Little Pitchers
Children are always listening.23 total reviews
Comment from Ric Myworld
Yes, most of us forget that little pitcher's ears hear everything and remember every word for longer than we do. "Diabetes in a box." LOL.
Thanks for sharing.
reply by the author on 21-Jun-2023
Yes, most of us forget that little pitcher's ears hear everything and remember every word for longer than we do. "Diabetes in a box." LOL.
Thanks for sharing.
Comment Written 21-Jun-2023
reply by the author on 21-Jun-2023
Thank you. This one is a pistol. Gretchen
Comment from Gypsy Blue Rose
My grandson is 5 years old, he'll be 6 in november.
The ending is precious and I can relate. My grandson, Atticus, is very funny and friendly. Hell start conversation with strangers easily. I'm the opposite. He would say a box of diabetes if he heard me say it. He picks up things quickly and has great hearing. LoL
Elixir of life.... haha
I love your short story.
reply by the author on 21-Jun-2023
My grandson is 5 years old, he'll be 6 in november.
The ending is precious and I can relate. My grandson, Atticus, is very funny and friendly. Hell start conversation with strangers easily. I'm the opposite. He would say a box of diabetes if he heard me say it. He picks up things quickly and has great hearing. LoL
Elixir of life.... haha
I love your short story.
Comment Written 21-Jun-2023
reply by the author on 21-Jun-2023
Thank you. You just never know what little people will say. I've learned the hard way. Gretchen
Comment from w.j.debi
Yes, kids do have a tendency to repeat what they have heard. It isn't always at the best time. In this case, I'm sure the checker was surprised, but understood.
You're a patient and caring grandma. I'm sure Nolan enjoys being with you even more than eating donuts.
Well told. Love the humor.
reply by the author on 21-Jun-2023
Yes, kids do have a tendency to repeat what they have heard. It isn't always at the best time. In this case, I'm sure the checker was surprised, but understood.
You're a patient and caring grandma. I'm sure Nolan enjoys being with you even more than eating donuts.
Well told. Love the humor.
Comment Written 21-Jun-2023
reply by the author on 21-Jun-2023
Thank you so much. It is fun to watch how they react to the world around them. Gretchen
Comment from Paul Manton
Hi Gretschen. (Hope I spelled that right!) Thank you for this micro-masterpiece. Biggest LOL so far since I started reviewing! As you know, I worked with Junior children for decades - and it seemed, the younger the age, the more original the remark! I am tempted to tell you lots of hilarious stories, but I must stick to the review: the punch line is so wonderful, especially if the cashier was 'talking down' to Nolan (that's your comeuppance, lady!) that it makes it into six stars, if only I has them.
The story is perfect, Gretschen. I wouldn't change a syllable.
reply by the author on 21-Jun-2023
Hi Gretschen. (Hope I spelled that right!) Thank you for this micro-masterpiece. Biggest LOL so far since I started reviewing! As you know, I worked with Junior children for decades - and it seemed, the younger the age, the more original the remark! I am tempted to tell you lots of hilarious stories, but I must stick to the review: the punch line is so wonderful, especially if the cashier was 'talking down' to Nolan (that's your comeuppance, lady!) that it makes it into six stars, if only I has them.
The story is perfect, Gretschen. I wouldn't change a syllable.
Comment Written 21-Jun-2023
reply by the author on 21-Jun-2023
Thanks so much. I'm glad you enjoyed this one. You should write about your experiences. There would be a lot of people who are interested. Myself included. Gretchen
(if only I HAD them!) sorry about the typo.
My neighbours, who were Welsh (about 12 years ago) had two gorgeous daughters 9 and 6 years old. They had a dressing up day on one Friday at school, and their mum made Tom and Jerry outfits. The older girl's cat costume seemed perfect, but the mouse costume for Ffion (very welsh!) had a very long tail, so Beth wanted to shorten it.
"Oh no mam!" said Ffion, "Please don't cut it shorter, the floor's much further away at school."
Even if you're a literary genius, you would never think of that.
Hi Gretchen. I'm coming back to you after a long time (re. Little Pitchers) because when I made my long response to you in the story of my welsh friends, little daughter Ffion, I might have got the punch line wrong. (I was very tired when I wrote it) Remember her mother wanted to shorten the mouse tail in her costume. Ffion replied, "Oh no, mummy, don't do that! At school, the floor is much further away!" Did I get that right first time? Not sure. Have a great day.
It was perfect. And very funny. Would seriously love to read your fun stories of when you worked with children. Gretchen
Comment from Julie Lau
Ha ha, that is a very cute example of how well toddlers can absorb something which is said, and deliver it straight back at the first unsuitable occasion. We spell 'defence' with a 'c'. Do you use an 's' in the US?
reply by the author on 21-Jun-2023
Ha ha, that is a very cute example of how well toddlers can absorb something which is said, and deliver it straight back at the first unsuitable occasion. We spell 'defence' with a 'c'. Do you use an 's' in the US?
Comment Written 21-Jun-2023
reply by the author on 21-Jun-2023
Actually, we spell it both ways but I believe defence is used in conjunction with offense. Then there is defense and offense. Confusing to say the least. Thank you though for this awesome review. Gretchen
Comment from Carol Hillebrenner
Kids always remember the things we would rather they didn't. It is my job to set the doughnuts out for our church coffee hour, I'm diabetic. Gah! This is a good job of writing up this amusing story.
reply by the author on 21-Jun-2023
Kids always remember the things we would rather they didn't. It is my job to set the doughnuts out for our church coffee hour, I'm diabetic. Gah! This is a good job of writing up this amusing story.
Comment Written 20-Jun-2023
reply by the author on 21-Jun-2023
You got that right. Tell them to clean up and it's in one ear and out the other. Say something inappropriate and it takes root. Lol. Thank you so much for this. Gretchen
Comment from Pam Lonsdale
Out of the mouth of babes . . . When you mentioned diabetes, I wondered if that might come back to us in the story. And it did, and your little Nolan listens to his Gigi:-)
A very cute story of life up close.
reply by the author on 20-Jun-2023
Out of the mouth of babes . . . When you mentioned diabetes, I wondered if that might come back to us in the story. And it did, and your little Nolan listens to his Gigi:-)
A very cute story of life up close.
Comment Written 20-Jun-2023
reply by the author on 20-Jun-2023
Thanks so much, Pam. It's a risk taking kids in public when they are still at the age of no filter. Lol. Thank you for your fun review. Gretchen
Comment from royowen
Don't you just love it, kids will take you literally? One has to be careful what one says in front of them, they will repeat it adfinitum, until that day that innocence flees. This is so beautifully written, well done Gretchen, blessings Roy
reply by the author on 20-Jun-2023
Don't you just love it, kids will take you literally? One has to be careful what one says in front of them, they will repeat it adfinitum, until that day that innocence flees. This is so beautifully written, well done Gretchen, blessings Roy
Comment Written 20-Jun-2023
reply by the author on 20-Jun-2023
Thanks, Roy. This kid is a character. I appreciate your kind review. Gretchen
He is indeed
Comment from Lisasview
Very very funny... Kids especially that young are so funny... I remembered reading your story that I used to write down things my daughter said when she was little ...that was over 50 years ago... I wonder where I put these notes???? Oh how I loved those days...
Lisasview, new to this site
reply by the author on 20-Jun-2023
Very very funny... Kids especially that young are so funny... I remembered reading your story that I used to write down things my daughter said when she was little ...that was over 50 years ago... I wonder where I put these notes???? Oh how I loved those days...
Lisasview, new to this site
Comment Written 20-Jun-2023
reply by the author on 20-Jun-2023
Welcome. Find those and post them. Kids stories and dog stories do well here. Lol. Thanks for this . Gretchen
Thank you so much....
Comment from pome lover
well, I was surprised he remembered and could pronounce the word. Good for him. I bet he keeps you on your toes.
I clicked on this story thinking it was another chapter of Jameson and Iris, so, Madame, you are writing two books and also other pieces at the same time? Well, I'm going to tell you what me family tells me, remember to get up and walk around for a while instead of long hours straight at the computer. You must spend a great deal of time with all this going on. And jumping from one story to the other? Amazing!
This story is cute as a bug and so must be your grandson! What fun to have one that age.
Loved it.
reply by the author on 20-Jun-2023
well, I was surprised he remembered and could pronounce the word. Good for him. I bet he keeps you on your toes.
I clicked on this story thinking it was another chapter of Jameson and Iris, so, Madame, you are writing two books and also other pieces at the same time? Well, I'm going to tell you what me family tells me, remember to get up and walk around for a while instead of long hours straight at the computer. You must spend a great deal of time with all this going on. And jumping from one story to the other? Amazing!
This story is cute as a bug and so must be your grandson! What fun to have one that age.
Loved it.
Comment Written 20-Jun-2023
reply by the author on 20-Jun-2023
I had written coffee with Iris last year. So I'm just posting what's done. I write fast and post from my phone. Hate the computer. Lol. Thank you for your nice review. Gretchen
from your phone? good grief. Do you sit down and write, or write on the go?
don't answer if you don't have time. Just amazed.
I sit down when I get a chance. Just always preferred the phone to the Gretchen
well, you've got a good thing goin'!