Reviews from

Cyber bullying

Cyber bullying and teens

27 total reviews 
Comment from Tsukuyomi969
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I'm glad you're trying to raise awareness, and I think many will profit from reading this. I have my own, perhaps conflicting, thoughts on bullying and its victims, but I won't mention them here. Maybe when I am a parent of a kid being bullied, my outlook will change. Thanks for this, and keep it up.

 Comment Written 10-Oct-2012

reply by the author on 15-Oct-2012
    Thanks so much for this stellar review and generous rating! I appreciate both!!
Comment from EMB
This work has reached the exceptional level

This piece of work was very valuable information, and anytime I feel I've learned something that increases my awareness on a valuable level, I am truly grateful. This was just awesome, to say the least.

 Comment Written 10-Oct-2012

reply by the author on 15-Oct-2012
    Thanks again, my friend!
Comment from Craigitar
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Well written piece. Good, informative article on a 21st century version of an old problem. I liked that you had links to other sites for more info. Only two small issues I had; first, and this is just an opinion or preference, is in the 1st paragraph--to me the word "behemoth" is a little awkward. I'd go with "huge." Second is just a typo in the 3rd paragraph; "...worked after (WWWII), thereby...". Too many Ws. Otherwise, good job.

 Comment Written 10-Oct-2012

reply by the author on 15-Oct-2012
    Thanks so much for this stellar review and generous rating! I appreciate both!! Took your advise - thanks!
Comment from Flamingbush
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is very well written, good details throughout, well researched information on bullying. You're right about the whole idea of face-to-face communication. It's something that can't be beat.

On a personal note, I think the world has definitely become a more violent place than it was in the 50's and 60's. There's so much fear out there, and bullying is definitely tied to fear. Bullies are cowards who like to control people because it gives them power. Bullying has always been around, but you're right when you say the Internet has definitely provided people with sneaky ways to bully others without being seen.

"The distancing effect that technological devices have on today's youth often leads them to say and do crueler things compared to what is typical in a traditional face-to-face bullying situation." That pretty much sums it up.

 Comment Written 10-Oct-2012

reply by the author on 15-Oct-2012
    Thanks so much for this stellar review and generous rating! I appreciate both!! Someone suggested I write how bullying has progressed decade over decade. I might do that.
reply by Flamingbush on 15-Oct-2012
    You're very welcome, and I love that idea on writing how bullying has progressed over time. Take us into the nitty gritty of it. Why not?
Comment from McMurry903
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You provided some great information with some very sad statistics as well. I'm only 30 years old, so for a large part of my life I've been surrounded by all this high technology,and have seen my younger friends and siblings directly affected by personal attacks on facebook and other social networks.There needs to be much more public awareness and parental involvement concerning teens, you done well posting this and I hope it helps many!

 Comment Written 10-Oct-2012

reply by the author on 15-Oct-2012
    Thanks so much for this stellar review and generous rating! I appreciate both!! I hope it helps also!
Comment from IrisFrost
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

It's sad to say how true the read really is here. Our children have adapted to electronic devices more and more rather then being outside and learning important values and social skills. I find it heartbreaking that other kids will pick on someone so much that they'd have such low self esteem and confidence that they end up committing suicide just to find a sense of relief. Thank you for sharing where some of the parents can go to seek some help for the relief the of the social problems their children are facing today.

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 Comment Written 10-Oct-2012

reply by the author on 10-Oct-2012
    Thanks, IrisFrost, but I need to know what's wrong with my article? You gave it three stars, so what do you presume I do to improve it? Judging from your comments, you seem to like it.
Comment from Gungalo
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Wow there's plenty that goes on on the net all the time and the best way to insure this does not happen to your child is to be with them when they are on the net. They don't like it you say, fine take away all privileges concerning the internet. It is the only way.

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 Comment Written 10-Oct-2012

reply by the author on 15-Oct-2012
    Thanks, I appreciate your comments on this one!
reply by Gungalo on 15-Oct-2012