Solace in My Quill
a pantoum33 total reviews
Comment from mountainwriter49
HI Alvin. I really think, perhaps, our site's
poetry would be better appreciated without
the art. I found your poem exception in its
imagery and use of the language.
I love the phrase "Solace in my quill". This is
a phrase to which any writer can relate.
I had found solace in my quill
Because therein could be expressed
That tragedy that gave me chills.
The pen and ink gave me some rest--
And the read just got better and better.
Thanks for sharing this exceptional poem.
reply by the author on 07-Mar-2010
HI Alvin. I really think, perhaps, our site's
poetry would be better appreciated without
the art. I found your poem exception in its
imagery and use of the language.
I love the phrase "Solace in my quill". This is
a phrase to which any writer can relate.
I had found solace in my quill
Because therein could be expressed
That tragedy that gave me chills.
The pen and ink gave me some rest--
And the read just got better and better.
Thanks for sharing this exceptional poem.
Comment Written 07-Mar-2010
reply by the author on 07-Mar-2010
Thanks for the exceptional review. I greatly appreciate it. Yes, I once was given four stars separately by two different people for two poems because they didn't have pictures. I wasn't a happy camper about that. Thanks for your continued support. (I raised the rating on your Dime poem.)
You're most welcome, my friend.
Comment from allie0925
I really like it, picture or no picture. I love how you talk about putting pen to paper in such a passionate way.
I look forward to more of your writing. Thanks so much for sharing.
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reply by the author on 06-Mar-2010
I really like it, picture or no picture. I love how you talk about putting pen to paper in such a passionate way.
I look forward to more of your writing. Thanks so much for sharing.
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Comment Written 06-Mar-2010
reply by the author on 06-Mar-2010
Thanks for a great review; I truly appreciate it.
Comment from Heidixoxo
Fantastic poem Alvin!! You have done a great job in creating this and personally I think its ok to not have a picture. Reading your words created a nice personal image anyways. Job well done my friend.......xoxo
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reply by the author on 06-Mar-2010
Fantastic poem Alvin!! You have done a great job in creating this and personally I think its ok to not have a picture. Reading your words created a nice personal image anyways. Job well done my friend.......xoxo
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Comment Written 06-Mar-2010
reply by the author on 06-Mar-2010
Thanks for a great review; I quite appreciate it.