Reviews from


I will never forget.

51 total reviews 
Comment from Karen Cherry
This work has reached the exceptional level

They ought to let us have this too. Go through counseling, Sign a mountain of forms. But, I see no point at all is watching our family and friends human or otherwise suffer. Karen

 Comment Written 30-Oct-2024

reply by the author on 05-Nov-2024
    Thank you. It's just a story. I'm doing fine.
Comment from Begin Again
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I have faced those terrible moments several times and the pain is always there. Saying goodbye to our pets...our family ... because that's who they are and will always be is nothing but pure anguish. We pray they understand and know that they still love us forever regardless.

Hugs, Carol

 Comment Written 28-Dec-2022

reply by the author on 28-Dec-2022
    Thank you. If only we could tell them what is happening, it would help. They have so much trust in us that they think we can make everything better when we can't. It is heartbreaking.
Comment from Brandon Clark
This work has reached the exceptional level

The hardest thing to do. Although many might say otherwise, sometimes it is harder to lose a pet than a family member...because, in my opinion, an adult relative passing is certainly tragic, especially if it is far too soon, but even with that being said...themselves and their loved ones may know and understand what is happening and talk to the individual for some small semblance of peace with it. Or their family members can support each other because they can communicate with words.

Whereas our loved pets look at us with confusion because they are smart enough to know something isn't right, but of course, don't know it's because we are putting them to sleep so they don't suffer. Their worried look, especially when they see us distraught, is absolutely heartbreaking.

Sorry for the loss of your friend. Merry Christmas, and as long as we think of them on this Christmas day, they will be here with us!!

 Comment Written 25-Dec-2022

reply by the author on 26-Dec-2022
    Thank you, and thanks for the six stars. I agree with you; there is no way to let a pet know what is happening. They are confused and scared and can't understand why we are upset.
Comment from nomi338
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Letting go of a beloved pet can be harder than doing so with a human. A human can speak and absolve you of guilty feelings from your letting go. An animal can only look at you, you may believe that they they understand, but absent of actual spoken words you may never know for certain.

 Comment Written 25-Dec-2022

reply by the author on 25-Dec-2022
    Thank you. I do believe an animal knows when they are dying. They let you know in a lot of small ways. Tasi knew she was sick and in pain, yet tried to act like she was fine.
reply by nomi338 on 25-Dec-2022
    I understand that, yet unlike humans they cannot reassure with words to say goodbye.
Comment from Nicki Nance
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is a poignant and lovely read. Your expression of the conflict within is compelling. Your description of your relationship is rich with detail and deep with emotion.

 Comment Written 25-Dec-2022

reply by the author on 25-Dec-2022
    Thank you for reading and commenting. It is always tough to lose someone you love, whether they be human or animal.
Comment from Mary Vigasin
This work has reached the exceptional level

I am so sorry for your loss. I have been through it a number of times and the pain of loss is very real.
They do leave their pawprints on your heart.
Because you loved her so much you had to let her go.
Beautifully written.
Best wishes

 Comment Written 24-Dec-2022

reply by the author on 25-Dec-2022
    Thank you, and thanks for the six stars. I lost Tasi several years ago, but it is still difficult to write about her. Sometimes what is best is the hardest to do.
Comment from irishauthorme
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

What a great story. I feel your pain. We had to have our beloved cat of 20+ years put down, she could barely move and was in great pain. Still, it was like losing a family member.
Swat is buried next to our German Shepherd in our backyard. A small cross on a pole lights up at night.

 Comment Written 24-Dec-2022

reply by the author on 24-Dec-2022
    Thank you. Thanks for sharing your story. I think it is so precious the way you remember your pets. I have a twenty-year-old cat, but she is as lively and plalyful as a kitten. I hope she stays that way for a long time.
    Hugs, and Merry Christmas.
Comment from Sandra Stoner-Mitchell
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I'm sure you would have been haunted more had you not gone back and held her as she had that last medication. Love for our pets is as strong as it is for a child. Sometimes more so. Cats show their love for you in their eyes, it's pure, hones and intense. We can't leave them to die on their own. You did what you did out of love, and you would do it over again if necessary. Our pain is insignificant to the pain our beloved pet would have felt if we're not there for them at the end. You did the right thing, but I'm so very sorry for your loss. Warm hugs, my friend, Sandra xx

 Comment Written 24-Dec-2022

reply by the author on 24-Dec-2022
    Thank you. This happened several years ago but is still difficult to write about. I still have six cats, so It means six more times of losing a friend.
    Hugs, and Merry Christmas.
Comment from Faith Williams
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

That was well-written story. I didn't realize you were talking about your cat until that last paragraph. I can feel your anguish in your words, but you did go back before the end. From what I understand, a lot of people who need to let their fur babies choose not to be in the room. Thanks for sharing your story.
Wishing you a Merry Christmas! May your day be filled with love and laughter.

 Comment Written 24-Dec-2022

reply by the author on 24-Dec-2022
    Thank you. I can sort of understand why they don't want to be there, but I wouldn't want to die alone. I lost Tasi several years algo but still find it hard to write about.
    Hugs, and Merry Christmas.
Comment from Douglas Goff
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Pets bring such warmth and joy to life, but then there is the other side. The pain and anguish f lost. It is a rough road that we all travel at one point or another. It teaches lessons.

Good work on this piece. Thanks for sharing and sorry for your loss.

 Comment Written 24-Dec-2022

reply by the author on 24-Dec-2022
    Thank you. Yes it teaches a person to enjoy loved ones while they are still here. Whether that be human or pet.
    Hugs, and Merry Christmas.