One Man's Opinion
A few things that needs to be changed...38 total reviews
Comment from Jannypan (Jan)
You did a great job, Bill. Your essay is organized in a logical manner. You state an issue then attempt to give a solution. Your ideas seem based on practice & practicality. I agree with most of your ideas. I do believe the contest have dwindled into repeats of repeats with little incentive to enter. I like the idea of not charging a member who has sponsored a contest another fee to enter. The idea of not allowing winners to enter another contest seems feasible, but I don't believe it works. I have seen it a few times. But most forgo that action. I like the idea of the contest sponsored by the site to be more transparent. One never knows how they are judged by the CEC. The length of time a contest is in the booth is many times way to long. The longer a contest I available and/or recycles, the longer the time in the booth. I believe 3 days is too long even for those contest that are 'stories' that take longer to read etc. Also, there is a member sponsored contest recycling currently from April 19, 2018. There are 3 entries & one member has deleted their work--possibly because of the length & the recycling issue?? Grest job on this! Jan
reply by the author on 20-Aug-2018
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You did a great job, Bill. Your essay is organized in a logical manner. You state an issue then attempt to give a solution. Your ideas seem based on practice & practicality. I agree with most of your ideas. I do believe the contest have dwindled into repeats of repeats with little incentive to enter. I like the idea of not charging a member who has sponsored a contest another fee to enter. The idea of not allowing winners to enter another contest seems feasible, but I don't believe it works. I have seen it a few times. But most forgo that action. I like the idea of the contest sponsored by the site to be more transparent. One never knows how they are judged by the CEC. The length of time a contest is in the booth is many times way to long. The longer a contest I available and/or recycles, the longer the time in the booth. I believe 3 days is too long even for those contest that are 'stories' that take longer to read etc. Also, there is a member sponsored contest recycling currently from April 19, 2018. There are 3 entries & one member has deleted their work--possibly because of the length & the recycling issue?? Grest job on this! Jan
Comment Written 20-Aug-2018
reply by the author on 20-Aug-2018
Hello Jan, how are you? Thanks for your very thoughtful review, I appreciate it.
You know Jan, I think one of the things I dislike most here is how the contests drag on and on. I used to join contests several times a week, but after getting caught up in a few of those I very seldom join now.
However, I don't think that will ever change simply because there are so many new members joining all the time and Tom is not going to do anything that might slow that process down.
Thanks again Jan for your wonderful review. Have a great week my friend...Bill
Comment from Adri7enne
Well done, Bill. You've addressed many of my concerns as well. I also feel that the contests are heavily weighted in favor of certain people. Hardly worthwhile to enter if their name in on the list of participants. They have hundreds of fans who seem to be entranced by their fame. Like competing against a rock star. Even the management of Fanstory is entranced by these 'celebraties'. Why not? People will jump hoops to belong to this "in crowd". It's like high school all over again. Makes me wonder...I don't think there's a darn thing we can do about it. Have to work around it. It's still fun, as long as you don't join expecting to earn money for it.
I enjoyed your post. Good luck in the contest!
reply by the author on 20-Aug-2018
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Well done, Bill. You've addressed many of my concerns as well. I also feel that the contests are heavily weighted in favor of certain people. Hardly worthwhile to enter if their name in on the list of participants. They have hundreds of fans who seem to be entranced by their fame. Like competing against a rock star. Even the management of Fanstory is entranced by these 'celebraties'. Why not? People will jump hoops to belong to this "in crowd". It's like high school all over again. Makes me wonder...I don't think there's a darn thing we can do about it. Have to work around it. It's still fun, as long as you don't join expecting to earn money for it.
I enjoyed your post. Good luck in the contest!
Comment Written 20-Aug-2018
reply by the author on 20-Aug-2018
Thank you very much for your thoughtful review, I do appreciate it. I totally agree with everything you have said. And, the sad thing about it is that it's getting worse all the time.
I used to look forward to logging in to Fanstory, but I truly don't anymore. And another sad thing is that this is the best writing site online, so where would we go if we quit?
You have made some really good points in your review. I wish you had joined the contest.
Take care of yourself and have a great week my friend...Bill
Comment from Mustang Patty
Hi, Bill,
Thank you for sharing your precise opinion about the Contest situation here at FS.
I do agree that as paying members we should be allowed to have some say in how things are run - but that doesn't seem to be the case.
Instead, we are urged to create our own contests - which we pay to do, and then pay to enter, and promote.
Oh well - maybe, just maybe, someone will listen.
Good luck in the contest,
reply by the author on 20-Aug-2018
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Hi, Bill,
Thank you for sharing your precise opinion about the Contest situation here at FS.
I do agree that as paying members we should be allowed to have some say in how things are run - but that doesn't seem to be the case.
Instead, we are urged to create our own contests - which we pay to do, and then pay to enter, and promote.
Oh well - maybe, just maybe, someone will listen.
Good luck in the contest,
Comment Written 20-Aug-2018
reply by the author on 20-Aug-2018
Hello Patty, how are you? Thanks for your excellent review, I do appreciate it.
Yes, there are several things that could be changed to make this a much better site. But actually, I don't think the site really cares what we think. Because there are so many new members joining each day, this business is booming. So, they more than likely won't do anything to slow that down.
Take care of yourself Patty and good luck in the contest my friend...Bill
Comment from Brett Matthew West
I strongly believe that all contests should be blind entries. Part of why some members will not participate is because most voters gravitate towards better known writers even if a lesser known writer's piece is superior in quality. This is a major discouragement for those writers to even enter contests. Also agree that the length of time involved in most contests can become lengthy and therefore interest in the results of that contest wanes. Your points are well made and supported. Now, if only the "powers" that be in control of FanStory would listen. However, as we both know, they seldom do.
reply by the author on 20-Aug-2018
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I strongly believe that all contests should be blind entries. Part of why some members will not participate is because most voters gravitate towards better known writers even if a lesser known writer's piece is superior in quality. This is a major discouragement for those writers to even enter contests. Also agree that the length of time involved in most contests can become lengthy and therefore interest in the results of that contest wanes. Your points are well made and supported. Now, if only the "powers" that be in control of FanStory would listen. However, as we both know, they seldom do.
Comment Written 20-Aug-2018
reply by the author on 20-Aug-2018
Thank you, Brett, for your fantastic review, I really appreciate your thoughts. Yes, I totally agree with you about the blind entries. However, even then, there are many voters who follow their favorite writers by knowing their writing styles. So, even though the contest is blind, if they recognize the style all they have to do is go to that writers profile page to verify it and cast their vote.
Until there is a change to make all the members feel more comfortable about joining contests the participation rate will continue to fall.
I thank you again Brett for your support, I truly appreciate it. Have a wonderful week, my friend...Bill
Comment from giraffmang
Hi Bill,
I remember some of the suggestions put forward, but the problem, it seems, is rather that newer ones don't get as much more entries than the old ones. The only way it works is for people to enter the comps. If they don't take to new ones, they get ditched. The growing trend at the moment is short form for everything. If you look at the prose, the vast majority are all 200 words or less. Even the longer ones usually only manage to attract folks barely writing 1000 words.
Members sponsor their own and frequently they're ignored.
I think they should do away with the 'fixing' the work after the deadline. It's 100% fair to disqualify them for not reading the rules. that's what happens everywhere else...
I wrote an inverted nonet the other day and got great reviews on it. I'd never written one before and it took me five minutes. It was a grocery list...
too much Saki (fermented rice) which lead to unsafe sex - I think it's led in this instance.
I was supposed to enter this comp. I reserved and paid but personal circumstances got in the way (my neighbour threw a cigarette in his wheelie bin and burnt down half my garden).
I usually do the old winner takes all comps when sponsoring. I try to get creative but I've found folk don't like it. they don't want a 'challenge' or to push themselves.
$100.00 prize is harder to win then it would be to impeach - win than it.
I ran amok with the committees a while back and then stopped placing in comps (site ones) as a result I rarely enter them now. I do know who at least two committee members are though (or used to be).
My biggest issue was were two plagiarised work won and came third in a site contest despite it being flagged to the writers and the management. The winner of the $100 had plagiarised my work...
Although, the members select the winner of the monthly reviewing contest and that's a real $100.00 prize - Ah, but they don't you see. If you win it one month, you can't win it the next month. Also, it needs to ratified by a committee rather than by simple number of nominations. I lost several times to people who had less nominations than I did. One time by more than 15 nominations (what can I say, some folk actually communicate with one another! lol).
My suggestion for this would be to make it a standard rule in every contest, that only those who have not won a contest in a certain length of time would be eligible to enter. When you think about, this would be the only way to make joining contests more desirable for all the members - one of the issues with this is that it sets a peculiar precedent in being awarded for 'taking part'. Personally I would find that patronising. the site does run a new member competition every so often.
I rarely win any competitions site or member sponsored but I'm good with that as this is more of a playground for me to try things out.
One thing I have been dping recently though is entering the old boring comps but stretching myself to do something completely different each time. If you're up for the challenge, sometimes and change perspective it can be fun, but as I said earlier, folk either don't want to, or aren't capable of it.
It's like going to the Olympics and saying, tell you what, you're world champion, you're European champ, you're the world record holder... none of you can compete this year to give someone else a chance of winning - I know it's a stretch but the principle's the same.
Voting for who you want isn't cheating. it may be negative voting or favouritism but that's how all votes in any arena work. it's just a microcosm for the wider world.
There's a guy on here who has three accounts (one standard, two paid). He entered his own sponsored contest twice, hedging his bets with the two accounts (insanity in my view) and finished dead last - how I laughed. lol Is this cheating? or just plain bonkers?
Yep, the other sites are barmy, infuriating, nasty and generally not much fun. I checked quite a few out.
Good piece, well-organised and balance.
reply by the author on 20-Aug-2018
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Hi Bill,
I remember some of the suggestions put forward, but the problem, it seems, is rather that newer ones don't get as much more entries than the old ones. The only way it works is for people to enter the comps. If they don't take to new ones, they get ditched. The growing trend at the moment is short form for everything. If you look at the prose, the vast majority are all 200 words or less. Even the longer ones usually only manage to attract folks barely writing 1000 words.
Members sponsor their own and frequently they're ignored.
I think they should do away with the 'fixing' the work after the deadline. It's 100% fair to disqualify them for not reading the rules. that's what happens everywhere else...
I wrote an inverted nonet the other day and got great reviews on it. I'd never written one before and it took me five minutes. It was a grocery list...
too much Saki (fermented rice) which lead to unsafe sex - I think it's led in this instance.
I was supposed to enter this comp. I reserved and paid but personal circumstances got in the way (my neighbour threw a cigarette in his wheelie bin and burnt down half my garden).
I usually do the old winner takes all comps when sponsoring. I try to get creative but I've found folk don't like it. they don't want a 'challenge' or to push themselves.
$100.00 prize is harder to win then it would be to impeach - win than it.
I ran amok with the committees a while back and then stopped placing in comps (site ones) as a result I rarely enter them now. I do know who at least two committee members are though (or used to be).
My biggest issue was were two plagiarised work won and came third in a site contest despite it being flagged to the writers and the management. The winner of the $100 had plagiarised my work...
Although, the members select the winner of the monthly reviewing contest and that's a real $100.00 prize - Ah, but they don't you see. If you win it one month, you can't win it the next month. Also, it needs to ratified by a committee rather than by simple number of nominations. I lost several times to people who had less nominations than I did. One time by more than 15 nominations (what can I say, some folk actually communicate with one another! lol).
My suggestion for this would be to make it a standard rule in every contest, that only those who have not won a contest in a certain length of time would be eligible to enter. When you think about, this would be the only way to make joining contests more desirable for all the members - one of the issues with this is that it sets a peculiar precedent in being awarded for 'taking part'. Personally I would find that patronising. the site does run a new member competition every so often.
I rarely win any competitions site or member sponsored but I'm good with that as this is more of a playground for me to try things out.
One thing I have been dping recently though is entering the old boring comps but stretching myself to do something completely different each time. If you're up for the challenge, sometimes and change perspective it can be fun, but as I said earlier, folk either don't want to, or aren't capable of it.
It's like going to the Olympics and saying, tell you what, you're world champion, you're European champ, you're the world record holder... none of you can compete this year to give someone else a chance of winning - I know it's a stretch but the principle's the same.
Voting for who you want isn't cheating. it may be negative voting or favouritism but that's how all votes in any arena work. it's just a microcosm for the wider world.
There's a guy on here who has three accounts (one standard, two paid). He entered his own sponsored contest twice, hedging his bets with the two accounts (insanity in my view) and finished dead last - how I laughed. lol Is this cheating? or just plain bonkers?
Yep, the other sites are barmy, infuriating, nasty and generally not much fun. I checked quite a few out.
Good piece, well-organised and balance.
Comment Written 20-Aug-2018
reply by the author on 20-Aug-2018
Thanks G-man for your informative and well written review, I appreciate it very much.
So sorry to hear about your garden. I know how that must have made you feel because I have raised gardens most of my life. I was looking forward to reading your entry.
You have made several valid points and I respect your opinion, just as we all should respect one another's point of view.
And, thanks for the info about the reviewing contest. I didn't know that you couldn't win more than one monthly contest at a time. Hell, that's just not right G-man, especially when you have more nominations than all the rest. How could they not give it to you when the members voted for you to have it? Something in the garden smells rotten here! This is a subject we need to bring up the first chance we get.You know as well as I do that nothing will change. But, we can get it out in the open.
Thanks again my friend for your time and thoughts. Have a great week...Bill
Comment from kiwijenny
Bill I agree with your closing the most. I left fanstory for two reasons. My husband lost his job and I didn't renew plus I found I was writing for fanstory rather than concentrating on what I wanted to write. But I missed it so much. I missed the friends that are likeminded. This is a great site. Thanks
God bless
reply by the author on 20-Aug-2018
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Bill I agree with your closing the most. I left fanstory for two reasons. My husband lost his job and I didn't renew plus I found I was writing for fanstory rather than concentrating on what I wanted to write. But I missed it so much. I missed the friends that are likeminded. This is a great site. Thanks
God bless
Comment Written 19-Aug-2018
reply by the author on 20-Aug-2018
Hello Jenny: Thank you for your excellent review, I really appreciate it. It's great to have you back, as you said, this is a great site. Although, there are a few simple flaws that if worked out would make it even better.
Have a great week my friend and God bless you and yours...Bill
Thanks Bill you have a great week too. Hugs
Comment from tfawcus
I appreciate the time you have taken to voice your thoughts on several subjects here and wholeheartedly agree with your comments about site sponsored contests. There are so many original forms that appear here from time to time, which would be so much more interesting. Treischel, whom I haven't seen on site for a while, used to find a huge variety of them, many of which would have been eminently suitable. I'm not necessarily knocking the easy contests, but there is room for many more interesting ones alongside them. I tend to stick mainly to the site contests that are open-ended, like the rhyming poetry contests or the free verse contests.
It would be good to think that at least some of your suggestions might be put into practice.
reply by the author on 20-Aug-2018
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I appreciate the time you have taken to voice your thoughts on several subjects here and wholeheartedly agree with your comments about site sponsored contests. There are so many original forms that appear here from time to time, which would be so much more interesting. Treischel, whom I haven't seen on site for a while, used to find a huge variety of them, many of which would have been eminently suitable. I'm not necessarily knocking the easy contests, but there is room for many more interesting ones alongside them. I tend to stick mainly to the site contests that are open-ended, like the rhyming poetry contests or the free verse contests.
It would be good to think that at least some of your suggestions might be put into practice.
Comment Written 19-Aug-2018
reply by the author on 20-Aug-2018
Hello Tony: Thank you for your comments, I appreciate it very much. I totally agree with you, there is unlimited space for so many more interesting subjects to write about. And, maybe even a few new styles.
Thanks again my friend...have a wonderful week...Bill
Comment from Alexander Vasa
Hi Cedar, I did read your lengthy piece, which was very informative. I am not that long on this site, so it is hard to have an opinion as you do, covering years. But I do have a few thoughts. This for example:
We pay our yearly membership fees, so we should be allowed to participate in all of the important decisions that involve us. Right?
I'd say 'no'. I am a member of Roadside Assist and pay my annual fees, but it doesn't involve me in decision making and I think that would be very unwieldy on this site, in mho. Plus, there would be a plethora of opinion and it may be hard to reach a clear outcome, a bit like the Senate that doesn't have a good majority. I think the corporate body should make the decisions.
There are faults in all systems, what has surprised me is the breaking of site rules, there are people here with more than one account and they have written the same poem more than once. Maybe they're bipolar and have an account for each of them LOL, but it is still against the site rules, which is what you say you won't do at the end each time you post. You tick that box. I also found there were a husband and wife that would wait until the poem was off the listings, and then go and give each other six gold stars. I think things like this are far more harmful to the site than not having a say in how things are run. Some people don't say thank you to reviews when that is also laid out there in how to respond to a review. And I have seen people demand an explanation for the four-star rating, which is ludicrous, who writes five-star poems all the time? But that is what I have noticed, but I just stop reviewing people who are ill-bred (bad mannered) or who don't take a four graciously, or do the stuff I've mentioned above, as they are actually cheating and I don't like cheats.
Then there is the joy of all joy, the reviewers who rate a work down for their lack of understanding. I do get that a little as otherwise your in Joyce territory, the madman who wouldn't make it in today's market because not so many people are taking LSD these days, thank God. (A blessing, for sure).
I actually think the fluffy fiver is hard to ignore as people aren't treated nicely if they give a four. I have asked questions and given fives and been genuinely interested in someones writing and these superior people don't even say, sorry not answering that question. Or, thank you but not today. I find a lot of people on this site are a lot older than other places, and that makes a difference, as they are often ignorant of modern trends and I have read poems bagging out my generations popular culture, and everyone coming in and going yeah, I agree, but they are all over sixty and still listening to the music of the sixties, more than half a century ago!!! Hello!!!!! You're still alive because you're writing. I am not meaning that as a criticism to older writers, but it is off-putting if you aren't of that ilk.
As far as the prompts go, I am a writer, and ideas are my stock in trade and I would need another three lifetimes to write about all my ideas, so the prompts and competitions are not that important to me. But, as a reviewer, the writing prompt entries can sometimes get a little boring, some of them, only sometimes. I like reading and reviewing actually.
But I don't' think Tom cares all that much as long as your paying. I had a terrible review from some old man on this site when I first arrived, I mean 'revolting' review, and I brought it to Toms attention and he did diddly squat. I realize now that this old man's cheese slid off his cracker years ago, but still, it was in breach of what a decent review should be, so I didn't have as big a care factor after that. LOL, And when you have reviewers who are at the top and fill up their word quota with ------------------------how fair is that? I mean, that brings the tenor of the site down so much. It's a farce really.
Anyway, that's my two cents worth and thanks for the very thoughtful post, it should have wide appeal, cheers, Ana.
reply by the author on 20-Aug-2018
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Hi Cedar, I did read your lengthy piece, which was very informative. I am not that long on this site, so it is hard to have an opinion as you do, covering years. But I do have a few thoughts. This for example:
We pay our yearly membership fees, so we should be allowed to participate in all of the important decisions that involve us. Right?
I'd say 'no'. I am a member of Roadside Assist and pay my annual fees, but it doesn't involve me in decision making and I think that would be very unwieldy on this site, in mho. Plus, there would be a plethora of opinion and it may be hard to reach a clear outcome, a bit like the Senate that doesn't have a good majority. I think the corporate body should make the decisions.
There are faults in all systems, what has surprised me is the breaking of site rules, there are people here with more than one account and they have written the same poem more than once. Maybe they're bipolar and have an account for each of them LOL, but it is still against the site rules, which is what you say you won't do at the end each time you post. You tick that box. I also found there were a husband and wife that would wait until the poem was off the listings, and then go and give each other six gold stars. I think things like this are far more harmful to the site than not having a say in how things are run. Some people don't say thank you to reviews when that is also laid out there in how to respond to a review. And I have seen people demand an explanation for the four-star rating, which is ludicrous, who writes five-star poems all the time? But that is what I have noticed, but I just stop reviewing people who are ill-bred (bad mannered) or who don't take a four graciously, or do the stuff I've mentioned above, as they are actually cheating and I don't like cheats.
Then there is the joy of all joy, the reviewers who rate a work down for their lack of understanding. I do get that a little as otherwise your in Joyce territory, the madman who wouldn't make it in today's market because not so many people are taking LSD these days, thank God. (A blessing, for sure).
I actually think the fluffy fiver is hard to ignore as people aren't treated nicely if they give a four. I have asked questions and given fives and been genuinely interested in someones writing and these superior people don't even say, sorry not answering that question. Or, thank you but not today. I find a lot of people on this site are a lot older than other places, and that makes a difference, as they are often ignorant of modern trends and I have read poems bagging out my generations popular culture, and everyone coming in and going yeah, I agree, but they are all over sixty and still listening to the music of the sixties, more than half a century ago!!! Hello!!!!! You're still alive because you're writing. I am not meaning that as a criticism to older writers, but it is off-putting if you aren't of that ilk.
As far as the prompts go, I am a writer, and ideas are my stock in trade and I would need another three lifetimes to write about all my ideas, so the prompts and competitions are not that important to me. But, as a reviewer, the writing prompt entries can sometimes get a little boring, some of them, only sometimes. I like reading and reviewing actually.
But I don't' think Tom cares all that much as long as your paying. I had a terrible review from some old man on this site when I first arrived, I mean 'revolting' review, and I brought it to Toms attention and he did diddly squat. I realize now that this old man's cheese slid off his cracker years ago, but still, it was in breach of what a decent review should be, so I didn't have as big a care factor after that. LOL, And when you have reviewers who are at the top and fill up their word quota with ------------------------how fair is that? I mean, that brings the tenor of the site down so much. It's a farce really.
Anyway, that's my two cents worth and thanks for the very thoughtful post, it should have wide appeal, cheers, Ana.
Comment Written 19-Aug-2018
reply by the author on 20-Aug-2018
Hello Ana: Thank you for your wonderful and humorous review, I really appreciate it.
You make several very good points. You're absolutely right when you say there are faults in all systems. However, if everyone would work together, both sides, things could become much better.
It's good to hear that you have many good ideas for new writing prompts. Hopefully, you will have a chance to use some of them in the near future.
I thank you Ana for your two cents worth, I enjoyed reading your opinion very much. Have a great day my friend. Cheers...Bill
Comment from zanya
"What oft was thought but ne'er so well expressed" (A. Pope) springs to mind on reading this excellent critique- a veritable treasure trove of suggestions, for change/improvement-
reply by the author on 19-Aug-2018
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"What oft was thought but ne'er so well expressed" (A. Pope) springs to mind on reading this excellent critique- a veritable treasure trove of suggestions, for change/improvement-
Comment Written 19-Aug-2018
reply by the author on 19-Aug-2018
Thank you very much Zanya for your wonderful rating and review, I appreciate it. I love that quote that you used in your review, it's very thoughtful of you. Enjoy your Sunday my friend and thanks again...Bill
Comment from RFL
A very comprehensive and well-thought out essay, Bill (or should I address you as Cedar?). All though I may not agree with all your recommendations, I do believe you have addressed many important issues: the extension of length of time for submissions, seeing the same folks winning contest time after time, the number of entries needed to complete a contest. Thank you for raising these issues. Since this is an opinion piece, I don't have recommendations for improvement as you have put together an essay with a clear theme, logical flow, and is grammatically correct. Best to you in the contest. RFL
P.S. If I had a sixth star left, I would give it to you.
reply by the author on 18-Aug-2018
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A very comprehensive and well-thought out essay, Bill (or should I address you as Cedar?). All though I may not agree with all your recommendations, I do believe you have addressed many important issues: the extension of length of time for submissions, seeing the same folks winning contest time after time, the number of entries needed to complete a contest. Thank you for raising these issues. Since this is an opinion piece, I don't have recommendations for improvement as you have put together an essay with a clear theme, logical flow, and is grammatically correct. Best to you in the contest. RFL
P.S. If I had a sixth star left, I would give it to you.
Comment Written 18-Aug-2018
reply by the author on 18-Aug-2018
Thank you so much, RFL for your fantastic review, I really appreciate your thoughts about this essay. Please call me Bill. I would also like to wish you a belated welcome to Fanstory. I'm in my tenth year here and if I can be of any help at all, please let me know. Have a great weekend my new friend...Bill
Thank you, Bill.