Four Years Old
The End of Innocence124 total reviews
Comment from raw form
The sad thing about this is that this happens more often than not and those of us who survive have to do the best we can. Yes I too am a survivor of molestation and it just sickens me to think of it. excellent poem I can say I I.D. with your feelings on this one
reply by the author on 27-Feb-2010
The sad thing about this is that this happens more often than not and those of us who survive have to do the best we can. Yes I too am a survivor of molestation and it just sickens me to think of it. excellent poem I can say I I.D. with your feelings on this one
Comment Written 27-Feb-2010
reply by the author on 27-Feb-2010
As one to another, your words touch me very deeply, and know that I and many others (unfortunately for all of us) are with you in thought.
I am honored,
Comment from Abba Lin
Hi Curt... It's hard to really know where to start with this kind of poem..You are a very talented man and your words are alwaya piercing to the depths of the heart and soul..God has given you a talent to reach and touch the world.. For that my friend, use it well, change the world with your words, change hearts with your words, spread the truth which needs to be said and heard. I believe this is one reason why God opened hell, for these low life scumbags to spend eternity.. This is probably not Bible, but I could just see them sodomized for eternity. This kind of stuff hurts my every cell in my body.. Interesting enough is that my next poem, I am posting a picture of me at around four yrs old with my sisters... Already had it together, cool huh.. maybe poets just think alike.. I was going to say great minds.. but that is to far stretched for me.. Have a great day, count your blessings.. Love Lin I wish I had a 6, it deserved a 10..
reply by the author on 27-Feb-2010
Hi Curt... It's hard to really know where to start with this kind of poem..You are a very talented man and your words are alwaya piercing to the depths of the heart and soul..God has given you a talent to reach and touch the world.. For that my friend, use it well, change the world with your words, change hearts with your words, spread the truth which needs to be said and heard. I believe this is one reason why God opened hell, for these low life scumbags to spend eternity.. This is probably not Bible, but I could just see them sodomized for eternity. This kind of stuff hurts my every cell in my body.. Interesting enough is that my next poem, I am posting a picture of me at around four yrs old with my sisters... Already had it together, cool huh.. maybe poets just think alike.. I was going to say great minds.. but that is to far stretched for me.. Have a great day, count your blessings.. Love Lin I wish I had a 6, it deserved a 10..
Comment Written 27-Feb-2010
reply by the author on 27-Feb-2010
Thank you Lin, your thoughts are the true six I seek, and you have given me that and more, you have given me hope that all things happen for a reason.
I think that great minds do think alike, and do not sell yourself short, we all are just trying to release what is inside of us.
Blessings to you my friend,
Comment from Tallteller
Behind closed doors the horrors creep in what seems peacful and asleep, the monster head is smelling ripe and all life long there is that sight, where innocence was scarificed, to evil's whim and strange delight. Sorry, to parody, but my revulsion sought an out! This is a very powerful and very well written poem about what is all too common and more gruesome than anyone should bear.
reply by the author on 27-Feb-2010
Behind closed doors the horrors creep in what seems peacful and asleep, the monster head is smelling ripe and all life long there is that sight, where innocence was scarificed, to evil's whim and strange delight. Sorry, to parody, but my revulsion sought an out! This is a very powerful and very well written poem about what is all too common and more gruesome than anyone should bear.
Comment Written 27-Feb-2010
reply by the author on 27-Feb-2010
Thank you my friend, and no need to apologize, I do the same myself when the tough subjects come to the fore.
Your thoughts are important to me, and I thank you again for sharing them with me.
Comment from bard owl
This piece is absoluting horrifying. I see my beautiful grandchildren and hope and pray that they never suffer at the hands of a pervert. I was raised with three brothers and lots of uncles and was never, ever exposed to the horror you describe. Dear God, those poor children who suffer abuse are marked forever with fear and mistrust. What a dark, dark write, Curt. One that nearly curdled my blood. How many tears has God cried to look upon such acts of satanic cruelty? The imagery in this piece is much too clear. Well-written, but upsetting. Linda
reply by the author on 27-Feb-2010
This piece is absoluting horrifying. I see my beautiful grandchildren and hope and pray that they never suffer at the hands of a pervert. I was raised with three brothers and lots of uncles and was never, ever exposed to the horror you describe. Dear God, those poor children who suffer abuse are marked forever with fear and mistrust. What a dark, dark write, Curt. One that nearly curdled my blood. How many tears has God cried to look upon such acts of satanic cruelty? The imagery in this piece is much too clear. Well-written, but upsetting. Linda
Comment Written 27-Feb-2010
reply by the author on 27-Feb-2010
Thank you Linda,
I understand exactly what you mean, but I have to write what comes from my soul, no matter what darkness I might dredge up. I have spent a lifetime in fear and hiding and shame, and I no longer wish to give the darkness that kind of power over me. Shining thte light of truth has been a cathartic relief, and I thank you for understanding.
Most sincerely,
Comment from treaclemoon
heartbreaking, stark and extremely powerful writing. Once in a while I read something that will not leave my mind, this is one of those somethings. My heart goes out to anyone who has suffered in such a way. A compelling read indeed.
reply by the author on 27-Feb-2010
heartbreaking, stark and extremely powerful writing. Once in a while I read something that will not leave my mind, this is one of those somethings. My heart goes out to anyone who has suffered in such a way. A compelling read indeed.
Comment Written 27-Feb-2010
reply by the author on 27-Feb-2010
Thank you my friend,
Your thoughts touch me, and I want you to know that I truly appreciate your comments.
Comment from Judian James
This was one of the most heart-wrenching, uncomfortable abuse poems I've read, Curt. I don't understand how people survive from this and manage to carry on "normal" lives. I assume this is biographical due to including your own photo. Standing ovation for you right here from my den in Maine. To go on and to counsel thousands who have been abused as your adult career is emotionally overwhelming to me and so benevolent of you. Perfectly rhymed and metered story of a tortured reality. I pray these poems are cathartic for you.
reply by the author on 27-Feb-2010
This was one of the most heart-wrenching, uncomfortable abuse poems I've read, Curt. I don't understand how people survive from this and manage to carry on "normal" lives. I assume this is biographical due to including your own photo. Standing ovation for you right here from my den in Maine. To go on and to counsel thousands who have been abused as your adult career is emotionally overwhelming to me and so benevolent of you. Perfectly rhymed and metered story of a tortured reality. I pray these poems are cathartic for you.
Comment Written 27-Feb-2010
reply by the author on 27-Feb-2010
Thank you my dear friend.
I can say my life has been anything but normal, but I have always tried to save others from any of the abuses I suffered, often to my own detriment. In my quest for understanding, I have put myself in the belly of the beast quite literally surrounding myself with the very thing I despised most in order to fathom the mind of a predator. I think I must have failed somehow, and God forgive me, I can't stop wishing that man will burn in hell forever.
You are a dear friend to me Jude, and your words give me a comfort I can find some solace in.
Comment from Kashif Ali Abbas
This is so heart touching and awesome tale of all the agony and pain that an innocent child may feel and think of the cruelty that was thrust upon him. I have no word to describe how brilliantly you have narrated it and I deem it as a great protest symbol against such cruel acts of forced sex.
Well done!
reply by the author on 27-Feb-2010
This is so heart touching and awesome tale of all the agony and pain that an innocent child may feel and think of the cruelty that was thrust upon him. I have no word to describe how brilliantly you have narrated it and I deem it as a great protest symbol against such cruel acts of forced sex.
Well done!
Comment Written 27-Feb-2010
reply by the author on 27-Feb-2010
Thank you Kashif,
I know we got off to a rocky start, and so it is with much apprecaiation that I read your kind words and thoughts. If my words can help stop one child from being hurt, then maybe it was worth it.
Thank you once again,
You are welcome curt
with best wishes
Comment from Agrona
OMG wow. Your poem left me speechless, disgusted, horrified, angry, sad. There are things in this world that are worth than death. Atrocities committed against children are the most horrific things I can think of. Your words are very powerful and I admire your "in your face" attitude.
reply by the author on 27-Feb-2010
OMG wow. Your poem left me speechless, disgusted, horrified, angry, sad. There are things in this world that are worth than death. Atrocities committed against children are the most horrific things I can think of. Your words are very powerful and I admire your "in your face" attitude.
Comment Written 27-Feb-2010
reply by the author on 27-Feb-2010
Thank you my friend,
I truly do appreciate your kindest of thoughts on this piece, and I share your emotions unequivocally.
Blessings to you and to yours,
Comment from Juliette Chamberlain
I have no words that can convey the depths of my sorrow for that little four year old. For the man that he has become, I can only say that I really pray you have had at least some healing of the memories.
As I have read some of the atrocities that were practiced on little children, I begin to realize more and more, why God has got to be a God of justice as well as a God of love.
I trust that sharing will help you in some small way.
reply by the author on 27-Feb-2010
I have no words that can convey the depths of my sorrow for that little four year old. For the man that he has become, I can only say that I really pray you have had at least some healing of the memories.
As I have read some of the atrocities that were practiced on little children, I begin to realize more and more, why God has got to be a God of justice as well as a God of love.
I trust that sharing will help you in some small way.
Comment Written 27-Feb-2010
reply by the author on 27-Feb-2010
Thank you Julette,
My life has had it's better moments than this to be sure, and I cling to those precious few memories as a fly to the windshiled of a speeding car.
Your thoughts truly touch me, and I thank you sincerely for them.
Comment from Begin Again
The reader can't feel your pain or how horrific this must have been, but I can express my sorrow that this happens to any innocent child. I'm brought to tears by your words. I pray you have found comfort in some small way sharing this with us.
I send you a hug,
reply by the author on 27-Feb-2010
The reader can't feel your pain or how horrific this must have been, but I can express my sorrow that this happens to any innocent child. I'm brought to tears by your words. I pray you have found comfort in some small way sharing this with us.
I send you a hug,
Comment Written 27-Feb-2010
reply by the author on 27-Feb-2010
Thank you Carol,
The writing to release emotions was at first my only way to express myself, and continues to be even now, but if my words can help one person to cope, to know that there is life after abuse, then perhaps that is a part of the Greater Plan I hope for and cling to.
Blessings to you and to yours my friend,
You have lifted my spirit today and I am so happy that we are friends. I hope that I can do the same for you....Smiles and hugs, Carol