Reviews from

A Priceless Love

Is my love for my grandchildren

46 total reviews 
Comment from dragonpoet
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Debi
This is a well done frr verse poem about the love you have for your grand kids and your kids. You are right that the love never fades.
It might be good to give us the rules of the form in your notes m.
Keep writing and stay healthy.
Have a wonderful rest of the week.

 Comment Written 30-Jan-2025

reply by the author on 31-Jan-2025
    Thanks so very much, Joan, for the lovely review and sweet comments.
    I am afraid that whenever the clubs have their certain kinds of poetry, we join where we were told and I think they are responsible to show what the poem rules are supposed to follow. We just click on the status and join where we reserve. That is how I expect them to be.
    Thanks again, dear friend. Much love and a hug. Love, Debi
reply by dragonpoet on 31-Jan-2025
    You're wclcome, Debi. I was always asked to put the rules in the notes, if I didn't. It makes it easier for those who aren't club members to try the form.
reply by the author on 31-Jan-2025
    Ok, thanks Joan. Wouldn't you think the club owner would do that? Next time
    I will do that. Thanks
Comment from Aussie
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Your poem has a warm, loving feel to it. Wherever they are you will carry them in your heart. I wish you well in the contest and no, I don't think the Japanese would write this as you have. Love, Kace XX

 Comment Written 30-Jan-2025

reply by the author on 30-Jan-2025
    You are right Kace, as this Japanese poem is meant to be a romantic verse meant for seductive and younger love. But my marriage is from fifty years of loving through thick and thin, hardships and good times. It is what real love is made of.

    So instead I told of the next best love there is, the love of a child is innocent and precious beyond any kind of love. It is the love that Jesus talks about. How He wants us to come to Him.
    So I chose my grandchildren to write about. I thank you for all your kind words about these little ones. I appreciate you so much, my dear dear friend.
    Love, Debi
Comment from Janet Foor
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Sweet picture of happy children. I enjoyed seeing them and reading your sweet poem full of love for them. I fulling understand your message and it doesn't change with age. Our 30 year old grandson is coming for the weekend and I am over the moon. Time doesn't change that love for them.


 Comment Written 30-Jan-2025

reply by the author on 31-Jan-2025
    My dear Janet, I am so very happy to hear that your sweet grandson is going to be visiting you. I pray for you all so often and this is music to my ears.
    Thank you for telling me about it. To hear the joy in your voice is about the best news ever. Thank you for sharing that with us.

    And thank you for the sweet comments for my dear grandchildren. You maybe don't remember some of the lovely posts that Kenzie did for my art, but she is now a raving 21 year old beauty and I couldn't be more proud of her. (She is the awkward pre-teen redhead in the post)

    Thanks again for the lovely review and the sweet words. And I am so happy for you and your grandson. God bless you both. Love, Debi
Comment from godlucifer
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

my mom and dad both are 91 yrs old. the youngest grandchildren is 13 yrs old. for some reason i am both happy and sadden to see them with their grandchildren. it sadden me to see them with their grandchildren because i don't know how much longer my parents will be around. your poem was truly a heartfelt poem. thanks for the read.


 Comment Written 30-Jan-2025

reply by the author on 30-Jan-2025
    Oh, but what a beautiful thing that you still have both your parents at 91. My mom would be 91 right now, but she died at 58 from pancreatic cancer.
    I think that is why I miss her so much, even after all these years because her life was cut so short. She never met one of her great grandchildren, but boy was she a wonderful grandma to my kids. I learned from the best.

    So be proud my friend, for every year that you see them with one of the kids, young or old. They will have have known true joy in their lifetime with the grandbabes. I am so happy you told me about them and God bless you all.

    Thanks too for the beautiful words for mine. Now, that awkward little red head on the end of the couch is a raving beautiful red head of 21 years and turning heads all over. And isn't it funny that my youngest grandchild is 13 too. LOL. All the others are between those two. Thanks again. Love, Debi
Comment from Dawn Munro
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You are truly blessed, my dear friend, and it shows in this beautiful tribute poem to your grandchildren.

"when they depart
I yearn for the next time
yet nature means growth
with growth comes distance..." I feel this stanza, Debi -- bigtime, although I have no grandchildren...

 Comment Written 30-Jan-2025

reply by the author on 31-Jan-2025
    God bless you, Dawn, for such a sweet review and kind words. Thank you so much. If you look in your PMs I have a message there for you that I wrote quite a few days ago with questions about your birthday. Most importantly I had a couple song requests for you. Please respond as soon as you can.

    Thanks so much for your kind words for this poem that is closer to Jesus' type of poem. Thanks again. Love and hugs, Debi
reply by Dawn Munro on 31-Jan-2025
    :)) Message sent.
Comment from TPAC
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Touching sentiments, projecting love exchanged through memories: finding a charm and pleasing delights pertaining your conveyance. Realizing love is strange.

 Comment Written 30-Jan-2025

reply by the author on 31-Jan-2025
    TPAC, your kind review and comments mean so much to me, and I thank you with all my heart. There is nothing as rewarding in life as the love of a child.
    Thanks again! Love, Debi
Comment from Tim Margetts
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

It is YOUR poetry of love, Debi.
And what are rules if not a challenge to us to break them when it needs to be done?
This is a beautiful poem and your love and affection shine through.
Tim x

 Comment Written 30-Jan-2025

reply by the author on 31-Jan-2025
    Hi Tim, your kind review and comments mean so much to me, and I thank you with all my heart. There is nothing as rewarding in life as the love of a child.
    And also a great FS friend, like you. Thanks again! Love, Debi
Comment from nomi338
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Here is a point for you to consider and ponder over. I know that you do not consider yourself to be perfect. Yet, these children who are descended from you appear to be perfect in every way. God is still wonderful is he not? His gifts are truly amazing.

 Comment Written 30-Jan-2025

reply by the author on 31-Jan-2025
    Dearest brother, your point is well taken and absolutely spot on. They are now older. The little girl sitting on the edge of the couch is Kenzie who does much of my art. She is also the most beautiful 21 year ravishing redhead you will find. You might remember some of the posts with her picture. So it's an old photo I used, but that is the age I always want to remember them.
    Yes, there are no greater gifts in life than those that are God's gifts!!

    Thanks my wonderful friend and bro for always being so supportive. I feel that way for you too. In fact I pray all the time that you are doing ok after losing your wife. God Bless and take care of yourself. Love ya,, Debi
reply by nomi338 on 01-Feb-2025
    Love you right back my beautiful blonde bombshell babe. BBBB. See I can do that too. LOL.
reply by the author on 01-Feb-2025
    The only problem is they stand for LOL, my
    Bravest, Best Big Brother.
reply by the author on 01-Feb-2025
    So now between you and me wi have one heck of a mouthful!! Haha
Comment from papa55mike
This work has reached the exceptional level

That sounds like us and our great-grandchildren. All three of them live in East Tennessee, but that will soon change when my grandson and his family move back home. This is a wonderfully written poem. Best of luck with your writing! Have a great day, and God bless.

 Comment Written 30-Jan-2025

reply by the author on 30-Jan-2025
    From a grandpa and great grandpa's heart, I thank you with all of this grandma's heart. I have always felt that there is something we never felt before when we had kids because I think we were too busy. Not that we didn't and still don't cherish our children, but with grands you have freedom and what a difference that makes. I had time for fun with mine.
    I still have a 13 and a 14 year old, but the others are teens to two at 21 are the oldest. So we won't see new great grandkids in the near future so I will take your word for it, Mike. LOL. I can't wait tho.

    Thanks for this lovely review, awesome sentiments and the honor of your six stars. I am touched and honored. Thanks again, my awesome friend.
    Love, Debi
Comment from Regina Elliott
This work has reached the exceptional level

Hi dearest friend, such a tender and loving tribute to
your beloved grandchildren,
so sweet. The lovely photo
adds to this heartfelt tribute.
I hope you have a terrific
Thursday, dear Debi. Lots of
love, Regina xox

 Comment Written 30-Jan-2025

reply by the author on 30-Jan-2025
    My dearest Regina, please know how very much I appreciate your lovely review and sentiments. It means so much to me and I thank you so much!
    Thank you with all my heart for the gift of you ands the six stars. You are so special, my sweet friend.
    Love, Debi