Reviews from

Four Years Old

The End of Innocence

124 total reviews 
Comment from dragonqueen1983
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

this is a deeply disturbing poem you have here. it is well written and portrays a scene which is sadly on the rise. i admire you for penning this

 Comment Written 01-Mar-2010

reply by the author on 01-Mar-2010
    Thank you my friend for your thoughts, they are deeply appreciated.
Comment from Mariea
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hello Curt. Such a sad brutal piece. A lot of things happen behind closed doors.

Structure - well put together and developed
Rhyme - consistent throughout
Rhythm - nice easy flow

Have a great day
Regards Mia

 Comment Written 01-Mar-2010

reply by the author on 01-Mar-2010
    Thank you Mia, your sentiments are always welcome here my friend.
Comment from Carol D Parker
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I sure hope this wasn't your experience. It's a powerful piece of writng. I commend you for writing it. I wish more people could read it. There has to be some kind of wakeup call to neighbors and even relatives who suspect that something isn't right. Somebody knows but does nothing. Even though the subject is ugly the poem is very well crafted. Great work.

 Comment Written 01-Mar-2010

reply by the author on 01-Mar-2010
    Thank you Delora, your thoughts are touching and always welcome.
    I wish I had all the answers, my friend, I really do.
Comment from Jim Lorson Sr
This work has reached the exceptional level

Wow Curt, this just blew my mind. I know children are abused more by people they know and think they can trust. This was the one reason that I could never be a cop, because I would just want to put a bullet to the perps head. I don't know how son, who is a cop, cannot keep from losing it when he has to investigate this type of crime.

What a powerful piece of poetry you've written. I don't know what else to say..................regards,,,,,jim

 Comment Written 01-Mar-2010

reply by the author on 01-Mar-2010
    Thank you Jim,
    I am honored by the stars and even more by your comments.
    I understand your feelings completely, and there are many who share your thoughts.
    Thank you again Jim,
Comment from pugdogy
This work has reached the exceptional level

I had to award the big six for you being able to take such a subject as this and tell it blatantly like it is,,,I must say this poem brought tears to my eyes and makes me feel soo sad for the little children who are out there suffering through this right now,,,and when I hear mothers=which I have heard==say they never knew anything was going on, and this abuse went on the child's whole lifetime they make me sick,,,they need to be locked up for life right along with the sicko,,,it is sad to say but I have to wonder if these sick women don't allow men to rape their children because they are afraid of loosing the man,,,

 Comment Written 28-Feb-2010

reply by the author on 01-Mar-2010
    Thank you my friend, I am indeed honored.
    I think that the reasons are many why a woman does this denial of abuse. Self esteem is one, as is a past history of abuse themselves they have repressed. As odd as it sounds, many abused women seek an abuser as an adult. That's how bad the abuse affects someone's life.
    It is so sad.
    Thank you again my friend,
Comment from Sacred Heart
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

My goodness Curt this is heartbreaking but a powerful write. A tuff subject to write about but you pulled it off very well. I find myself getting all emotional over this one. I feel so deeply for anyone who is raped especially a child....I could go on and on but will stop here. Patty

 Comment Written 28-Feb-2010

reply by the author on 01-Mar-2010
    Thank you Patty,
    I understand and share your emotions on the subject, as I believe any caring person would.
    I am touched Patty, thank you again,
Comment from lola29
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Curt, your poem is very hard-core, but so is child abuse. No one likes to talk about it, and it's understandable why, but it must be brought to the forefront so those bastards can be stopped.

 Comment Written 28-Feb-2010

reply by the author on 28-Feb-2010
    I have been a champion for the underdog my whole life, sometimes at great cost to myself. I just have to believe that I can use what I know and feel to help others.
    Thank you for your thoughts,
Comment from Mike K2
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I hope the picture isn't related to the story. I found this very harsh and anger promoting, also deeply perverse. There is only one punishment acceptable to me for a person that violates and innocent family member or person.

I have some darkness related to my step-daughter. I knew there was a problem when my step-daughter blamed me for her losing her virginity and pretty much determined despite the umteen stories that she had been raped. It is nothing like having the person that did something like this calling the house and boasting what he did. I got the police involved, but at first they rejected. I placed another 911 call saying the following, "This is my second call, the officer that you sent over was an absolute dick head. I want a detective!"

When informed, that might not be possible, "That's fine, then I'll bring the media in." Working with detectives was interesting, he first wanted to know what I wanted out of the deal. "Ultimate Justice." They felt they finally got the story, but because of the way she was, they couldn't pursue it, but instead felt it merited a bit of waiting. Sure enough that SOB did it again and they used both testimonies to land him in jail. Better then the torture I would have inflicted on him. He'd be eating his own dick.

 Comment Written 28-Feb-2010

reply by the author on 28-Feb-2010
    Thanks for sharing that Mike. You were lucky, I knew men who were innocent, passed polygraphs and were still in prison. Must not have been an election year, that's when iit happens most often. The numbers don't lie.
    I'm glad it worked out for you my friend, and thank you fro your thoughts,
reply by Mike K2 on 28-Feb-2010
    I'm currently writing about scouts in a chapter here and there. It was so much a part of my life. In the 90's a kid accused an adult leader of molestation and it hit the news big time. What never go picked up, was that through the course of the invesigation, if was revealed that the kid had problems and made the whole thing up. The prosecutor, due to the recommendation dropped the case against the leader, but the community still considers him guilty. The man returned to scouts, but acts in a capacity that doesn't involve the kids. I never was a scoutmaster, just an assistant, because I felt that my being single, put a target on my head. Still, it should be considered a problem, yet honestly it should be even handed and all news should get out.
reply by Mike K2 on 28-Feb-2010
    Oh, I may have gotten some of your comments confused. With my step daughter, I knew that something was wrong and stuck with it. Personally, she only told everyone that I was abusing her to provide cover for her behavior. She did threaten to say that I sexually abused her and I took her seriously, she was shocked when I brought the police in before I made the claim. I not only had to be pin straight, but also open as my best defense was to demonstate any claims that she made was false. The police caught on, but not until the destroyed any authority in the house hold that I had. I was happy when my step daughter straightened herself out, but then the wife went crazy and declared our marriage over. Still she hung around for a year, until I settled to get her to move out. I could have gotten my wife out of the house sooner, but that would involve punishing the kids and I didn't want to undo any of the hard work that I put into raising them.
Comment from Alexandra.Obreja
This work has reached the exceptional level

The entire time while reading the poem i had my mouth opened in shock. You managed perfectly to add in your poem the horrible feelings a child in this situation may feel.

the last part was like a grand finale:
"It happened in a neighborhood
where everyone said things were good
but four year olds don't wish to die
unless no one will hear their cry. "

 Comment Written 28-Feb-2010

reply by the author on 28-Feb-2010
    Thank you Alexandra,
    you honor me with your thoughts and stars,
Comment from Janelle
This work has reached the exceptional level

I've read this poem and now my eyes are black and swollen and my nose feels like it's smashed all over my face, because it feels like I've been king hit right between the eyes, and all due to this gut wrenching, brutally honest work!

Curt I am so sad for that little boy in the picture; the reality of his existence and the horror that entailed; the physical trauma he endured, the absolute incomprehenshion of his mother's betrayal of her maternal duty to him, not just as a mother, but has a human being and the feeling of being totally vulnerable, with no way out and no one listening.

I am so glad that you have found a place where you can purge some of the anger, hurt, pain and frustration that you must have had build up in your soul, by posting these brutal, stark, in-your-face pieces that, hopefully, will also help to liberate others who have suffered in the same way. What's been done can't be undone, but yours is a very loud, strident voice against such atrocities and is being heard by many on this site, whether they like or not. If just one person sits back and thinks that maybe they should start listening to their children, or another abused child feels they are being heard through your work then you have achieved so much more than writing a good poem Curt.

Peace be with you Curt. Regards, Jan

 Comment Written 27-Feb-2010

reply by the author on 27-Feb-2010
    Replied via PM.
    I am honored.