Doctor Carol
A party for Blondie41 total reviews
Comment from Heidi M
What a delightful memory for you to have carried all these years! I enjoyed reading about the christening party for the cats; I've never heard of that. No wonder you still remember it!
reply by the author on 02-Mar-2017
What a delightful memory for you to have carried all these years! I enjoyed reading about the christening party for the cats; I've never heard of that. No wonder you still remember it!
Comment Written 02-Mar-2017
reply by the author on 02-Mar-2017
Thank you. My older sister was always doing things like that. I love her dearly.
Comment from Dawn Munro
What a wonderful story! You have managed to capture the very essence of those times for me, of childhood, and the joy and excitement over something like a party and a new litter of kittens. Wonderful story-telling!
reply by the author on 02-Mar-2017
What a wonderful story! You have managed to capture the very essence of those times for me, of childhood, and the joy and excitement over something like a party and a new litter of kittens. Wonderful story-telling!
Comment Written 02-Mar-2017
reply by the author on 02-Mar-2017
Thank you. My family was very close and we often did things like the cat party.
Comment from Sandra Stoner-Mitchell
That was a lovely story, and what a lovely picture too. I could read at that age too, and like you, we were encouraged to do so as soon as possible. I've enjoyed reading ever since. I loved this story of the christening, how exciting that must have been for you children for you to have kept this treasure of a memory locked in your heart. Well done, and good luck in the contest. :) Sandra xx
reply by the author on 02-Mar-2017
That was a lovely story, and what a lovely picture too. I could read at that age too, and like you, we were encouraged to do so as soon as possible. I've enjoyed reading ever since. I loved this story of the christening, how exciting that must have been for you children for you to have kept this treasure of a memory locked in your heart. Well done, and good luck in the contest. :) Sandra xx
Comment Written 02-Mar-2017
reply by the author on 02-Mar-2017
Thank you. I always though my mother wanted us to read a lot to keep us quiet. It worked too. LOL
Comment from Jannypan (Jan)
I enjoyed your story of the kittens. I love cats. Your details added so much info that it was like taking a step back in time. Love the black/white picture. Good job & thanks for sharing. Best wishes in the contest. I see no corrections needed. Jan
reply by the author on 02-Mar-2017
I enjoyed your story of the kittens. I love cats. Your details added so much info that it was like taking a step back in time. Love the black/white picture. Good job & thanks for sharing. Best wishes in the contest. I see no corrections needed. Jan
Comment Written 02-Mar-2017
reply by the author on 02-Mar-2017
Thank you. Glad to find another cat person on this site. Cats have always been special to me.
Comment from Alex Biasin
I really enjoyed this.
It is a delightful memory and no wonder it has stayed with you.
A good sense of childlike delight comes through in the story and you have told the tale really well.
reply by the author on 02-Mar-2017
I really enjoyed this.
It is a delightful memory and no wonder it has stayed with you.
A good sense of childlike delight comes through in the story and you have told the tale really well.
Comment Written 01-Mar-2017
reply by the author on 02-Mar-2017
Thank you, my friend. I have many lovely childhood memories. My family was large and loving.
Comment from mbroyles2
Great story recalling the christening of kittens.
I can sense the excitement from the great descriptive words.
You're right it is the simple things that we tend to remember, especially those that brought us joy.
Really nice!
reply by the author on 02-Mar-2017
Great story recalling the christening of kittens.
I can sense the excitement from the great descriptive words.
You're right it is the simple things that we tend to remember, especially those that brought us joy.
Really nice!
Comment Written 01-Mar-2017
reply by the author on 02-Mar-2017
Thank you. I had a marvelous childhood filled with love and good times.
Comment from Fridayauthor
This is a nice remembrance story told in an upbeat manner. It's strange that it is the little things that stick in our minds. It is even better when the pleasant happenings are recalled in detail and, hopefully, the unpleasant things put to rest.
Very well done.
reply by the author on 02-Mar-2017
This is a nice remembrance story told in an upbeat manner. It's strange that it is the little things that stick in our minds. It is even better when the pleasant happenings are recalled in detail and, hopefully, the unpleasant things put to rest.
Very well done.
Comment Written 01-Mar-2017
reply by the author on 02-Mar-2017
Thank you. It is strange how some things stay with a person forever, and just as vivid as the day it happened.
Comment from Ulla
Hi There, this I can relate to having had cats all my life. What a sweet thing to invite you to birthday of the kittens. Wonderfully written. I loved it. Good luck in the contest. Ulla:))
reply by the author on 02-Mar-2017
Hi There, this I can relate to having had cats all my life. What a sweet thing to invite you to birthday of the kittens. Wonderfully written. I loved it. Good luck in the contest. Ulla:))
Comment Written 01-Mar-2017
reply by the author on 02-Mar-2017
Thank you. It's always good to meet another cat person. I'm 71 and still have 12 cats. They are mostly older cats and I hope I can outlive them because I would hate to leave them alone.
Wow, 12 cats! and I thought we were doing well with having 5 of them. I can understand your concern, but I'm sure you'll be alright. :)))
Comment from Ella25
It is a very well written " I Remember" contest entry story. The picture reminds me of my friends who met when she was two, and he was five. She is his sweetheart and a wife of 47 years. Memories, especially beautiful keep us wonder. Best luck in the contest. Ella
reply by the author on 02-Mar-2017
It is a very well written " I Remember" contest entry story. The picture reminds me of my friends who met when she was two, and he was five. She is his sweetheart and a wife of 47 years. Memories, especially beautiful keep us wonder. Best luck in the contest. Ella
Comment Written 01-Mar-2017
reply by the author on 02-Mar-2017
Thank you. You should write a story about your friends. I certainly would find it interesting.
I actually might. They are such a great couple and parents...even foster parents. With love, Ella
Comment from Alcreator Litt Dear
Easy said, a slice of memorable eventful and passionate event (party of an old barn cat) in the aunt's, well organised and structured taletelling, logical in sequence, plot progression, with catchy introduction and reasoned conclusive ending, I enjoyed.
reply by the author on 01-Mar-2017
Easy said, a slice of memorable eventful and passionate event (party of an old barn cat) in the aunt's, well organised and structured taletelling, logical in sequence, plot progression, with catchy introduction and reasoned conclusive ending, I enjoyed.
Comment Written 01-Mar-2017
reply by the author on 01-Mar-2017
Thank you for reading and commenting. I had a great childhood.