Reviews from

Man who I Adore

My Country Song

44 total reviews 
Comment from Carolyn Dooley
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I may be wrong, but I feel this is Jesus. The son of God lives in a place with no clocks to watch. And we communicate soul to soul, through telepathy.
He and God are our true love. They forgive us for the wrong we do. Thank you for sharing.

 Comment Written 30-Jul-2022

reply by the author on 30-Jul-2022
    Oh Carolyn, close but the part where I say that I may never meet him face to face, I pray is not true. This is actually about someone who has helped me with my faith and walk w Christ, in great fellowship. Actually a few people, as our Pastor died last yr of Covid and as I miss him so much I have found others who have been so helpful. Since Covid we haven't been able to go back to Church due to my immune system being so bad so I believe God sends others to walk that path w us. And of course as a country song had to be a little bit of a tease. Thanks my dear friend for the lovely review and comments!
reply by Carolyn Dooley on 31-Jul-2022
    And I wish you the best.
Comment from RPSaxena
This work has reached the exceptional level

Hello Friend,
Nice piece of poetry incorporating an enchanting and heart touching song!
Impressive phraseology. Chorus is REMARKABLE.
BEST OF LUCK in the contest.

 Comment Written 30-Jul-2022

reply by the author on 30-Jul-2022
    Robert, I thank you so very much for this amazing review, comments and your very generous six stars. I am very touched by your kindness as this is my first attempt to write lyrics to a song. Thank you again my dear friend!
reply by RPSaxena on 03-Aug-2022
    Debi, Most Welcome!
    With best wishes,
    ~ RP
Comment from jake cosmos aller
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Nice entry. I've seen a few. This is my second favorite so far. I was going to enter the contest, but then thought again. I am not a big country fan after all, more of a blues guy my self. Always saw country as the poor white man's blues.

 Comment Written 30-Jul-2022

reply by the author on 30-Jul-2022
    Jake, thank you so much for the kind review and comments. Lol, second best, sure beats last. hehe! Thanks again my friend!
Comment from Pam (respa)
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

-Very good artwork and nice presentation.
-You wrote very good song lyrics, and I enjoyed them.
-Effective imagery, rhyme, and a very good chorus.
-I can't explain why except these lines seem to be the essence of a good country song:
"If by now you still don't understand
It's not what you may think; I know firsthand."
-It will be interesting to see who you are..
-Good luck in the contest; it is a good entry!

 Comment Written 30-Jul-2022

reply by the author on 30-Jul-2022
    Thanks so much Pam. Lol, Don't you just hate the mystery of these contests? I appreciate so very much your very lovely comments and review! You gave me the biggest smile my friend and made my whole weekend!
reply by Pam (respa) on 31-Jul-2022
    You are very welcome, mystery writer. And yes I do dislike the mystery, but it is fun to see the result. I am glad you liked my review, and it gave you a big smile and made your weekend. Like Steve Urkel used to say, "Did I do that?"
reply by the author on 31-Jul-2022
    Haha! OMGosh Pam, that was so funny!!! We are always saying that. In fact I get so mad at my husband because he will use that when I am a little upset w him for something, and he ruins it by making me laugh! πŸ˜‚
reply by Pam (respa) on 31-Jul-2022
    I am glad it resonated with you, mystery writer with a sense of humor, and also knowing who Steve Urkel is😊😊
reply by the author on 31-Jul-2022
    -I loved that too! Still chuckling!
reply by Pam (respa) on 31-Jul-2022
Comment from Teri7
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is a very nice country song you have penned. I love the title and your great descriptive words. I can see this being sung by a country artist. Best wishes in the contest. blessings, Teri

 Comment Written 30-Jul-2022

reply by the author on 30-Jul-2022
    Thank you so very much Teri! I truly appreciate the lovely comments and review, as it meant a lot to me. Thanks again my friend!
Comment from LateBloomer
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hello Author, you've composed a great country song, and I'm glad that you don't have a cheating heart. I especially liked:

The soul's what I see; there is no face

(It's always best to see what's within a person, first--good looks helps too. Lol)

Author, I can feel the special bond between you and the man your adore. Perhaps, he's just One of many. After all, this is a Country song. This song made me smile. Keep the musical notes flowing. LateBloomer

 Comment Written 30-Jul-2022

reply by the author on 30-Jul-2022
    Oh Margaret you are so perceptive and have a good eye for reading between the lines. Thanks so much for your lovely review as I certainly do appreciate your very kind words. Thanks again my friend!
Comment from royowen
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Wow, I would have to say you really love this man, a veritable, to refer to him with these deep, deep words of love. But that's a wondrous thing to love that deeply. This a beautiful written narrative, have you got music to this. Well done, good construct, great write, blessings Roy

 Comment Written 30-Jul-2022

reply by the author on 30-Jul-2022
    Thank you Roy, and yes I do have a deep love for this man as a friend, as he has been a significant help with my walk with my Lord and Savior Jesus. Anyone who can be such a bright spot with your faith is worthy of a love this strong. We recently lost our pastor who was so instrumental in helping us and we loved him just like this. Thank you my friend for the very kind review and words.
reply by royowen on 30-Jul-2022
    Oh, there are a few that have accelerated my growth too, well done
reply by the author on 30-Jul-2022
    I don't doubt that at all!
    As we all need people in our walk with our Lord, I actually have a few in mind that this is for.
reply by royowen on 30-Jul-2022
Comment from Tina Crute
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is so mellow, sweet and lovely, like a rich dessert. It's peaceful, too, because the contentment comes through, from knowing and loving a dear soul. The lack of much punctuation works to keep the words flowing freely. Well done. I would vote for this from what I have seen so far.

 Comment Written 30-Jul-2022

reply by the author on 30-Jul-2022
    Oh Tina, you are so very sweet. Thank you so much as this was a fun contest to write for, but it certainly isn't your ordinary country song, as you probably guessed it is a walk of fellowship and faith. Thank you so much my friend for the lovely review and comments.
reply by Tina Crute on 30-Jul-2022
    I loved it!!
Comment from Boogienights
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I really love this song. It speaks of how love,should be....not based on looks but on a soul connection..very well written, I could hear the music in my head. Best if luck in the contest. :)

 Comment Written 30-Jul-2022

reply by the author on 30-Jul-2022
    Oh thank you so much for the lovely review and words. And I thank you for doing this contest as I racked my brain last night to find the words, and this morning it was just there. But I can't wait to read all the others. Thank you again my lovely friend.
Comment from lyenochka
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Loved that chorus which shows me your spiritual eyes and your faithful heart! I don't know which song this might be but I really liked the chorus. I was wondering if the "man" was Jesus, or a godly man like your husband, but then the line "We may never meet each other face to face" tripped me up and then I wasn't sure who anymore. Best wishes in the contest!

Minor formatting nit:
feel this way (the "way" is in a different font from all the words)

 Comment Written 30-Jul-2022

reply by the author on 30-Jul-2022
    Thanks so much Helen, I was having difficulty with getting the same font and size throughout, but I thank you for letting me know and I think I have it as close as it is going to come. I do love those new fonts to pick from.
    Between you and me this man is someone who has virtually helped me in fellowship with my Lord and Savior, Jesus, and my Heavenly Father. Since Covid we haven't been back to Church, but get to watch it from our tv, plus other wonderful Christian programs. So this is what it is about, but maybe just a little tease for everyone else who is wondering. After all it is a country song. LOL
reply by lyenochka on 30-Jul-2022
    Okay! That helps understand it.
    Hope you are feeling stronger all the time. I just learned another writer here is about to have knee surgery in a month. So you are setting the frontier experience for others! πŸ™πŸ’–
reply by the author on 30-Jul-2022
    Lol, Well you silly girl, how did you know it was me? Probably from my style of writing, but its ok because I just always love hearing from you. And I hope and pray your other friend does well, as my main problem was the rods and hardware trying to straighten and strengthen so I can walk again. So happy to tell you that this week during one of my home therapy's I took two steps with the walker, which I haven't done in years and so excited.
reply by lyenochka on 30-Jul-2022
    Congratulations!!! I'm so happy to hear you are doing the TWO step!! Praise the Lord: