Reviews from

Empowered by Protest Rally

feeling renewed

26 total reviews 
Comment from kahpot
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Excellent, yes, together, a word seemed lost to politicians, it is empowering to stand up for what we believe in and knowing we are not alone, trump and Musk are no good for America or the world,
"Women deserve the same Rights as Guns." love this sign and would be proud to support it, very well written, and good on you, Jesse, ****kahpot

 Comment Written 15-Mar-2025

reply by the author on 18-Mar-2025
    Thank you, my friend for sharing your thoughts and standing up for our country no matter who is good for America we still have the right to protest peacefully. I appreciate you choosing your favorite sign.
    Thank you for your kind words.
reply by kahpot on 18-Mar-2025
    Stay well
reply by the author on 18-Mar-2025
    Yes, my, staying healthy is important more now than ever. Stay well yourself, my friend.
Comment from Gypsy Blue Rose
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Ohhhh, Jesse, your essay gave me goosebumps. I agree 100% with you and you expressed it so well. I wish I could attend one with you. I'm attending local townhalls and sending letters to our representatives. I haven't found a rally close to me yet but I'll keep looking. Our town of pasadena is pretty small. When I lived in Sacramento I attended rallies for women rights and anti-trump during his first presidency.

There are so many issues/causes to rally for....

I'm scare to lose my SSDI check and Medical insurance. With my disability is very important and expensive.

If his plans destroying ssi and medicare goes through there will be millions of protesters. That is our power.

I wish I had a six stars left.

Well done!!!

Gypsy hugs

 Comment Written 15-Mar-2025

reply by the author on 16-Mar-2025
    Thanks, my friend, for your inspiring review. You are doing all that you can to make a difference in our country. Attending rallies and sending letters are just some of the many things we can do to make a difference. Together we stand, divided we fall. I understand your fear of losing your SSDI check and benefits. I am also in fear, and that is why I protest and go to rallies. We must fight the good fight.
    Thanks for your virtual six and the hugs.

reply by Gypsy Blue Rose on 16-Mar-2025
    You are welcome, Jesse, I'm happy you speak up in fanstory whe we are outnumbered.

    Gypsy hugs 😊
reply by the author on 17-Mar-2025
    The ones who outnumber us are rich and privileged. He doesn't pose a threat to them.
    Those who he threatens need to speak up. I will speak for both of us, my friend.
    Thanks for the hugs.
reply by Gypsy Blue Rose on 17-Mar-2025
    Thank you, Jesse

    Gypsy hugs 😊
Comment from Brenda Strauser
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Wow, I'm proud of you that you stood up for our country. Your story is well written and described the protest well. I pray for our country. I have never seen it like this. You are right. If we can stick together we can fight this.

 Comment Written 15-Mar-2025

reply by the author on 18-Mar-2025
    Thank you, Brenda, for sticking up for our country and its right to protest peacefully. I appreciate your pride in me. Please pray for our country. Thank you for your kind words.
Comment from judiverse
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Personally, I don't believe protests do much good. They may make those involved feel good, and you did an excellent job of explaining how going to the protest made your feel. I know there are great problems with women's rights in many parts of the world, but the U.S. isn't one of them. Women here have secured their rights. I fear for women in places like Afghanistan, where the Taliban have taken away rights the women had gained. Trump was duly elected by popular vote, no matter how many protests there are. If protesting floats your boat, that's good for you. It's not my thing. Be careful you don't get into a group that resorts to violence. judi

 Comment Written 15-Mar-2025

reply by the author on 15-Mar-2025
    Whatever floats your boat. Thanks for stopping by.
reply by judiverse on 15-Mar-2025
    Right! If it makes you happy, go ahead. judi
Comment from mermaids
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I applaud you for getting out there and being a part of this rally. It is so important now that those of us who disagree with the president on so many issues be heard. Excellent story here that makes the reader feel good.

 Comment Written 15-Mar-2025

reply by the author on 18-Mar-2025
    Thank you for sharing your thoughts about me being in the rally. I agree it is important now more than ever to speak up and be heard above the crowd of naysayers. I appreciate your kind words and for saying this post makes the reader feel good. That says a lot.
Comment from Debbie D'Arcy
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Isn't it amazing that we progress so far with human rights thanks to some incredible activists who have gone down in history, and then one man, backed by a gang of MAGA hooligans, thinks he can turn all those achievements on their head? It's such a relief to hear that there's now this backlash by rallies, such as yours, of responsible, thinking people who are being neither silent or compliant (I like the poetry of your sign:)) Well done to you, Jesse, for investing your heart and soul in this one. A virtual six from me. Best wishes Debbie

 Comment Written 15-Mar-2025

reply by the author on 17-Mar-2025
    Thanks, Debbie, for backing me up with those member-cent pumps and wonderfully respectful reviews. You and your opinions are dynamite! I agree, we can't stay silent. The time has come to speak our minds by protesting, although we must keep it legal and respectful of the law. Thanks for the virtual six!
    We must continue to fight the good fight!
Comment from Mike Stevens
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Another fine write, Jesse, and good on you for showing your outrage and sadness about the direction of the country today. I get reviews all the time, although not as many as of late, saying I'm repeating myself, and to maybe give it a rest. My answer is I'll keep on repeating myself as long until the threat he poses is gone!

 Comment Written 15-Mar-2025

reply by the author on 16-Mar-2025
    You will continue repeating your message, Mike, until he is out of office and our country is back on its feet. Don't let them get you down. Some reviewers don't understand the importance of putting out the message of strength in numbers.
    We will persevere in the end!
reply by Mike Stevens on 16-Mar-2025
    Thank you, Jesse, and not to
    worry, he's such a threat, I ain’t shutting up til he's gone
Comment from barbara.wilkey
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Thank you for sharing this post with us. Peaceful protest are the correct way to make one's feelings known. You did a wonderful job describing the scene. I continue to pray for you.

 Comment Written 15-Mar-2025

reply by the author on 16-Mar-2025
    Peacefully protesting is the way to go to make a difference in the end.
    Thanks for your prayers.
Comment from Michael Ludwinder
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Your story really shared the energy of the rally! I love how you described the growing crowd. And the excitement of being surrounded by like minded people. It seems like your feelings for equal rights is so strong. And it's great to see that determination shine through. Well done!

 Comment Written 15-Mar-2025

reply by the author on 18-Mar-2025
    I am glad you saw the excitement of being in the rally. The growing crowd and being surrounded by like-minded people was exciting as well. Equality for all is something I feel strong about. It makes me happy that this fact shines through. Thanks for your kind words.
Comment from Dolly'sPoems
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

It sounds like you had a great day and these rallies are fine when they stay peaceful, the problem arises when people get too over excited and upset others. Glad you enjoyed yourself Jesse, it is good taking part in events like this, thank you for sharing this experience with us, love Dolly x

 Comment Written 15-Mar-2025

reply by the author on 18-Mar-2025
    Thanks for reviewing and sharing your thoughts on the subject. I appreciate your candor. We intend to stay peaceful and protest for equal rights for all as long as it is deemed necessary.