eat one more bite, I think my tongue will rot off? LOL
Comment from Debbie D'Arcy
Some great tips here for using diplomacy and avoiding disharmony or, worse, out and out violence. Love the idea of the recipient wearing "said bologna." after "I was surprised I kept i(t) down." Is this to prove that murder isn't always on your mind, Karen? Great job! Good luck! Debbie
reply by the author on 16-Jan-2025
Some great tips here for using diplomacy and avoiding disharmony or, worse, out and out violence. Love the idea of the recipient wearing "said bologna." after "I was surprised I kept i(t) down." Is this to prove that murder isn't always on your mind, Karen? Great job! Good luck! Debbie
Comment Written 16-Jan-2025
reply by the author on 16-Jan-2025
Thanks for the read. I made the edits. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. I am doing a public service here! Karen
Haha! Good girl:)
Comment from Cecilia A Heiskary
What a great story. You are a mean spirited girl, aren't you my friend. I thought I had a mean streak, you top it.
The story flows nicely with no flaws.
reply by the author on 16-Jan-2025
What a great story. You are a mean spirited girl, aren't you my friend. I thought I had a mean streak, you top it.
The story flows nicely with no flaws.
Comment Written 16-Jan-2025
reply by the author on 16-Jan-2025
Mean spirited? I am trying to prevent violence and suffering. I am practically a saint about this! LOL
Some how i don't believe that. You're a mean girl just like me LOL
Oh, I can be. I can talk to someone in a very soft voice smiling the whole time, while I inveserate them slice by slice.
It is a gift. I do not use any vulgar curse words, or raise my voice. But, I try to use this sparingly. It is only one of my many talents. If I wasn't so darn humble, I'd tell you. I don't like to do things unless I can dio them well. That is a fault, I know. And pride is one of my vices. I know you thought I was probably perfect, but, I ain't! LOL
Girl I knew you weren't perfect. We connected immediately. I knew we were kindered spirits
Don't tell people I am not perfect. It would destroy the balance in the universe. :-)
You are a funny girl
Comment from barbara.wilkey
I couldn't help but laugh. My used to say, "That's an awful lot to ask of a little piece of material.' He'd always get into trouble for that comment. I had fun reading. Good luck with the contest.
was going to ask you if you lost weight honey. (weight,)
reply by the author on 16-Jan-2025
I couldn't help but laugh. My used to say, "That's an awful lot to ask of a little piece of material.' He'd always get into trouble for that comment. I had fun reading. Good luck with the contest.
was going to ask you if you lost weight honey. (weight,)
Comment Written 16-Jan-2025
reply by the author on 16-Jan-2025
I revamped it. go look, Jesse said I looked weird with just one Example. So I added two more. Thanks for the edit. Karen
#2 Honey don't you just love my Bologna surprise? (Honey,)
Iwill have fun backing up over them so I can hear (I will or I'll)
These do add to the story. Good job.
#2 Honey don't you just love my Bologna surprise? (Honey,)
Iwill have fun backing up over them so I can hear (I will or I'll)
These do add to the story. Good job.
I will fix. thank you.
Comment from karenina
I'm on board with your philosophy! The sea of life is rough enough without creating waves (or tsunamis) of hurt feelings with the "truth" that is a weapon. I have all kinds of "white lies" that work!
Double meanings can be helpful!
Other answers to the pant/fat question:
"You always look beautiful to me"
"I wouldn't change a thing if I were you"
"Words can't express how good you look"
Nice entry into this Nonfiction writing contest...
You ARE giving valid advice to a real world situation!
(and sparing a few husbands imminent injury)
reply by the author on 16-Jan-2025
I'm on board with your philosophy! The sea of life is rough enough without creating waves (or tsunamis) of hurt feelings with the "truth" that is a weapon. I have all kinds of "white lies" that work!
Double meanings can be helpful!
Other answers to the pant/fat question:
"You always look beautiful to me"
"I wouldn't change a thing if I were you"
"Words can't express how good you look"
Nice entry into this Nonfiction writing contest...
You ARE giving valid advice to a real world situation!
(and sparing a few husbands imminent injury)
Comment Written 16-Jan-2025
reply by the author on 16-Jan-2025
Yes, well I agree we all needed partner lessons. It doesn't matter if it is man and woman, man and man, woman and woman or family memebers living together. We all could use lessons in talking to each other, the art of compromise, and knowing limits. All these should be talked about before moving in with each other. I have been having a difficult couple of days here with pain. So, I may have to write about killing someone. :-)
I'm sorry about your pain...
Is there a murder on the wind?
You are practically drooling, and YES! There will be blood. Karen
Comment from Marilyn Hamilton
Great entry for the nonfiction Writing Contest. Your answers should be given out to all men upon the day of their wedding vows. lol It would help them avoid so many problems down the road. Funny story yet accurate.
reply by the author on 16-Jan-2025
Great entry for the nonfiction Writing Contest. Your answers should be given out to all men upon the day of their wedding vows. lol It would help them avoid so many problems down the road. Funny story yet accurate.
Comment Written 16-Jan-2025
reply by the author on 16-Jan-2025
Yep, honey, don't you love my bologna surprise? In stead of telling her it has all the taste of socks after an hour of running and the consistency of glue, He should say....Sweetheart, thank you so much for thinking of a low calorie casserole for my weight. But, all that fiber is going to keep me on the toilet with the airfresher spray. Maybe, just add another spinach salad into the weekly roundup. Darlin' :-)