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Viewing comments for Chapter 14 "In the USA"

46 total reviews 
Comment from karenina
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I didn't realize it was "National Anthem Day" until you mentioned it. Like you, there was not a school day in my childhood that did not begin with The Pledge of Allegiance, The National Anthem, and a moment of silence for prayer. The Supreme Court deemed prayer unconstitutional in 1962...

(The exception for "a moment of silence" often sneaks by--but group prayer, recited out loud is not allowed in public schools to my understanding)

It's difficult not to draw a direct line from the elimination of these practices, including the singing of the National Anthem--through the seeming lack of patriotism and respect for our country and our flag.

Talk about replacing our Anthem, or supplementing it with another has seen fruition, with the "Black National Anthem" being sung at the Superbowl this year.

"Lift Every Voice and Sing" is a beautiful song. That being said, if we are, in fact, "One nation, under God" (as we learned!)--I fail to see why it could not have been a song presented without the new moniker, in the same way we often hear God Bless America...

I can tell you when my family gathered en masse at my home for the Superbowl everyone stood for the National Anthem. It's what we do in our family to honor our country and the sacrifices so many in our family and around the country have made in battle.

Long-winded way of saying I hope the pendulum swings back toward pride in country, flag, and anthem. Perhaps then we can view one another as unified patriots instead of political factions.


 Comment Written 03-Mar-2024

reply by the author on 03-Mar-2024
    Hi there K, my dear friend! I thank you with all my heart for these kind comments. I loved your long winded review. I agree with everything you said.

    I appreciate knowing there are others who feel the same way about our country, regardless of how we feel about the way it is run.
    Thanks again, my very dear friend. Lotsa Love, Debi
reply by karenina on 04-Mar-2024
    I do carry on when it's such an important topic!

Comment from XinaD
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I'm Canadian, so it's not my anthem but... as a kid at hockey games, I would hear it sung and it's always sounded so.... STRONG, proud, fearless... to me. You've paid it wonderful homage here. Great work.

 Comment Written 03-Mar-2024

reply by the author on 03-Mar-2024
    my dear friend! I thank you with all my heart for these kind comments.
    I love Canada. We live in MN, so I guess we are neighbors! Cool.
    Thanks again, my very dear friend. Lotsa Love, Debi
reply by XinaD on 04-Mar-2024
    I grew up in "south Detroit" (aka Windsor, On) but now live north of the arctic watershed. I consider Minnesota part of Canada, and would gladly trade Alberta for you folks ;)

    One day I dream of agate hunting along the Duluth shoreline. Lake Superior fascinates me.

    Have a great day,
Comment from jim vecchio
This work has reached the exceptional level

Excellent! When I was a kid, a local newspaper printed an article of mine defending the words of The "Star Spangled Banner". When I was in college, I travelled through Ireland for three weeks. Over there, at theaters and public functions, people always stood for the Irish National Anthem. I wouldn't give two cents for any team that allows its players to sit during the Anthem (unless, like me, they're in a wheelchair, and I would even try to stand)

 Comment Written 03-Mar-2024

reply by the author on 03-Mar-2024
    Hello Jim,my dear friend! I thank you with all my heart for these kind comments. I appreciate knowing there are others who feel the same way about our country, regardless of how we feel about the way it is run.

    Thanks too for your awesome six patriotic stars. Means the world to me.
    Thanks again, my very dear friend. Lotsa Love, Debi
reply by jim vecchio on 04-Mar-2024
    Your poems always touch my heart.
Comment from Terry Broxson
This work has reached the exceptional level

Debi, it seems like almost every day is National Anthem Day, but the way I look at it. It never hurts to honor America. It's true sometimes we have stuck our nose where it doesn't belong. But we have also been the nose of last resort. So, let's honor those who have served for freedom everywhere. Well done. Terry.

 Comment Written 03-Mar-2024

reply by the author on 03-Mar-2024
    Hi Terry, my dear friend! I thank you with all my heart for these kind comments. I want to thank you for your sweet six patriotic six stars too.

    It's alway nice knowing there are others who feel the same way about our veterans, regardless of how we feel about the way our country is run.
    Thanks again, my very dear friend. Lotsa Love, Debi
Comment from jmdg1954
This work has reached the exceptional level

Your poem is well received by me, 1000%!
I can still sing all the patriotic songs we learned when it seemed to be more important than it is now...
My country ''tis of thee; anchors away, battle hymn of the republic to name a few.

It's a down right shame they are no longer taught!

God bless our flag and God bless the USA!

Enjoy your Sunday,

 Comment Written 03-Mar-2024

reply by the author on 03-Mar-2024
    And we stood up from our desks, with hands on our hearts and said the pledge of allegiance to the flag, then we sang, my Country 'tis of thee, Yes, we learned them all. Not from church, but school.

    John, that is why you still get choked up during the National Anthem, because that love and respect is in your blood and heart since childhood.

    The kids today will never know how that feels because they were cheated out of it. It all happened when they took God out. You told me once that you too wear your heart on your sleeve. Well bro, that deformity of having your heart stuck on your sleeve runs in the family. (a sheepish lol)

    Thanks so much for sharing with me about those awesome memories, John.
    Also for the six stars for our stripes and stars! They just changed our state flag. What next, the American flag??
    Sorry about getting so worked up, but when I heard they were thinking of changing the National Anthem, I was so upset!

    Thanks again, my wonderful friend. Lotsa love to you and Debbie.
Comment from BethShelby
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Yes, the song gets to me too when I hear it. There have been petitions to change it, because it is hard for some voices to sing, but I think it is perfect and should never be changed. I love your poem and your patriotism.

 Comment Written 03-Mar-2024

reply by the author on 03-Mar-2024
    Hi Beth, my dear friend! I thank you with all my heart for these kind comments. I can't believe that anyone wants to change out flag or the NA.

    I appreciate knowing there are others who feel the same way about our country, regardless of how we feel about the way it is run.
    Thanks again, my very dear friend. Lotsa Love, Debi
Comment from Sally Law
This work has reached the exceptional level

Debi dear, I feel the same. Thank you for sharing. I am saddened by what's become of us that we think we need another national anthem. There's only one flag and one anthem and it covers us all. We have been given a special gift here and struggled to get to this day in time. Many want to take us back to another day and sit in the mire. I refuse. I will appreciate where I am and the gifts given to me, and bless God for it.

If Americans would allow themselves to look upon Russia and Ukraine for the moment and see what stripped liberty and freedom looks like, tyranny, oppression, the'd kiss the ground and flag so precious. We seem to forget how great it is to be a sovereign nation with a constitution, bill of rights, under God. I haven't. You haven't. Many haven't forgotten, but too many have. Athletes, movie stars and social influencers and even those in office!! spit on our flag yet draw millions of dollars into their bank accounts and live lavish lifestyles under the protection of our flag. It's not right! I still see Mama standing for the national anthem with tears in her eyes while watching a ball game on television. On television! She would die all over again if she saw America today.

I know we're both praying for a turnaround here and soon.

Thanks again for sharing and beautifully so.

Sending you my best today as always and love and blessings across the miles.

 Comment Written 03-Mar-2024

reply by the author on 03-Mar-2024
    Hi Sally, my dear friend! I thank you with all my heart for these kind comments. I loved hearing all of your comments too about Russia and Ukraine and why so many take our freedom for granted.

    Thanks for the six patriotic stars, my dear. I also appreciate knowing there are others who feel the same way about our country, regardless of how we feel about the way it is run.
    Thanks again, my very dear friend. Lotsa Love, Debi
Comment from Jeano
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Love this tribute to our flag, Debi. Instead of being united it seems we are becoming more divided. Two flags, two national anthems. It just doesn't seem right to me. Your message rings loud and clear to me. Nicely done.

 Comment Written 03-Mar-2024

reply by the author on 04-Mar-2024
    Hey Jeano, my dear friend! I thank you with all my heart for these kind comments.
    I appreciate knowing there are others who feel the same way about our country, regardless of how we feel about the way it is run.
    Thanks again, my very dear friend. Lotsa Love, Debi
Comment from Pam (respa)
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

-Nice image and patriotic presentation, Debi.
-Our flag means a lot to me, as well.
-You did a good job showcasing it and
sharing feelings about it.
-I didn't know it was National Anthem Day.
-Like you, the song does give me chills
when I hear it sung.
-A very good concluding verse.
-My dad served in the Air Force so the
flag and love of country has always
been important to me.
-Thanks for honoring our service
men and women for what they do.

 Comment Written 03-Mar-2024

reply by the author on 04-Mar-2024
    Hi Pam, my dear friend! I always thought the air force was such a cool part of our armed services. My dad went into WWII at 15 in the Navy and was overseas before they found out he lied his age. So he fought the kamakazis like the men.
    I thank you with all my heart for these kind comments.

    I appreciate knowing there are others who feel the same way about our country, regardless of how we feel about the way it is run.

    Thanks again, my very dear friend. Lotsa Love, Debi
reply by Pam (respa) on 04-Mar-2024
    You are very welcome for the review, Debi, and thanks for sharing in your reply. I guess dad's can do some interesting and amazing things. We are very fortunate to live in this country.
Comment from Mustang Patty
This work has reached the exceptional level

Hi there,
This poem was a wonderful way to start this new week, and my day. Yes, our flag and national anthem seem to be of little value in today's polarized society. Thank you for sharing,
~Mustang Patty~

 Comment Written 03-Mar-2024

reply by the author on 04-Mar-2024
    Hi Patty, my dear friend! I thank you with all my heart for these kind comments. Thanks for the patriotic six stars! It means the world to me.

    I appreciate knowing there are others who feel the same way about our country, regardless of how we feel about the way it is run.
    Thanks again, my very dear friend. Lotsa Love, Debi