Is Democracy Dying?
If we can't believe the news we hear, we live in darkness.29 total reviews
Comment from Annmuma
I am so glad I have a 6 left for this!! You have clearly expressed my own frustration, not only with how news organizations choose to present news, but also with the people tuning in.
I believe part of the issue is too much news! Remember, when we had Paul Harvey and then Paul Harvey, The Rest of the Story or morning, noon and night TV news? Now it is 24hours day. There is only so much news and too many outlets. Every outlet tries to dress the story in a new outfit.
I don't believe our democracy is dying, but I'm pretty sure it is in intensive care!! Only we, the people, can save it. Our only hope is to listen to each other, find some ground and make sure we hold ourselves responsible for finding and knowing the truth.
Thanks for writing. ann
reply by the author on 17-Oct-2023
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I am so glad I have a 6 left for this!! You have clearly expressed my own frustration, not only with how news organizations choose to present news, but also with the people tuning in.
I believe part of the issue is too much news! Remember, when we had Paul Harvey and then Paul Harvey, The Rest of the Story or morning, noon and night TV news? Now it is 24hours day. There is only so much news and too many outlets. Every outlet tries to dress the story in a new outfit.
I don't believe our democracy is dying, but I'm pretty sure it is in intensive care!! Only we, the people, can save it. Our only hope is to listen to each other, find some ground and make sure we hold ourselves responsible for finding and knowing the truth.
Thanks for writing. ann
Comment Written 17-Oct-2023
reply by the author on 17-Oct-2023
Thank you Ann, I see you understand where I"m coming from. I like your insightful comments. I really appreciate the six stars.
Comment from Wendyanne
I live in UK but I echo your thoughts about democracy!! It's so difficult to know who to believe these days!! The rich get richer and the poor get poorer over here. I hate what's happening but we are powerless to change things in this so called democracy!!
reply by the author on 17-Oct-2023
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I live in UK but I echo your thoughts about democracy!! It's so difficult to know who to believe these days!! The rich get richer and the poor get poorer over here. I hate what's happening but we are powerless to change things in this so called democracy!!
Comment Written 17-Oct-2023
reply by the author on 17-Oct-2023
Thank you so much Wendyanne. I really appreciate the review great comments.
Comment from Paul Manton
Oh dear Beth, this is so worth a six! Already too late - I usually last till Wednesday!
Winston Churchill once famously said, "Democracy is no doubt the worst system of government - apart from all the others!" And the freedom of the press is enshrined in all truly democratic systems - apart from the ones who aren't! So are the USA and UK still true democracies? And this, I think, is at the heart of your excellent article.
Well, they are no longer trusted as they were, though I think that there has been more erosion in the USA since that bastion of truth, Donald Trump. But Trump is not alone - American politicians have not been covering themselves in glory, on both sides of the house. And we Brits can't crow either: Boris and friends have set back British integrity by decades - many of us would like to see Trump and Boris locked up for a decade.
And this goes along with many powerful men who think they can play god with democracy - Rupert Murdoch in particular - then add all the monsters who have used privilege to commit crimes against women.
Fifty years ago, Beth, it was (perceived to be) a different world! It isn't surprising that we don't trust the media - we don't trust anyone!
That said though, I think that you are right. The BBC has had its blunders, but I believe the news I receive - and from all the main British newscasts. I see no reason to doubt the integrity of any mainstream American or democratic country's output - but when we see how a whole nation can be conned by 'fake news' it is no wonder we are suspicious.
It isn't the news that degraded. We did.
reply by the author on 16-Oct-2023
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Oh dear Beth, this is so worth a six! Already too late - I usually last till Wednesday!
Winston Churchill once famously said, "Democracy is no doubt the worst system of government - apart from all the others!" And the freedom of the press is enshrined in all truly democratic systems - apart from the ones who aren't! So are the USA and UK still true democracies? And this, I think, is at the heart of your excellent article.
Well, they are no longer trusted as they were, though I think that there has been more erosion in the USA since that bastion of truth, Donald Trump. But Trump is not alone - American politicians have not been covering themselves in glory, on both sides of the house. And we Brits can't crow either: Boris and friends have set back British integrity by decades - many of us would like to see Trump and Boris locked up for a decade.
And this goes along with many powerful men who think they can play god with democracy - Rupert Murdoch in particular - then add all the monsters who have used privilege to commit crimes against women.
Fifty years ago, Beth, it was (perceived to be) a different world! It isn't surprising that we don't trust the media - we don't trust anyone!
That said though, I think that you are right. The BBC has had its blunders, but I believe the news I receive - and from all the main British newscasts. I see no reason to doubt the integrity of any mainstream American or democratic country's output - but when we see how a whole nation can be conned by 'fake news' it is no wonder we are suspicious.
It isn't the news that degraded. We did.
Comment Written 16-Oct-2023
reply by the author on 16-Oct-2023
Thank you, Paul. You understand what I was trying to say. I think Donald and Boris are sort of like twins with other mothers. Yes, the people are a lot to blame for what has happened to the news. The news stations are all about making a profit and the personalities they hire or those they believe can but the slant on the facts in such a way that people will be pleased. Two stations take the same fact and spin it in different dirrections so that it sounds completely different and we all convinced it is the other side that is lying. The social media and our polititians don't even try to make it sound like truth. A large group of us are skeptical of everything. But there is still of those who make great cult members and swallow everything without question.
Agree with every word, Beth.
Comment from Sanku
Is Democracy dying .YES .It is At least what many countries have is electoral dictatorship. During election times they come with their begging bowls and announce all kinds of measures for poor people, visit the hutments ,kiss their babies...all photo ops .Once they are elected then they do what they like..
reply by the author on 16-Oct-2023
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Is Democracy dying .YES .It is At least what many countries have is electoral dictatorship. During election times they come with their begging bowls and announce all kinds of measures for poor people, visit the hutments ,kiss their babies...all photo ops .Once they are elected then they do what they like..
Comment Written 16-Oct-2023
reply by the author on 16-Oct-2023
Thank you Sanku. I appreciate the review and comments. It is sad to thing democracy is dying but we have good run. I'd hate to see it end.
Comment from Mary Vigasin
The airways and the Web has been poisoned. Lies and conspiracy theories do a lot of damage. Not too many people are willing to do their research.
They only listen to commentators who align with their own ideas.
We are news junkies in that we search for different sources. BBC, NYTimes, etc.
Good and necessary rant.
Best wishes
reply by the author on 16-Oct-2023
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The airways and the Web has been poisoned. Lies and conspiracy theories do a lot of damage. Not too many people are willing to do their research.
They only listen to commentators who align with their own ideas.
We are news junkies in that we search for different sources. BBC, NYTimes, etc.
Good and necessary rant.
Best wishes
Comment Written 14-Oct-2023
reply by the author on 16-Oct-2023
Thank you Mary. I really your review and comment. You get it. It is good idea to do your own research because the the Newscasters are commentators and their comment my put their slant on the facts.
Comment from lyenochka
You really did your research like a good journalist should to write this rant! Thank you for being a voice of reason and rationally viewing the press and all the hardships they go through to try to provide an account of the news. Some of them have overstepped their duties of just telling us the news by trying to entertain and evoke emotions. But we should never rely on venues that are conjured up by conspiracy theorists!
Best wishes in the contest!
reply by the author on 16-Oct-2023
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You really did your research like a good journalist should to write this rant! Thank you for being a voice of reason and rationally viewing the press and all the hardships they go through to try to provide an account of the news. Some of them have overstepped their duties of just telling us the news by trying to entertain and evoke emotions. But we should never rely on venues that are conjured up by conspiracy theorists!
Best wishes in the contest!
Comment Written 14-Oct-2023
reply by the author on 16-Oct-2023
Thank you Helen. Most stations seem to hire personalities that they believe stant the stories in the direction the people who turn in want. If you can ignore the bias, you can figure out what's real, or listen to PBS or NPR.
Comment from jmdg1954
Unfortunately, it's all about the ratings. Whatever the story is, especially if it's one that is horrendous, the media will overplay it because that is what people want to hear. The more people tune in, the higher the ratings. The higher the ratings the higher yge stock price.
It's a vicious cycle. Everything is about money, stock prices riding, earnings for the shareholders etc...
Nice rant. Best of contest luck.
reply by the author on 16-Oct-2023
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Unfortunately, it's all about the ratings. Whatever the story is, especially if it's one that is horrendous, the media will overplay it because that is what people want to hear. The more people tune in, the higher the ratings. The higher the ratings the higher yge stock price.
It's a vicious cycle. Everything is about money, stock prices riding, earnings for the shareholders etc...
Nice rant. Best of contest luck.
Comment Written 14-Oct-2023
reply by the author on 16-Oct-2023
Thank you for the review and comments which show you do understand the problem. If they every us something we need to know, people won't believe it, but there is a lot of people that seem to believe all the conspiracy theories on social media.
Comment from Sandra Stoner-Mitchell
Too many people shout out that the media spouts out lies, and when you hear it often enough so too many people start to believe it's lies. It's a vicious circle. The problem is, when the press do say something important, and it is the truth, it could be catastrophic if it's not believed. This is a good rant. Well done and good luck! :)) Sandra xx
reply by the author on 16-Oct-2023
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Too many people shout out that the media spouts out lies, and when you hear it often enough so too many people start to believe it's lies. It's a vicious circle. The problem is, when the press do say something important, and it is the truth, it could be catastrophic if it's not believed. This is a good rant. Well done and good luck! :)) Sandra xx
Comment Written 14-Oct-2023
reply by the author on 16-Oct-2023
Thank you so much, Sandra. You comments are right on target. I really appreciate them and the review.
Comment from Jim Wile
This is a good, well-balanced rant, Beth. I'm not sure there is any solution to it except to allow a free flow of ideas and let the media compete for the beliefs of the public. The real danger is when one side tries to suppress the other side and no longer allow the free flow of ideas. Today, this seems to mainly come from one side of the political spectrum and is what the cancel culture is all about.
I'm not sure how widely the idea of the proper duty of journalism is taught these days and have read stories about journalism professors who don't feel this way and instead encourage their students to be activists for furtherance of their ideas rather than unbiased reporters of the facts. That is a real danger.
reply by the author on 15-Oct-2023
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This is a good, well-balanced rant, Beth. I'm not sure there is any solution to it except to allow a free flow of ideas and let the media compete for the beliefs of the public. The real danger is when one side tries to suppress the other side and no longer allow the free flow of ideas. Today, this seems to mainly come from one side of the political spectrum and is what the cancel culture is all about.
I'm not sure how widely the idea of the proper duty of journalism is taught these days and have read stories about journalism professors who don't feel this way and instead encourage their students to be activists for furtherance of their ideas rather than unbiased reporters of the facts. That is a real danger.
Comment Written 14-Oct-2023
reply by the author on 15-Oct-2023
Thank you Jim. I don't have the answers but I hate that so many of up feel sure everything out there is lies. Our trust has been so erroded we are at a loss to know what to believe. We are especially in distrust of anyone in political power. I don't know which is worse, total distrust of everything or blind acceptance of cult like leaders.
I think your key phrase there is "blind acceptance." Whether it's of a political leader, someone who professes to be a scientist, someone in the media, or any other institution, blind acceptance is never a good thing because it shows you aren't thinking for yourself. And to be able to think for yourself, you must have access to information and not have it suppressed by the other side who seems to want to force blind acceptance to their way of thinking only.
Comment from Dolly'sPoems
I think the press have an agenda and they want the craziest news stories to attract attention to their news stations, they don't care if stories are true or false, they just want viewers. The truth is always revealed in people's actions and this goes for politicians too. Actions speak louder that words they say and this is very true.
What is the state of the economy? How is America perceived by other Nations? What's the crime rate like? Do people have access to healthcare? Are the children being properly educated without manipulation? Are books freely available without censorship? These are all the questions I would ask myself about politics and then vote accordingly.
As an outsider, America has lost its grip on world power and law and order and we hear stories of children being manipulated in schools and certain books are being withdrawn from curriculums. Similar ideas are banded around in England about books being banned. We have to consider when books were written and put that into context with the times.
I think the economy is the most important thing for America because if there is little wealth then it has a knock on effect with power. I am referring to military power Beth. Russia have been stretched with the war in Ukraine and their wealth has dwindled and this means they now have less power without support from China. China is a wealthy country and they are a threat to world peace because they are not a democracy. So the economy of America is really important and if the Government believe in robbing the rich to give to the poor, then this is a bad idea! This is what socialism does Beth.
The crime rate and gun laws are a big problem in America. It is not a safe place to live in my opinion, although in the small towns I expect there is some peace. But I would not like to live in a place where people can arm themselves with guns.
I hope I have not ranted on too much Beth, but your post got me thinking!
Good luck with the contest, love Dolly x x x
reply by the author on 16-Oct-2023
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I think the press have an agenda and they want the craziest news stories to attract attention to their news stations, they don't care if stories are true or false, they just want viewers. The truth is always revealed in people's actions and this goes for politicians too. Actions speak louder that words they say and this is very true.
What is the state of the economy? How is America perceived by other Nations? What's the crime rate like? Do people have access to healthcare? Are the children being properly educated without manipulation? Are books freely available without censorship? These are all the questions I would ask myself about politics and then vote accordingly.
As an outsider, America has lost its grip on world power and law and order and we hear stories of children being manipulated in schools and certain books are being withdrawn from curriculums. Similar ideas are banded around in England about books being banned. We have to consider when books were written and put that into context with the times.
I think the economy is the most important thing for America because if there is little wealth then it has a knock on effect with power. I am referring to military power Beth. Russia have been stretched with the war in Ukraine and their wealth has dwindled and this means they now have less power without support from China. China is a wealthy country and they are a threat to world peace because they are not a democracy. So the economy of America is really important and if the Government believe in robbing the rich to give to the poor, then this is a bad idea! This is what socialism does Beth.
The crime rate and gun laws are a big problem in America. It is not a safe place to live in my opinion, although in the small towns I expect there is some peace. But I would not like to live in a place where people can arm themselves with guns.
I hope I have not ranted on too much Beth, but your post got me thinking!
Good luck with the contest, love Dolly x x x
Comment Written 14-Oct-2023
reply by the author on 16-Oct-2023
Thank you Dolly for your in depth reply. The television stations are all about making money and the news comes to us from hired personalities who put a spin on the news they believe their listeners want. If they lose listeners they lose money, If listener wants the straight facts there are news stations where you can get facts without the spin. People like drama and that is why you hear so much about crime in America. I've lived in big cities and I've never felt afraid. That does mean there isn't isolated instances. What really scares me is so many have stopped watching the regular news and started believing the garbage they hear on social media.
You are so right Beth, I am glad you are not fooled x x x