Reviews from

How This Critter Crits

Viewing comments for Chapter 2 "Macro/Micro Critting"

127 total reviews 
Comment from mslink1
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Well as usual Jay, this of course, is my opinion. I take into consideration my critiquing methods, if I by choice have intruded in a book that has well begun to be written. How can you justly not?
Each story is different and a story or poem that someone has penned and enjoyed writing it. Who are we as fellow writers to rip and tear there story or poem to pieces.
There is a thing an attitude called tacty, and an attitude known as a 'better than thou attitude, that needs to be considered when reviewing others work. I'm not saying to candy coat, but simply rate it fairly in knowing that "ALL" makes errors.
Well written, from one critter to another. Mary

 Comment Written 05-Oct-2006

reply by the author on 05-Oct-2006
    Absolutely right, Mary. Thank you for giving me your feedback. I appreciate it. And, I'd be a fool to say I didn't also appreciate the 5 star rating. I hope you're around a long, long time. I like your style.

Comment from Jan Anderegg
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

"When I double click on "Start Reviewing," it means I've already answered in my mind a critical question: "Do I have enough time to do a decent job critting a piece of writing that is very important to one of my colleagues? Am I rested enough and in the right frame of mind? "

I can't tell you how re-assuring it is to read these words! I do try to ask myself this exact question before I start reviewing!

I also try hard (not always successfully) to set aside blocks of time just for reviewing.
Not because I have ten stories I want to post or the poem I made up in my sleep last night; because I want to give back to the community of FanStory a little fraction of what's been given to me since I joined.

There are some genres of work and some authors I almost always skip. If I feel I can't do justice to their work, because I have no interest in the subject, or if the writing is sooo bad I don't feel I have the heart to say what I truly know what I mean!

So, all that blurb just to say...

Thanks for writing this and affirming the truly important job reviewing is!

It is indeed what makes FanStory come to life.

I have learned so much in just over a month about writing. I never would have learned it without the critical reviews of good-hearted reviewers who tell me not only where I went
wrong, but how to fix it!


 Comment Written 05-Oct-2006

reply by the author on 05-Oct-2006
    Janilou, THANKYOU! It means so much to me to be able to have my writings reach out and touch someone. I'm working on the next segment. I hope you'll visit it with your experiential take on it. Thanks again.

Comment from JoAnna Lee
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Well done! No SPAG noted. I enjoyed the open house part as much as the critting part. And yes, we as critters do have to be in the right frame of mind. I know that sometimes I've just had my fill of spiritual or seasonal or something... and so I know better than to read another one.

Thanks for sharing,
I'll be looking forward to the next installment...

 Comment Written 05-Oct-2006

reply by the author on 05-Oct-2006
    Thank you so much for your kind crit, Donna (JoAnna Lee??). It does my heart good to know I am connecting with another. Please jump aboard.

Comment from fortydeuce
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

No spag noted.

Personal preference though is to take a much less hand-holding approach than you describe here. I think that a lot of people are too soft on their reviews and, to some degree, this is a decent illumination of where they're coming from. I know when I post stuff it's not my "pride and joy." With the exception of my screenplay on here, nothing here is my pride and joy and so I most likely take a more critical eye than you have described here.

In terms of the essay itself, it was good but I would have liked it to be balanced more in favor of the actual process than the allusions and similes.

 Comment Written 05-Oct-2006

reply by the author on 05-Oct-2006
    Thank you for the candid take on my chapter. At some point I'm going to have to get into the nuts 'n bolts, huh? More specifics will be given next time. I can't promise I won't hold a hand now and again, and the allusions and similes -- well that's kinda me. Like it or hate it, it's me...

    See ya, friend,

Comment from Ryn Martin
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hmmm, nice piece of work here. I didn't see anything wrong with the usual things like spag, etc... Best of luck with your writing. God speed to you.


 Comment Written 05-Oct-2006

reply by the author on 05-Oct-2006
    Thank you, lucas, for your kind words. I appreciate the time you took to read it.

Comment from In Memoriam
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Your "what you may have missed" section was good enough for the five stars, with an emphasis on the toilet-computer combination but the rest measures up as well. Good job there Jaysquires.

"You could always ask her if she'll let her husband come over and watch the game with you." ---- tehehehehehe.

 Comment Written 05-Oct-2006

reply by the author on 05-Oct-2006
    It's good to find someone who understands my humor. If I'd popped that bathroom computer shtick on my wife (who's more grounded than I), she'd have said, "Jay, that's not funny. That's just stupid!" And, she's right. But it's funny because it's stupid. Anyway, thank you for your kindness. I hope you'll hop aboard for the next segment.

Comment from Pit Bull Mom
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

When this first popped-up on my screen, your title got my attention. I read your opening lines, realized what you were writing about, and promptly went to the beginning and started reading from you Prologue. I am new to FanStory and never written publicly before. I am both amazed and thankful for the honesty and support that FanStory fellows offer their writers. I have visited other sites and compared to FanStory they're very hollow. Your prologue was so true to what it's like to be new on this website, learning the ropes. I'm glad you pointed out the right way (and reasons) to review in this newest chapter. I have several writers on my fan list who have posted pieces that I felt, either because they didn't appeal to me at all, or because I had no knowledge base for that particular style - that I shouldn't review them. I skipped those pieces - albeit with guilt (would they notice that I didn't review that piece?). I pointed two misspellings to a long time writer on this time and she bit my head off in a PM. It's difficult for a new person to know how to do strong reviews, tactfully, and not care whether or not they make friends or earn stars. It is a dilemma. I like the way you addressed that issue. It educated and entertained simultaneously. I can't wait to read the next one and see what new lesson you have in store for all of us.

 Comment Written 05-Oct-2006

reply by the author on 05-Oct-2006
    Heather, thank you so much for all the kind things you commented on. What I write are guidelines, mostly for me to remember to use, but if it helps others (because we are all BASICALLY the same) so much the better. I hope you find the succeeding editions helpful, and thanks again for your confidence.

Comment from lerkun
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hello again jay, now this I found quite interesting, particularly as I saw you at your computer for 20 mins with nothing written. A lot of metered poetry is about the beat and rhythm and content not necessarily in that order...I too like to read novels and find no problem with stepping in at chap 69 (if I'm in the mood) no that wasn't concious. in this respect I try to not get into the story but rather look at the presentation, are the characters clear ie. who is speaking ( errors slap me) so a well picked typo or misspelling is always handy advice to an author so too grammatical errors...for sentence structure of eng lit deg standard you will have to wait for someone else. I save reading whole novels for those authors whose work fit the superb category, that way it feels almost ironic that you are being paid to read something you are enjoying and if u spot any errors that's a gr8 help to them.
Now seeing as how I am hanging down the bottom of the world and it'd be pretty hard for anybody to physically intimidate me I feel free to go with the honesty theorum...there are consequences for this naturally but taken care of as easily as flickin a switch ;-D.

be well and thanks for sharing your observations


 Comment Written 05-Oct-2006

reply by the author on 05-Oct-2006
    I like your style and your heart, lerkun. Thanks for your take on critting. What I am writing applies to myself. It is written to help me think things through. I'm amazed at its apparent applicability to others on the site. It's moving. I hope you stay aboard and are able to take somethng away from it. Do you think it's f 8? I love your texting abbreviations. That last sentence about f 8 wasn't supposed to mean anything. Hey, thanks again.

Comment from joelh605
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You've pumped a gajillion member cent doo-hickies into promoting this piece, haven't you? I seem to recall the first five adding a nickel each to the incentive, but from there up it's only two cents, and perhaps at some point that tails off to one? Which, if you're mathematically inclined - and surely YOU are - only stands to reason on a cost/benefit ratio; there is a curve of pence / peeks which has a knee somewhere between 50 cents and a dollar, and here you are a $1.32 - your piece is both Numero Uno on page one, but also highly likely not to be skipped. Hence fanstory is going to pay out $1.32 LOTS of times ... You can see where that can lead, algorithm-wise.

Ahem - your post.
* There's no way to learn, except by doing.
* There's no way to justify the extra coin an author spent on promoting his/her post, than by at least reading it, and then attempting a review if you have any response at all.
* There's always a way to go back and edit your review; the only thing you can't do is upgrade to a 6 when the calendar has flipped to a new page (or when you're out of 6's, or when you've already dropped a 6 on that author this month)

So, for style and readability, as litt-rah-chah, this is a treat. For content, see above ;-)

With admiration,


 Comment Written 05-Oct-2006

reply by the author on 05-Oct-2006
    Thanks, Gil. Your comments are gold to me. Well, really, really important. As to the promoting. I can't get too involved with Mickey Mammon. I review like crazy. I build my stash of pumps and d-d-d-dollahs. When I post something it's the result of weeks, perhaps months of work. I'm not prolific. I can build a tidy stash in a couple of weeks or a month. There hasn't been a piece that I haven't been able to pump up to numero uno. I just keep pumping and bannering until it says "number 1 on page 1. And, then I stop, because I'm not stupid. I check on it over the next several days. If it slips, I re-pump. My goal is All Time Best of the All Time Bestest. Whatever that ribbon is that fills my heart with false pride I know I'll pay for in my next life. Does that kinda give you an idea of where my head is? I'm an insurance salesman. What can I say?

Comment from Mrs Jones
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is well written, and I found it to be a very interesting approach to reviewing. Myself , if I really don't like a verse or a story, I usually pass. I used to be in real estate, so I won't comment on your week-end passtime. Lol. I think one should not sit down to review, if not in the mood. It is not fair to the writer.


 Comment Written 05-Oct-2006

reply by the author on 05-Oct-2006
    Thank you, Rose, for your take on my chapter. You're sweet, and I would never thumb my nose at you. Still wouldn't buy your property, but I won't thumb my nose. I'm in insurance, Rose, so I've had my taste of rejectionl Please climb aboard, Rose, and see what's coming round the bend. Should be in about 2 or 3 weeks.
