Reviews from

The Universal Shrug

An expression of apathy

40 total reviews 
Comment from Wendy G
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You are right, Jesse. The "universal shrug" is a cop-out when people don't want to get involved. It's the result of the prevailing "me-first" philosophy which is all pervading. It doesn't take much to show a little kindness and compassion, not necessarily in the form of a physical hug, but with words and deeds. Well said.

 Comment Written 07-Mar-2024

reply by the author on 08-Mar-2024
    Thanks, Wendy, for your insightful thoughts on the subject. I wish we lived closer and could enjoy lunch together but we live across the planet, so I send you a virtual hug. Actions and deeds are indeed the answer to the prevailing attitude of the me-first philosophy.
Comment from Mike Stevens
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Another fine write, Jesse....must agree with your conclusions, but it can be a tough thing to do. The divide politically between us can seem to great. I try to see things from their point of view but it can seem impossible. The best I can manage is not calling them names and lashing out

 Comment Written 07-Mar-2024

reply by the author on 07-Mar-2024
    Thanks, Mike for this honest review. I hope you can see it in your heart to give others a chance to be civil and let them do what they are doing without it affecting you so much. Find time to enjoy life.
    Take care, my friend
reply by Mike Stevens on 08-Mar-2024
    I'll keep striving to be the better man
Comment from LateBloomer
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Jesse, your writing illustrates a very astute of the world around us. People are scared, and more and more homes are struggling to survive.

Of special note:
--Otherwise, their emotions break out in meteor showers spraying negative energy all over the galaxy.

(Excellent imagery. Well stated.)

--We are both happy we grew up in the 60s and 70s.

(J, I grow up in the 60's and 70's, and I think that we have lived through the best generations. We had so much freedom, so little fear.)

--People say, "It is what it is"

(I really dislike that saying. It's almost like saying, "Oh, well." I also dislike ... and this too shall pass. When a person's life is in a ditch, this too shall pass just does not suffice.)

Jesse, no matter how well off a person is or is not, we all have something to give, even if it's a sympathetic ear or the gift of time. Your story is well done; well told, and it's a good look at the under-caring world around us. Margaret

 Comment Written 07-Mar-2024

reply by the author on 07-Mar-2024
    You've said a mouthful, Margaret. Yes, I agree there are too many poor that need medical services and can't get them for lack of money. I hope those who read this search their souls and hearts for a better understanding of this issue.
    I dislike all those sayings too. They are cop-outs. We need to help others and not look the other way.
    Thanks for this insightful and honest review.

Comment from lyenochka
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is a great message, Jesse! It's so easy for us to become indifferent when we make it a habit. I think we are overwhelmed by the daily news of wars and horrible politics. So thank you for reminding us to show we care. Keep caring and I'm so glad you have David with you.

 Comment Written 07-Mar-2024

reply by the author on 07-Mar-2024
    Thanks, Helen, for showing me that you care besides the news there are always good deeds that happen every day.
    I am very fortunate to have David in my life.
    Thanks for the positive feedback.
Comment from Brenda Strauser
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hi Jesse. I enjoyed reading your story. I grew up the same time you did. I am happy, too I grew up then. I have been saying this for awhile; People don't care about each other. We surely live in a different world. I noticed that some people have lost their manners, too. I'm looking forward to a better world, someday. Your story is interesting and well written. Great job.

 Comment Written 07-Mar-2024

reply by the author on 07-Mar-2024
    Yes, Brenda, what ever happened to good manners? We have lost it somehow, and it shows, in our political views, and lack of kindness towards each other. Let's hope for a better tomorrow.

Comment from Debbie D'Arcy
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

A very profound and well written post which was a pleasure to read. I agree that, in this hectic world, we can be too ready to ignore or cancel (that awful popular expression) when things or people don't suit our needs. I like the thought and compassion that shine through this valid theme of hugs not shrugs. Thanks for sharing, Jesse. Take care and a big hug:) Debbie

 Comment Written 07-Mar-2024

reply by the author on 08-Mar-2024
    The term, "canceling" is an awful expression I agree with you. So many misuse the English language to say terrible things to each other. I can't imagine saying these to anyone.
    Let's start a new phrase...hugs instead of shrugs.
    Thanks for the positive feedback, Debbie.

Comment from LJbutterfly
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I agree with all of your statements. It is rare to find someone who cares about other people. Most people are concerned that everything is working out for themselves.

The pastor of my church used to say that when you're feeling sick, or down and out, help someone else. It will lift your spirits. I like your poetic advice...hugs, not shrugs.

 Comment Written 07-Mar-2024

reply by the author on 08-Mar-2024
    Thanks, LJ, for this thoughtful and caring review. I agree with your pastor help others when we are down and out. Hugs not shrugs!
    I'm sending a virtual hug your way!

Comment from mermaids
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I agree with you here. We need to be more caring towards each other and we need to start developing a positive world. I remember vaguely while growing up, hearing about free clinics. That is something we need to return to. They are much needed. Your essay gives the reader much to think about and has important points for today's world.

 Comment Written 07-Mar-2024

reply by the author on 08-Mar-2024
    Yes, free medical clinics are needed more than ever today. So many look away when someone needs help. Thanks for pondering the issues I have brought up.
    Have a beautiful day.
Comment from Spitfire
This work has reached the exceptional level

This reads almost like a poem with some inner rhyme and alliteration. 'Universal shrug" is a creative way to describe the non-caring that goes on. I also like 'existential hug.' You are so right in mourning the loss of free clinics for those who can't afford health care. Stay well, James!

 Comment Written 07-Mar-2024

reply by the author on 07-Mar-2024
    Wow, my friend, what a nice way to show you care by giving me a six-star and an awesome review. I love that you saw my poetic devices in this prose essay.
    Our generation remembers when people cared more. Now, they could care less and often do. Thank you for taking notice.
    I will stay healthy if you will do the same.
reply by Spitfire on 07-Mar-2024
    My doctor is amazed at my good health but I do suffer from neck pain and lower back pain. Not fun.
reply by the author on 08-Mar-2024
    Pain is never fun. I suffer from neck and shoulder pain as well.
    Stay healthy.
Comment from Marilyn Hamilton
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

It's not possible for me to love this any more than I do. The writing was well done and you had my attention from the first line. I have had these same feelings for years now and all the while, if it's even possible, people seem to be getting worse. I guess all we can do is share the concept of the universal hug in our own small universe and hope it spreads outward from there. I wish I had a 6 star left to give this.

 Comment Written 07-Mar-2024

reply by the author on 07-Mar-2024
    Thank you, Marilyn, for your kindness and thoughtful review. I am glad you enjoyed this essay and also happy we are on the same page. Thanks for the virtual six.
    I appreciate your positive feedback.
    Take care,