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Viewing comments for Chapter 16 "Mom's Butterflies"

45 total reviews 
Comment from BethShelby
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I love you poem. Butterflies are really pretty. Last year I went to a botanical garden in Georgia that had an amazing butterfly room. There were probably thousands of all kind aner they were so pretty I could have stayed there alll day. THis is gorgeous picture you are sharing along with you poem. Last year each time I sat on my patio, one particular butterfly would come and sit on my arm. He would there until I got up to leave.

 Comment Written 06-Feb-2024

reply by the author on 20-Feb-2024
    Hi Beth, I read my reviews right away as it is the highlight of my day.
    But because it is so hard to go back and forth with thank you responses, it is always easier to respond to the most recent ones. And so often I get behind and this is what happens.

    I don't like that feature here. I remember when Jan was here she tried to get that changed so we could better respond in the appropriate order.

    However, I do appreciate you just the same as if I had just gotten this review ten minutes or an hour ago.

    So thank you so very much for these lovely comments and for your kindness and patience. I do appreciate your dear comments about my mom.

    Thanks again, my sweet friend! Love, Debi
Comment from Sanku
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I am a great admirer of butterflies.What magnificent creature are they .Every time I see one I can't help wondering about the artistry of God.What colours! and designs!
I enjoyed this poem .
How are you feeling now?

 Comment Written 06-Feb-2024

reply by the author on 20-Feb-2024
    Hi Santha, I read my reviews right away as it is the highlight of my day.
    But because it is so hard to go back and forth with thank you responses, it is always easier to respond to the most recent ones. And so often I get behind and this is what happens.

    I don't like that feature here. I remember when Jan was here she tried to get that changed so we could better respond in the appropriate order.

    However, I do appreciate you just the same as if I had just gotten this review ten minutes or an hour ago.

    So thank you so very much for these lovely comments and for your kindness and patience. I do appreciate your dear comments about my mom.

    Thanks again, my sweet friend! Love, Debi
Comment from NanaGaye
This work has reached the exceptional level

Love it Love it Love it. Perfect rhyming as usual and oh the picture,glorious! My father always said my mum was like a butterfly, she fluttered from one thing to the other. We have Monique butterflies flying around our garden near our windows, my husband always says 'There's Mum checking up on us' Love and best wishes

 Comment Written 06-Feb-2024

reply by the author on 07-Feb-2024
    Could you be any sweeter? I wanted to truly let you know how very much I appreciate you, your kind words, and especially our friendship. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for this lovely review, for relating with this poem and for the generous six stars. You are a gem, NanGaye and I smile every time I see your adorable picture! God Bless my lovely friend.
    Love, Debi
Comment from sherrygreywolf
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You have written an incredibly beautiful tribute to your mother and you and your daughter's love for her. Your words painted a vivid picture of the beauty she was drawn to while alive and the belief it still lives on with her. Thank you for sharing.

 Comment Written 05-Feb-2024

reply by the author on 07-Feb-2024
    Thank you Sherry for the very sweet review and words for my butterflies poem. I appreciate it so very much!! Debi
Comment from Janet Foor
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I have a friend whose Dad loved Cardinals. Every time we see one, she believes her dad is watching over her. This is a lovely tribute to your mom and your memory of her. Nice that your family shares in that memory as well.


 Comment Written 05-Feb-2024

reply by the author on 20-Feb-2024
    Hi Janet, I read my reviews right away as it is the highlight of my day.
    But because it is so hard to go back and forth with thank you responses, it is always easier to respond to the most recent ones. And so often I get behind and this is what happens.

    I don't like that feature here. I remember when Jan was here she tried to get that changed so we could respond in the appropriate order.

    However, I do appreciate you just the same as if I had just gotten this review ten minutes or an hour ago.

    So thank you so very much for these lovely comments and for your kindness and patience. I do appreciate your dear comments about my mom.

    Thanks again, my sweet friend! Love, Debi
Comment from Harambe iz ur Daddy
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Very nice visual layout. One small suggestion: the tattoo reference is awkward with the omitted article. Maybe try something like: "one day she had a new tattoo/marked on her shoulder: butterflies"

Thanks for the read,

Harambe (for President)

 Comment Written 05-Feb-2024

reply by the author on 05-Feb-2024
    I will look at that, and thank you. I had something else but what it is now was a suggestion from Dolly. So I appreciate yours very much too.
    Her shoulder now had butterflies was my original. I still like that too. But I will have to do the visual thing before deciding. Thank you so very much as I am always up for good suggestions. Debi
Comment from Wendy G
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A lovely poem and tribute to your mother's love for buterflies. The rhyme is smooth, as is the flow. I was moved by the part where your daughter actually got a butterfly tattoo to honour her grandmother. Well done.

 Comment Written 05-Feb-2024

reply by the author on 20-Feb-2024
    Hi Wendy, I read my reviews right away as it is the highlight of my day.
    But because it is so hard to go back and forth with thank you responses, it is always easier to respond to the most recent ones. And so often I get behind and this is what happens.

    I don't like that feature here. I remember when Jan was here she tried to get that changed so we wouldn't keep losing our place with them and respond in the appropriate order.

    However, I do appreciate you just the same as if I had just gotten this review ten minutes or an hour ago.

    So thank you so very much for these lovely comments and for your kindness and patience. I truly appreciate the dear comments about my daughter and her tattoo. Thanks again, my sweet friend! Love, Debi
Comment from 11:17
This work has reached the exceptional level

I thoroughly enjoyed reading your poem. My mom passed away in 2019. I could connect with the message of your poem. I love how you ended each stanza with the word butterflies.

 Comment Written 04-Feb-2024

reply by the author on 05-Feb-2024
    Hello, and thank you so very much for this lovely review. I am so sorry for you losing your mother too. Mine has actually been gone for a long time, since she was only 59. But I miss her like it was yesterday and thought this would be a nice way to honor her.

    I thank you for all of your sweet comments and for the gracious six stars too.
    You are very kind, my new friend. Love, Debi
Comment from LJbutterfly
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You already know I love this poem and the beautiful picture. I so appreciate that I am one of the ones you have sent beautiful butterfly pictures. Your mom and I have something in common.

When I first joined FanStory, I used my first and last name. My daughter, a YouTube and TikTok content creator said, "Mom, you never use your whole name. Since you like butterflies, you could be LJButterfly." I loved it. I really like the picture accompanying your poem, and the many pictures you have sent me.

One do she came home with tattoo (Did you mean One day)?

 Comment Written 04-Feb-2024

reply by the author on 04-Feb-2024
    What do I say, Lorraine, but you saved my butt here. I don't know how or when that typo happened but thank you for telling me.

    And of course I would put you in my poem about them. For the longest time you were the only one. And one day Joanne Gille who always said she loved my poetry and was always giving me six stars said she loved them too. So it is just the two of you that I do that for. When I decided to write this poem, I could not do it without mentioning my two butterfly loving friends. I have always especially loved your story about how many times you had reinvented yourself, but it wasn't until I wrote your poem that I really understood and respected your ability to do so. Since then, my dear friend, I have been in awe of you. I hope you always know that.

    Once again thank you for your always sweet review and words to go with it.
    You are my earth angel. With much love, Debi
Comment from Gypsy Blue Rose
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Beautiful poem about your mom. It's heartfelt and made me think about my mom who died when I was 10. You are blessed to have your mom.

As always, perfect rhymes and meter.

Well done

"Poetry heals the wounds inflicted by reason" -- Novalis

 Comment Written 04-Feb-2024

reply by the author on 20-Feb-2024
    Hi Gypsy, I read my reviews right away when I get them, as it is the highlight of my day. But because it is so hard to go back and forth with thank you responses, it is always easier to respond to the most recent ones. I hate that feature here. I remember when Jan was here she tried to get that changed so we wouldn't keep losing our place with them and have them in the appropriate order.

    However, I do appreciate you just the same as if I had just gotten this review ten minutes or an hour ago.
    So thank you so very much for these lovely comments and glad it made you think of your mother, who I know you lost way too young.