Miscellaneous Poems Vol 2
Viewing comments for Chapter 34 "Sheeples"More poems
10 total reviews
Comment from --Turtle.
Hi, Craig. I read through this acrostic poem... had a bunch of feelings and thoughts as I did.
Initial thought: *sigh* bumper stickers ... I personally don't like to advertise my stupid... because any slogan I would maybe find amusing or sensible... for whatever complex reason at the time, still could never capture the complexity of the situation ... even if my thought on it might be simple, it's a slogan and slogans don't do things justice, so they mostly are self-mocking in their simplicity. (though if I were to have a bumper sticker, it'd be something like, Normal people scare me.... or Boys are stupid, throw rocks at them. Or, If I had two dead rats, I'd give you one... or Deaneries for President... there I go, advertising my stupid, mocking a serious thing... the leadership of an entire country, reduced to advocating a fictional political series full of gore, nudity and drama. ; )
Sheeple: The phrase that merges imagery of people and sheep... as sheep are something herdable... and symbolic of the mindless following. And many would also self-identify as a flock to be herded... as in Christianity, but sheeple is a phrase that has a negative feel, though the concept is also embraced.
The irony in this being the mentality that everyone 'else' is a sheeple, when people are herd creatures that inherently function in groups by the will of a governing body... whatever the size of that body is. The more people in the group, the more mass of that group, the more likely that group will be going baaa baaa to some tune.
It's pretty painful, as every day I question ... what am I? a sheep? a lone wolf? a butterfly? a turtle? Are other countries immune to this human effect, or is there something special in the water here that adds a special kind of mass mentality of: 'not only am I not a sheeple, but my mass produced label is unique to me.' And if you don't agree with it, you're a sheeple and should get out of the country I love, that is no longer great... and ruined, because of you....
Sad part is this acrostic does capture some aspects of a patriotic, willful misinformed mentality of perceived individuality (as defined by 'insert whoever said so') that I don't quite understand, but in the same breath ... I do feel like a sheep standing on the sidelines, staring at all the other sheep, going, what the hell is going on?
As you do very well, there is slice in the humor here, cutting at an aspect of absurdity without directly detailing or calling out the absurd by name, mocking in a subtle way that shows your impression, while those who don't have the same impression have a slight chance of missing the absurdity.
reply by the author on 20-Apr-2016
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Hi, Craig. I read through this acrostic poem... had a bunch of feelings and thoughts as I did.
Initial thought: *sigh* bumper stickers ... I personally don't like to advertise my stupid... because any slogan I would maybe find amusing or sensible... for whatever complex reason at the time, still could never capture the complexity of the situation ... even if my thought on it might be simple, it's a slogan and slogans don't do things justice, so they mostly are self-mocking in their simplicity. (though if I were to have a bumper sticker, it'd be something like, Normal people scare me.... or Boys are stupid, throw rocks at them. Or, If I had two dead rats, I'd give you one... or Deaneries for President... there I go, advertising my stupid, mocking a serious thing... the leadership of an entire country, reduced to advocating a fictional political series full of gore, nudity and drama. ; )
Sheeple: The phrase that merges imagery of people and sheep... as sheep are something herdable... and symbolic of the mindless following. And many would also self-identify as a flock to be herded... as in Christianity, but sheeple is a phrase that has a negative feel, though the concept is also embraced.
The irony in this being the mentality that everyone 'else' is a sheeple, when people are herd creatures that inherently function in groups by the will of a governing body... whatever the size of that body is. The more people in the group, the more mass of that group, the more likely that group will be going baaa baaa to some tune.
It's pretty painful, as every day I question ... what am I? a sheep? a lone wolf? a butterfly? a turtle? Are other countries immune to this human effect, or is there something special in the water here that adds a special kind of mass mentality of: 'not only am I not a sheeple, but my mass produced label is unique to me.' And if you don't agree with it, you're a sheeple and should get out of the country I love, that is no longer great... and ruined, because of you....
Sad part is this acrostic does capture some aspects of a patriotic, willful misinformed mentality of perceived individuality (as defined by 'insert whoever said so') that I don't quite understand, but in the same breath ... I do feel like a sheep standing on the sidelines, staring at all the other sheep, going, what the hell is going on?
As you do very well, there is slice in the humor here, cutting at an aspect of absurdity without directly detailing or calling out the absurd by name, mocking in a subtle way that shows your impression, while those who don't have the same impression have a slight chance of missing the absurdity.
Comment Written 20-Apr-2016
reply by the author on 20-Apr-2016
What really gets my goat is the type of people who love to affix this label to others. Could there be any greater irony? You've summed it up pretty well there with the "get out of my country" bit.
I'm no fan of bumper stickers... though (and don't repeat this to anyone, ok?) I really wouldn't mind one of those little fish signs you see on the back of cars... but it would have to be the one with feet ;-)
Many thanks Turtle, your reviews always make me think it was worthwhile putting in the effort to post :)
I could see that, a fish with feet bumper sticker for you. : D
As in reference for those who love to label others, I try to be aware of the general... be-careful philosophy for myself ... if I start pointing fault at someone... there are three fingers pointing right back at me, I don't always succeed, but I try.
Comment from Scarbrems
Baaaaa. I always thought of 'sheeples' as a word used to describe people like me, by the bumper sticker crowd. Y'know, people who believe in actual science, as opposed to a 'government plot to kill/tax us all'. If I had kids, they'd all be up to date with their vaccinations, and if they were unfortunate enough to get cancer, they'd be being treated in a hospital, not by some holistic twat with no medical training whatsoever.
So, yes, I'm a sheeple, and proud of it, if that is what a sheeple is. I think climate change is a real thing, and that autism is a genetic variation, because that's what all the literature written by people who have actually spent years studying it have discovered. People with brains superior to mine in just about every way.
The word is attributed to David Icke as the originator, by some. Americans love him. Those of us Brits old enough to remember him having a public breakdown on the Terry Wogan show, and claiming to be the new Messiah, think the poor chap suffers from a mental illness...
Any, sorry for the waffle, it's a great acrostic, cleverly done. It would make a good bumper sticker...
reply by the author on 20-Apr-2016
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Baaaaa. I always thought of 'sheeples' as a word used to describe people like me, by the bumper sticker crowd. Y'know, people who believe in actual science, as opposed to a 'government plot to kill/tax us all'. If I had kids, they'd all be up to date with their vaccinations, and if they were unfortunate enough to get cancer, they'd be being treated in a hospital, not by some holistic twat with no medical training whatsoever.
So, yes, I'm a sheeple, and proud of it, if that is what a sheeple is. I think climate change is a real thing, and that autism is a genetic variation, because that's what all the literature written by people who have actually spent years studying it have discovered. People with brains superior to mine in just about every way.
The word is attributed to David Icke as the originator, by some. Americans love him. Those of us Brits old enough to remember him having a public breakdown on the Terry Wogan show, and claiming to be the new Messiah, think the poor chap suffers from a mental illness...
Any, sorry for the waffle, it's a great acrostic, cleverly done. It would make a good bumper sticker...
Comment Written 20-Apr-2016
reply by the author on 20-Apr-2016
I have exactly the same understanding of the word, Sarkems. Hence this little rant.
I think it is the ultimate irony when you see the type of people who throw this term around so loosely. "Tinfoil hatters" is the term of endearment I like to use.
Thanks for the background info, I didn't have any idea where the term originated, other than from people who like to toss it around in Fanstory forums or on Facebook and then accuse people of being mean to them ;-)
Let's make our own sheeple club - we can have bumper stickers and everything :)
Yeah, like 'honk if you want some actual scientific data with that', or something...Actually, I kind of think us sheeples might not be so good on the catchy slogan bit.
[sigh] you might have a point there. IF I ever decided to adorn my car with a bumper sticker, it would be one of those little fish symbols - complete with feet
Comment from Lovinia
Hi Craig
I haven't heard of Sheeples before (did you make it up?), though I do use its connotations often. I love the cartoon, hahahaha! You are on a roll, this is so funny and has me chuckling, or should I say ROFL. Great satire, er ... irony. I guess humans are largely herd/flock animals, except for the psychopaths, I guess they think for themselves? I certainly couldn't think up the things they get up to. Great work and great fun. Hugs - Lovi Baaaaa xoxoxoox
reply by the author on 20-Apr-2016
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Hi Craig
I haven't heard of Sheeples before (did you make it up?), though I do use its connotations often. I love the cartoon, hahahaha! You are on a roll, this is so funny and has me chuckling, or should I say ROFL. Great satire, er ... irony. I guess humans are largely herd/flock animals, except for the psychopaths, I guess they think for themselves? I certainly couldn't think up the things they get up to. Great work and great fun. Hugs - Lovi Baaaaa xoxoxoox
Comment Written 20-Apr-2016
reply by the author on 20-Apr-2016
Noooo, I didn't make it up Lovi. Someone used it in reference to people who don't agree with their opinion - which REALLY gets my dander up... particularly if you consider the type of people who like to throw the phrase around. It's used a lot by the extreme right wing in America.
"The pot calling the kettle black" was MADE for this phrase lol
Thanks again for a great review :) Craig
Comment from royowen
I often wonder if we really are guiltless, thinking truly for ourselves, the book of Ecclesiastes 1:9 says, "There is nothing new under the sun, what has been done, will be done again." So I wonder if this 2500 year old saying was wrong after all. I think we're all patsys, well done, well written, blessings, Roy
reply by the author on 19-Apr-2016
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I often wonder if we really are guiltless, thinking truly for ourselves, the book of Ecclesiastes 1:9 says, "There is nothing new under the sun, what has been done, will be done again." So I wonder if this 2500 year old saying was wrong after all. I think we're all patsys, well done, well written, blessings, Roy
Comment Written 19-Apr-2016
reply by the author on 19-Apr-2016
Hi Roy,
It seems to me that over a lifetime, for most of us mere mortals, few of our thoughts will be truly original. But on the other hand, I think what we choose to accept or reject is better off made as the result of a personal choice, rather than "mob mentality" - I guess something like that was the point of this rambling.
Thanks for the kindly review - Craig.
I think we're all moulded by environment, it's whether we do good or not that counts, well done, Roy
Comment from I am Cat
lolol... SUUUUUUUURE ewe doo. ;) lol
I can't stand bumper snickers ;)
Except the ones on the back of motorcylces that say, "If you can read this, the bitch fell off" ;) lOL that one cracks me up EVERY time. lol
well done you baaaaaaaaad boy. ;)
reply by the author on 19-Apr-2016
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lolol... SUUUUUUUURE ewe doo. ;) lol
I can't stand bumper snickers ;)
Except the ones on the back of motorcylces that say, "If you can read this, the bitch fell off" ;) lOL that one cracks me up EVERY time. lol
well done you baaaaaaaaad boy. ;)
Comment Written 19-Apr-2016
reply by the author on 19-Apr-2016
LOL Cat - I want that one!
Comment from lightink
Hey, I'm really thinking for myself! That's what all my Facebook friends say! One even got me a bumper sticker about it, so it must be true! LoL!
I love the not too subtle sarcasm and unfortunately the 'hateful" part often go with this attitude! Well written fun poem!
reply by the author on 19-Apr-2016
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Hey, I'm really thinking for myself! That's what all my Facebook friends say! One even got me a bumper sticker about it, so it must be true! LoL!
I love the not too subtle sarcasm and unfortunately the 'hateful" part often go with this attitude! Well written fun poem!
Comment Written 19-Apr-2016
reply by the author on 19-Apr-2016
It wasn't subtle? Damn! Sometimes it doesn't pay to be subtle, if you know what I mean...
Many thanks, lightink - much appreciated :) Craig
Comment from Gloria ....
Ha, love it, Craig. The irony is inescapable, a bumper sticker no less. But I guess that is thinking for yourself, right?
Excellent acrostic and great idea to use the American Flag colours. Great rhyme and meter, and this should be turned into an anthem or something. :))
Terrific good fun.
reply by the author on 19-Apr-2016
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Ha, love it, Craig. The irony is inescapable, a bumper sticker no less. But I guess that is thinking for yourself, right?
Excellent acrostic and great idea to use the American Flag colours. Great rhyme and meter, and this should be turned into an anthem or something. :))
Terrific good fun.
Comment Written 19-Apr-2016
reply by the author on 19-Apr-2016
Thanks, Gloria :)
Just a bit of nonsense.
An anthem, now there's an idea!
I promise I'll do better with my acrostic on Saturday - well, I'll try, anyway. See you there!
Be there, or be arrested for missing the Acrostics. :))
Comment from ~Dovey
Hi Craig!
This is funny. I wonder if you'll be told that "sheeple" isn't really a word? lol Thanks for making your colors red, white, and blue, nice touch lol Do you see a lot of American Political bumper stickers Downunder? Yes, I see your irony. (and I do know that your flag is red, white, and blue, too lol)
Good luck in the contest :)
reply by the author on 19-Apr-2016
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Hi Craig!
This is funny. I wonder if you'll be told that "sheeple" isn't really a word? lol Thanks for making your colors red, white, and blue, nice touch lol Do you see a lot of American Political bumper stickers Downunder? Yes, I see your irony. (and I do know that your flag is red, white, and blue, too lol)
Good luck in the contest :)
Comment Written 19-Apr-2016
reply by the author on 19-Apr-2016
No, but I see plenty of them in the forums, Kim :)
By the way, I'm guessing somewhere around half of the world's flags feature solely or predominantly red, white and blue. Maybe I'll Google it.
It's not in the contest lol
lol ooohhhh... well, you mentioned you were joining, I should have paid more attention! lol
Comment from AnnaLinda
This is an interesting acrostic for sure. I like the idea
of using "sheeples" You go ahead and pray...Your
country could not be in any worse political state than
ours...Remember us when you are down on your knees.
Very nice of you to include rhymes at the end of your lines.
reply by the author on 19-Apr-2016
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This is an interesting acrostic for sure. I like the idea
of using "sheeples" You go ahead and pray...Your
country could not be in any worse political state than
ours...Remember us when you are down on your knees.
Very nice of you to include rhymes at the end of your lines.
Comment Written 19-Apr-2016
reply by the author on 19-Apr-2016
Thanks, Linda. I know it's not necessary for lines to rhyme in acrostics, but I generally write them that way. I'm a sucker for rhyme, most all of the time :) Craig
Comment from Dean Kuch
You had to go and do it, didn't you, Craig?
It was very difficult for me to get through this.
See, I suffer from what's known as Ovinophobia, or the irrational fear of sheep.
You ever tried counting the damn things to fall asleep when you're terrified of 'em?
It ain't pleasant.
I couldn't agree with your last line any more than if I had written it myself.
"Someone keep the sheep away," indeed!
Great acrostic.
Very well presented, what with the red, white & blue font to start each line and highlight the title.
reply by the author on 19-Apr-2016
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You had to go and do it, didn't you, Craig?
It was very difficult for me to get through this.
See, I suffer from what's known as Ovinophobia, or the irrational fear of sheep.
You ever tried counting the damn things to fall asleep when you're terrified of 'em?
It ain't pleasant.
I couldn't agree with your last line any more than if I had written it myself.
"Someone keep the sheep away," indeed!
Great acrostic.
Very well presented, what with the red, white & blue font to start each line and highlight the title.

Comment Written 19-Apr-2016
reply by the author on 19-Apr-2016
LOL it's not in the contest, Dean- but thanks anyway!
I couldn't resist putting the red, white and blue lettering - it's a patriot thing. Damn those infidels who want to change the Australian flag to green and gold...
An ovinophobic insomniac - and they say God isn't cruel!
Thanks for the fun review, Dean :)
Well, it shoulda been in the contest.
And you, sir, are more than welcome. :)