It's Always the Moon
lune 5-3-514 total reviews
Comment from James H. Oldfield
Why, that's even harder than 5/7/5 :)
Really liked this, very true, wise, and in no way felt clipped by the low syllable-count.
A complete aside, but I love the look of the poem within the body of the image, too, very nicely set-up.
Great job.
Take care.
Why, that's even harder than 5/7/5 :)
Really liked this, very true, wise, and in no way felt clipped by the low syllable-count.
A complete aside, but I love the look of the poem within the body of the image, too, very nicely set-up.
Great job.
Take care.
Comment Written 15-Jan-2018
Comment from frierajac
I appreciate the pictorial reference to the moon in a Lune contest and wish you all
the luck. The poem itself reads like an adage in an old astrology magazine' for today
the moon in its last quarter conjoins Saturn'.
I appreciate the pictorial reference to the moon in a Lune contest and wish you all
the luck. The poem itself reads like an adage in an old astrology magazine' for today
the moon in its last quarter conjoins Saturn'.
Comment Written 15-Jan-2018
Comment from Dolly'sPoems
Wise words here and indifference kills a relationship which needs constant nourishment for it to stay alive, many neglect their precious union and then it dies, I wish you luck with the contest, this is a winner for me, love Dolly x
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Wise words here and indifference kills a relationship which needs constant nourishment for it to stay alive, many neglect their precious union and then it dies, I wish you luck with the contest, this is a winner for me, love Dolly x
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Comment Written 15-Jan-2018
Comment from tfawcus
So true. The shadows can creep across almost imperceptibly. Unfortunately, it can take rather more than 28 days to repair the damage and bring back the fullness again. I like your black and white presentation of this one. It adds to the atmosphere.
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So true. The shadows can creep across almost imperceptibly. Unfortunately, it can take rather more than 28 days to repair the damage and bring back the fullness again. I like your black and white presentation of this one. It adds to the atmosphere.
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Comment Written 15-Jan-2018