Reviews from

What Did I Come in Here For

Just for fun ~ Mostly Fiction

51 total reviews 
Comment from tempeste
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted


This happens to me too, I forget why I went to the kitchen of lounge room.

Sometimes if I think hard I remember ..

I try to keep my brain alive playing chess with the computer and sudoku.

Reading poems here on fanstory and keeping informed on what's going on in the world.

I know laying on the bed or couch with one s head hanging over the edge makes the blood flow to the brain which is good but it leaves me with a terrible headache so I stopped doing that. ( sigh)

I over exercised once and I had a lower back ache for a week so I just go walking in the good season and pedal inside in the cold season. ( biggrin)

 Comment Written 22-Sep-2024

reply by the author on 23-Sep-2024
    you are so sweet and I appreciate so very much your kind review and comments.
    I thank you with all my heart, my dear friend. Love and hugs, Debi
reply by the author on 23-Sep-2024
    Oooh, I forgot to tell you that I tried something like that and I thought it was just me but I got really sick from doing it.
Comment from Begin Again
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Good one, Debi! I'll tell you my secret since I no longer have that problem. As you said on Fanstory, we all know what we come here for, so that's where I stay: on the computer. I don't have to worry about whatever else I might have forgotten because I wouldn't remember anyhow. LOL. Thanks for making me start my day with a laugh.
Smiles, Carol

 Comment Written 22-Sep-2024

reply by the author on 23-Sep-2024
    Hahaha, hi Carol, I was just trying to be funny with this, as I remember already twenty years ago going into another room and forgetting what I went in there for. Yes, it was fun writing something we could all relate to. And I do think that most of us are pretty happy with most of our friendships here too. Thank you so much for being one of mine.
    Love and hugs, Debi
Comment from Aussie
This work has reached the exceptional level

It's pretty bad when you put the toast in the fridge. Or, put husband's undies on. We all lose some of our brains as we age. Fanstory keeps me sane, I can't do crosswords or suduko (boring) Benny never forgets where his dinner is, or what time. I have to cook mine!

 Comment Written 22-Sep-2024

reply by the author on 23-Sep-2024
    Kace, Hahaha, I was just trying to be funny with this, as I remember already twenty years ago going into another room and forgetting what I went in there for. Thanks for the bonus stars, Sweetie. Yes, it was fun writing something we could all relate to. And I do think that most of us are pretty happy with most of our friendships here. Thank you so much for being one of my best ones too.
    Love and hugs, Debi
reply by Aussie on 24-Sep-2024
    How is your eye progressing? :-) xx
reply by the author on 24-Sep-2024
    Very slowly. The doctor told my husband that I am the first woman to make him lose sleep at night. He even gave us his personal cell phone number to report any changes. He is pretty sure that by the time they get the abrasions and infections cleared it will need a cornea transplant anyway because it will probably be so scarred. But I will do anything to get the sight back again.

    Thanks Hon, for asking.
    Love ya! D
reply by Aussie on 24-Sep-2024
    The eyes are the mirror of the soul. I had both cataracts done. Pretty normal at this age. So you would have a corneal transplant? Probable from a donor. I know you will see again cause the Lord told me so! :-) XX
reply by Aussie on 24-Sep-2024
    I put mine in a glass of water at night, give 'em a rest as I don't have false teeth. So, my prosthetic eyes need a clean and a break from me. Hee, Hee.
reply by the author on 24-Sep-2024
    I had both cataracts done last summer and that was a piece of cake. I am not worried. Actually I am not worried about much anymore.
reply by Aussie on 24-Sep-2024
    You know god never gives us something we can't handle, right? We have both been through the mill and your journey is ongoing. Diabetes will get me in the end. As you say you're not worried about much anymore. If we can't handle it, He will put His Everlasting Arms around us. 💖
reply by the author on 24-Sep-2024
    There are many nights I feel Jesus holding me in His arms, so I know what you mean.
Comment from Nicki.B
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Haha! This is just great Debi. I honestly imagine that every fan story friend can relate to this. In my 40s I cab relate to this om calling mine perimenopausal brain fog lol! It's my excuse anyhow. I really love how you captured the line in each stanza, 'what did I come here for it really made me giggle. I adore the punchline top. Thanks for bringing fun to my day
Best Wishes

 Comment Written 22-Sep-2024

reply by the author on 23-Sep-2024
    Hahaha, Hi Nicki, I was just trying to be funny with this, as I remember already twenty years ago going into another room and forgetting what I went in there for. Yes, it was fun writing something we could all relate to. And I do think that most of us are pretty happy with most of our friendships here too. Thank you so much for being one of mine.
    Love and hugs, Debi
Comment from Pam Lonsdale
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Debi, I feel you, sister! We've got a big one coming up, and I'm as bothered by it as you are. Jim asked what I wanted to do (thinking big!), and I told him I wanted to go into town and do something touristy, have a drink at the martini bar and watch the boats go by, then go home and have him make steak on the grill. Period. No party, no friends, no presents. I don't want to think much about it.

Your poem is fun, and a lot of people will relate to the "what did I come in here for" disease, lol! My daughter is in her 30s and says she does it all the time.

Let's just keep doing what we're doing and enjoy every day.

BTW, what's happening with the eye? Has that been resolved?

Love ya, gal:-)


 Comment Written 22-Sep-2024

reply by the author on 23-Sep-2024
    Dearest sis, Hahaha, I was just trying to be funny with this, as I remember already twenty years ago going into another room and forgetting what I went in there for. Yes, it was fun writing something we could all relate to. And I do think that most of us are pretty happy with most of our friendships here too. Thank you so much for being better than just a friend.
    Love and hugs, Debi
Comment from Pearl Edwards
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I like the format of this fun poem with the 4 then 2 all throught. I always reassure myself that the writing challenges keep my brain active. A lighthearted read Debi, smiling now.

 Comment Written 22-Sep-2024

reply by the author on 23-Sep-2024
    Hahaha, Hi Valda, I was just trying to be funny with this, as I remember already twenty years ago going into another room and forgetting what I went in there for. Yes, it was fun writing something we could all relate to. And I do think that most of us are pretty happy with most of our friendships here too. Thank you so much for being one of mine.
    Love and hugs, Debi
Comment from Amelie Johns
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

What a fun poem. I can relate to it for sure. I can be very forgetful and if I do not write things down, it's gone! I don't think it is an age thing with me as I've always been this way :) Thanks for sharing. This was a lovely read.

 Comment Written 22-Sep-2024

reply by the author on 23-Sep-2024
    Hi there, Amelie, how come we haven't met before? Well it is so good to meet you and thank you for this lovely review. Yes, I was just trying to be funny with this one knowing we could all relate. Thank you so much for the very kind message. You are so sweet and welcome. I hope we can be good friends. Love, Debi
reply by Amelie Johns on 24-Sep-2024
    Hi Debi, I am new here and still trying to navigate my way around the site. Lovely to meet you and I look forward to reading more of your writing. I read in your profile that you created a book for your family expressing your love. What a beautiful idea and precious gift! Hope you have a lovely week.
Comment from Wendy G
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Yes, I can fully relate to your humorous poem, and I often wonder if God smiles when he sees us older ones all over the world muttering, "What was it I came in here for?" or various variations. Very well done, A fun read.

 Comment Written 22-Sep-2024

reply by the author on 23-Sep-2024
    Hahaha, I was just trying to be funny with this, as I remember already twenty years ago going into another room and forgetting what I went in there for. Yes, it was fun writing something we could all relate to. And I do think that most of us are pretty happy with most of our friendships here. Thank you so much for being one of mine.
    Love and hugs, Debi
Comment from royowen
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Another great write dear Debi, this is a lovely post, I think we're all approaching the that age, I know Elaine has been worried, but I doubt somehow we are at all, Elaine is as smart as a whip, and sharper than a double edged sword, well done, blessings Roy

 Comment Written 22-Sep-2024

reply by the author on 25-Sep-2024
    Hi Roy, this was a fun one to do. So I am glad everyone had fun with me.
    I appreciate so very much your kind review and comments.
    I thank you again.
    Love, Debi
reply by royowen on 25-Sep-2024
Comment from CrystieCookie999
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is a very readable, fun poem. We all get moments like that.
Favorite lines:
I do my research and explore
'Cause writing helps the brain cell score
Thanks for posting a light-hearted poem!

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 Comment Written 22-Sep-2024

reply by the author on 25-Sep-2024
    Hi Crystie, this was a fun one to do. So I am glad everyone had fun with me.
    I appreciate so very much your kind review and comments.
    I thank you again.
    Love, Debi