Reviews from

Written From the Other Side

A Cautionary Tale

51 total reviews 
Comment from Carolyn Dooley
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Jay, I hate to hear about this incident. It was quick thinking on your part, saving your own life. Some people would not have known what to do and died. Be careful. And the story was written well, but the outcome could have been fatal. Take care.

 Comment Written 15-Mar-2022

reply by the author on 15-Mar-2022
    Thank you, Carolyn, for your caring thoughts and the ever sparkling stars. From what I hear from other readers, It's not all that uncommon.
reply by Carolyn Dooley on 15-Mar-2022
    You are welcome. And be careful. Cut your pills and take them carefully.
Comment from Sallyo
This work has reached the exceptional level

I read on breathlessly, learning a good deal more about Jay than I knew already. I achieved some fellow-feeling, in that I also take magnesium tablets, and sometimes view them with trepidation. Huge buggers...
Nevertheless, I dread my IBS pills far more, because they taste revolting. I try to carry them down with as much liquid as I can, to avoid having them begin dissolution before they're safely beyond my taste buds.

I will be more careful in future.

I have also had too much not-fun with the emergency number, whose keepers insist on asking questions I can't answer.

This remains a fascinating tale of reality recalled, and also shows the way a writer's mind reshapes the reality to suit.

Couple of spelly thingies...gidy exhillaration - mayhap giddy exhilaration?

 Comment Written 15-Mar-2022

reply by the author on 15-Mar-2022
    Goodness, you caught two of them side-by-side. Apparently, your spelling has not gone to pot over the last several years as mine has. Still, I usually catch my spelling errors with Grammarly (which I otherwise detest). At any rate, many thanks, Sally. You are so busy -- this is all the more appreciated.
reply by Sallyo on 15-Mar-2022
    I use PerfectIt... mostly because one of my publishers recommends it. It catches spaces at the end of paragraphs, and inconsistent capitalisation and spelling. It does have a beguiling habit of suggesting CLICK when I have LICK or BUTTER when I have BUGGER but I think it's just being mealy-mouthed. It also offers UK, US, AUS, CAN Englishes, so I can set it to whichever dialect I'm working in.
reply by the author on 15-Mar-2022
    I just checked out PerfectIt. I may just give it a year's run. I've been using Grammarly-Free. They do some things well, but some things are asinine. As in the above sentence it would keep trying to get me to combine "some thing" (I realize I used "things") and when you click reject it removes the red line ... until you go to the next paragraph, then you will find the red line has returned.
reply by Sallyo on 15-Mar-2022
    PerfectIt isn't perfect, but it does catch odd things such as Droznovski and Drozmovski being inconsistent. My unassisted eye can easily graze right over that sort of thing.
reply by the author on 15-Mar-2022
    I opted for their 14 day free trial, so I'll give it a shot. Problem is, I do most of my creating on the Medium platform and it's not microsoft Word connected. so I won't be able to use it there. I suppose, to test it out, I will use Word and see what happens.

    Thanks for the suggestion.
Comment from Melodie Michelle
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Congratulations on being RECOGNIZED and for ALL TIME BEST! The storyline was captivating and held my attention throughout the piece;-)
Thank you for sharing this well written piece with us and many blessings to you and your family!

 Comment Written 15-Mar-2022

reply by the author on 15-Mar-2022
    Thank you, Melodie, for reading and for your kind words. The blessings I can use as well!
Comment from humpwhistle
This work has reached the exceptional level

A harrowing experience, Jay. And one that had to have been difficult to write--not because of nearly dying, but because the mind works so much faster than any telling can mimic. A moment or two of struggling to stay alive puts your cognition into fast-forward hype drive, then, without stopping, equally manic rewind. Nice job of translating those panic thoughts onto the page.

I, too, live alone, and Magnesium 250 tablets are on my daily dosage list.
Horse pills! I'll be more careful going forward.

Love the irony of an uncharacteristic guffaw brought on such a dire scenario.

Glad you're still with us.

Best of luck with the Committee.

Peace, Lee

 Comment Written 14-Mar-2022

reply by the author on 14-Mar-2022
    Thank you so much for reading, Lee. I think about it often, and I'm considering getting that First Alert bracelet. The cost is so much higher per month though than they advertise. Close to $100 a month if you want the one that automatically calls 911 if you don't answer their return call after you punch the button. What do you think?
reply by humpwhistle on 15-Mar-2022
    I've considered the First Alert as well, but haven't pulled the trigger yet. My phone is equipped with a one-push emergency button that will bring help a-running, but, I don't take my phone into the shower, do I? My neighbors would notice if I wasn't around for, oh, say, three or four weeks. Big help that. The mailman would sniff me out first.
    $100 bucks is a lot. And I'm loathe to spend it. Do what makes you sleep the most soundly . . . but not too soundly. I'm a lot of help, aren't I? Stick around, will you?
reply by the author on 15-Mar-2022
    I plan on sticking around, my friend!
Comment from K.L. Rockquemore
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Incredible story!! Well written and memorable. This is a great contest entry and should do very well. My only note is some of the paragraphs are lengthy. To break them up would give the eye some relief.

 Comment Written 14-Mar-2022

reply by the author on 14-Mar-2022
    Thank you so much for reading and for your kind words. I'm glad you found it worthwhile. I'll take another look at paragraphing.
Comment from Jesse James Doty
This work has reached the exceptional level

Wow, I was with you throughout it all! I read this on the edge of my seat with bated breath hoping for a positive conclusion! You describe so well what happened to you step by step as you started to lose consciousness and then you had the wherewithal to know to call 911 and then the operator didn't know how to respond to your inability to speak, what was that all about anyway? I felt every heartbeat and every cough! This is a dynamic situation that called for quick thinking and you did all that and more besides!
Thanks for the rollercoaster ride through your difficulty breathing and choking and I am sure glad you came out of it okay!

 Comment Written 13-Mar-2022

reply by the author on 14-Mar-2022
    Thank you so much, Jessie, for your kind words and the six stars! Lordy! The 911 call didn't exist. It was one of my images just before passing out.
reply by Jesse James Doty on 14-Mar-2022
    You're welcome, and sorry it didn't seem like a vision as I read your story.
    I am just happy you survived the ordeal!
Comment from Ulla
This work has reached the exceptional level

Hi Jay, what complete nightmare you went through and horrible was your punishment for taking a pill and laughing at the same time. You show how you fought for survival so very well. The resilience of the human body and its instinct of survival is phenomenal.
I'm sure glad you lived to tell tale. Ulla:)))

 Comment Written 13-Mar-2022

reply by the author on 14-Mar-2022
    Yes, Ulla! I'm glad I didn't procrastinate my drive for survival. Your six stars is highly appreciated, my friend.
Comment from giraffmang
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Jay,

Well thankfully all is good once again. I remeber choking on a lollipop when I was younger and thinking I was going to die. I've had to perform the old Heimlich several times at work.. and CPR, mind you.

This is well written and shows the skill of the writer in being able to show the reader rather than tell. A skill which is largely lacking these days it seems.

All the best

 Comment Written 13-Mar-2022

reply by the author on 14-Mar-2022
    Much obliged, Gareth. The Heimlich works better on others, especially when all one's strength has been drained.
Comment from write hand blue
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Jay, I can relate to some of what you say. Though in my case it was a small piece of a hard cracker I was eating which became lodged in my windpipe. I breathed in at the wrong time when I was distracted reaching for a magazine. My wife thumped me in the back really hard and that worked, but not before I'd fallen twice to the floor. It certainly concentrates the thought process. My only other thought was my dread of going into fits and spasms. We are not well evolved, breathing and eating down the same place. Your description of the event I found harrowing and well described. Should eating be a time for caution? Well no, but a little knowledge may stop some of those deaths that happen from time to time. Good luck in the comp. ~Mel~

 Comment Written 13-Mar-2022

reply by the author on 14-Mar-2022
    Yeah, Mel, how about that! Looks like the planning could have been a tad better, like breathing through the navel, or something. I haven't heard from you in a long time, my friend. Did you go on hiatus for a while?
reply by write hand blue on 14-Mar-2022
    Yeh! Jay sort of. I joined a writing group on my island. The encouragement I received has enabled me to finish my first novel. Which should be released next month on Amazon. I pop in from time to time. How did your novel do.
reply by the author on 14-Mar-2022
    It's doing about as expected. Earned me nothing. Cogratulations on yours, though.
reply by write hand blue on 15-Mar-2022
    Thank you Jay. I'm sorry your book has not been a success.
reply by the author on 15-Mar-2022
    I would be thrilled, but surprised, if anything I self-published was successful.
reply by write hand blue on 16-Mar-2022
    I understand how you feel. As I'm sure you know, to be successful you have to promote every way you can. We have a successful writer in our group. She says that the secret is to write a series of four or more books, in the right subject and keep at it. She has one book at number six on Amazon and starting to bring in a four figure sum each month.
    Sometimes a novel can take off if it's good enough and the right people pass the word. ~Mel~
Comment from Terry Broxson
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

That is a dang fine story, my friend. This is one of the most competitive contests I have seen, good luck. The stories I have read are all excellent memoirs. Your story happened so recently the drama you encountered is still very vivid. I am glad you are okay!

I am six years younger than you. I take a boatload of what I call. "Stay alive" pills. I also live alone, with no children to find me. I use a service "Snug." you have to check in every day before a specific time, if you don't check in they contact your emergency contacts. I think of it as the find the body service. Take care, Terry.

 Comment Written 13-Mar-2022

reply by the author on 14-Mar-2022
    "Snug"? I've never heard of it. That would scare the hell out of me. I'm a little ditzy sometimes. I'm afraid I might forget to call in. Is it a paid service? Or one of those free apps. Sounds like they might be a front for a "First Alert" type system that you can upgrade your "Snug" to. Anyway, thanks, Terry for reading!