Poems to Publish
Viewing comments for Chapter 21 "Proverbs 31"Spiritual
48 total reviews
Comment from Sandra Stoner-Mitchell
That is lovely, Debi. Women have an important role, whick many countries fail to see. We are the ones that teach our children the right and wrong in life, and the true meaning of Christmas and Easter. We call on God to help us do our best for our family, and always we must put God our Father first. This is a lovely poem for the Club Event. Well done, my friend. Love and hugs, Sandra xx
reply by the author on 05-Dec-2023
That is lovely, Debi. Women have an important role, whick many countries fail to see. We are the ones that teach our children the right and wrong in life, and the true meaning of Christmas and Easter. We call on God to help us do our best for our family, and always we must put God our Father first. This is a lovely poem for the Club Event. Well done, my friend. Love and hugs, Sandra xx
Comment Written 03-Dec-2023
reply by the author on 05-Dec-2023
Hi Sandra, I appreciate your very kind comments for my Proverbs poem. I believe that the young women of today would benefit from hearing what it is God wants from us. There is a saying that I read once that says, "If we don't teach our children to love God, the world will teach them not to." What a sad thought. Thanks again, my dear friend. Debi
Comment from Verna Cole Mitchell
This is an excellent spin-off from Proverbs 31. I loved the lines "There's nothing more rewarding than the feeling that you've done What's righteous and approved of by the Father and the Son."
reply by the author on 05-Dec-2023
This is an excellent spin-off from Proverbs 31. I loved the lines "There's nothing more rewarding than the feeling that you've done What's righteous and approved of by the Father and the Son."
Comment Written 03-Dec-2023
reply by the author on 05-Dec-2023
Hi Verna, I appreciate your very kind comments for my Proverbs poem. I believe that the young women of today would benefit from hearing what it is God wants from us. There is a saying that I read once that says, "If we don't teach our children to love God, the world will teach them not to." What a sad thought. Thanks again, my dear friend. Debi
Comment from Janet Foor
Excellent scripture to mark your days and return to again and again.
We certainly need God's guiding hand in whatever endeavor we undertake.
Thanks for sharing your favorite spiritual verse in your beautiful poem.
reply by the author on 05-Dec-2023
Excellent scripture to mark your days and return to again and again.
We certainly need God's guiding hand in whatever endeavor we undertake.
Thanks for sharing your favorite spiritual verse in your beautiful poem.
Comment Written 03-Dec-2023
reply by the author on 05-Dec-2023
Hi Janet, I appreciate your very kind comments for my Proverbs poem. I believe that the young women of today would benefit from hearing what it is God wants from us. There is a saying that I read once that says, "If we don't teach our children to love God, the world will teach them not to." What a sad thought. Thanks again, my dear friend. Debi
Comment from royowen
The proverbs 31 woman is the godly, sacrificial and after God she puts her husband and children before her own, but the man's role is just as righteous, hen loves his wife as Christ loved the church and gave His life for,her, beautifully written Debi, blessings Roy
reply by the author on 05-Dec-2023
The proverbs 31 woman is the godly, sacrificial and after God she puts her husband and children before her own, but the man's role is just as righteous, hen loves his wife as Christ loved the church and gave His life for,her, beautifully written Debi, blessings Roy
Comment Written 03-Dec-2023
reply by the author on 05-Dec-2023
Thanks Roy, I appreciate your very kind comments for my Proverbs poem. I believe that the young women of today would benefit from hearing what it is God wants from us. There is a saying that I read once that says, "If we don't teach our children to love God, the world will teach them not to." What a sad thought. Thanks again, my dear friend. Debi
Oh yes Debi, the trouble God can't possibly be anything but good.
Comment from barbara.wilkey
Thank you for sharing this club event submission with us. Yes, it's hard sometimes to be all the woman God wants us to be, but...the good news is He's there to help and guide us. We just need to allow Him to do it. I enjoyed reading.
reply by the author on 05-Dec-2023
Thank you for sharing this club event submission with us. Yes, it's hard sometimes to be all the woman God wants us to be, but...the good news is He's there to help and guide us. We just need to allow Him to do it. I enjoyed reading.
Comment Written 03-Dec-2023
reply by the author on 05-Dec-2023
Hi Barb, I appreciate your very kind comments for my Proverbs poem. I believe that the young women of today would benefit from hearing what it is God wants from us. There is a saying that I read once that says, "If we don't teach our children to love God, the world will teach them not to." What a sad thought. Thanks again, my dear friend. Debi
Comment from karenina
The blessing of the Lord is that he is loving and patient with us. Your deeply spiritual poem is so moving!
When we stumble, as we all do, His glorious hand is the first to set us back on our feet and encourage our spiritual growth.
What a beautiful poem to post on this Sunday!
Grace and Faith abound, through your words!
reply by the author on 05-Dec-2023
The blessing of the Lord is that he is loving and patient with us. Your deeply spiritual poem is so moving!
When we stumble, as we all do, His glorious hand is the first to set us back on our feet and encourage our spiritual growth.
What a beautiful poem to post on this Sunday!
Grace and Faith abound, through your words!
Comment Written 03-Dec-2023
reply by the author on 05-Dec-2023
Hi there my sweet K, I appreciate your very kind comments for my Proverbs poem. I believe that the young women of today would benefit from hearing what it is God wants from us. There is a saying that I read once that says, "If we don't teach our children to love God, the world will teach them not to." What a sad thought. Thanks again, my dear friend. Love ya, Debi
So true. Evil fills empty spaces...
Teach them early and watch them bloom!
Speaking of things blooming, I hope you are reading your beautiful blooming reviews
It just signed on...
Those reviews are for your POEM!
I'm orry, I meant your birthday poem. I've been doing them both at once and got mixed up. Sorry!
Ah...but even the birthday poem reviews are to celebrate your talent and heart! Don't forget that!
How about we share the love. After all, that's what real friends do is build each other up, always! And I truly wanted you to feel the love
Comment from Ginda Simpson
This is a beautiful, prayerful reflection of what we are called to do as women and believers. God has designed us to care for others, but also ourselves. Part of that caring is making sure we spend time in the presence of the Lord and ask His Light to guide us. This is a wonderful poem.
reply by the author on 05-Dec-2023
This is a beautiful, prayerful reflection of what we are called to do as women and believers. God has designed us to care for others, but also ourselves. Part of that caring is making sure we spend time in the presence of the Lord and ask His Light to guide us. This is a wonderful poem.
Comment Written 03-Dec-2023
reply by the author on 05-Dec-2023
Hi Ginda, I thank you so very much for your kind review and comments.
I also wanted to ask you if you would like me to do a poem for you for your birhday?
Comment from Rosemary Everson1
There are so many verses that we could write about. Just knowing our God/Jesus is a wonderful experience. Reading His words is very important. So enjoyed reading your poem.
reply by the author on 03-Dec-2023
There are so many verses that we could write about. Just knowing our God/Jesus is a wonderful experience. Reading His words is very important. So enjoyed reading your poem.
Comment Written 03-Dec-2023
reply by the author on 03-Dec-2023
My dearest Rosemary,
I thank you so much. It does seem those posts that tell about our God and Jesus are the easiest to write as we seem to get divine help. I appreciate so much your kind words and your gracious six stars. Thanks from the bottom from the bottom of my heart. God Bless, my sweet friend.
Comment from dragonpoet
Hi Debi,
This poem ends with the way we should all live and write. I like the idea the each day is a new start to be close to God. We do need to think of God and others. But, we also need to think of ourselves. If we don't take care of ourselves than we can't help others.
Keep writing and stay healthly
Have a great day.
reply by the author on 05-Dec-2023
Hi Debi,
This poem ends with the way we should all live and write. I like the idea the each day is a new start to be close to God. We do need to think of God and others. But, we also need to think of ourselves. If we don't take care of ourselves than we can't help others.
Keep writing and stay healthly
Have a great day.
Comment Written 03-Dec-2023
reply by the author on 05-Dec-2023
Hi there Joan, I appreciate your very kind comments for my Proverbs poem. I believe that the young women of today would benefit from hearing what it is God wants from us. There is a saying that I read once that says, "If we don't teach our children to love God, the world will teach them not to." What a sad thought. Thanks again, my dear friend. Debi
You're welcome, Debi. I can see how that saying could be true, and it is sad.
Comment from Sarah Robin
Thank you for sharing another beautiful poem. You delivered a powerful message to us. I appreciate your thoughts that I needed to hear. Good luck in the contest.
reply by the author on 03-Dec-2023
Thank you for sharing another beautiful poem. You delivered a powerful message to us. I appreciate your thoughts that I needed to hear. Good luck in the contest.
Comment Written 03-Dec-2023
reply by the author on 03-Dec-2023
Hello Sarah, I thank you so much. It does seem those posts that tell about our God and Jesus are the easiest to write as we seem to get divine help. I appreciate so much your kind words and your gracious six stars. Thanks from the bottom from the bottom of my heart. God Bless, my sweet friend.