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Viewing comments for Chapter 81 "God's Shining Basketball Star"
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29 total reviews 
Comment from Carol Clark2
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

FCA is a great organization, and I'm glad your niece and her husband are a part of it. I enjoyed reading the history of the organization that you included. Your poem is sweet, and it tells a nice story. Happy birthday to Megan, and thanks for sharing this poem. Blessings. Carol

 Comment Written 18-Dec-2024

reply by the author on 19-Dec-2024
    Carol, thank you from the bottom of my heart. Your comments mean the world to me. They are so kind and thoughtful of you. Thank you again.
    Love, Debi
reply by Carol Clark2 on 19-Dec-2024
    You're most welcome. You always manage to come up with rhymes for the most unusual words! Merry Christmas!
Comment from DonandVicki
This work has reached the exceptional level

It is obvious that you put a lot of work and love into this tribute to your loved one(s). But especially love. The rhyme and meter flow so very nicely. Don

 Comment Written 18-Dec-2024

reply by the author on 19-Dec-2024
    D & V, I don't know if it is possible to tell you how much this lovely review means to me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. The comments are so sweet and thank you for the lovely six stars. They are all so kind and thoughtful of you. Thank you again. Love, Debi
reply by DonandVicki on 19-Dec-2024
    Your poetry is so selfless, you wrie with such passion and love. You are a delight to read and review. Don
Comment from T B Botts
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Hello Debi,
what a great poem honoring your niece and her family. It sounds like she had her head together right from the start. We don't hear enough success stories of Christians. Thanks for pointing this out gal.
Have a blessed evening.

 Comment Written 18-Dec-2024

reply by the author on 19-Dec-2024
    Thanks for the awesome review and comments for this poem for my niece.
    I appreciate it so much. I also forgot to tell you that I got your Christmas card yesterday. It was so lovely of you to send me one. Thank you so very much. Have a beautiful and hopefully white Christmas, my wonderful friend.
    Love, Debi
reply by the author on 19-Dec-2024
    Thanks for the awesome review and comments for this poem for my niece.
    I appreciate it so much. I also forgot to tell you that I got your Christmas card yesterday. It was so lovely of you to send me one. Thank you so very much. Have a beautiful and hopefully white Christmas, my wonderful friend.
    Love, Debi
Comment from Debbie D'Arcy
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I'm so sorry coming late to review this. But what an amazingly proud and loving birthday tribute you've crafted here for your niece. Your poetry is beautifully fluent and tells her story from childhood and how her sports interest and talent transformed into something even greater when she met her husband. They now follow in the footsteps of Don McClanen who co-founded the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, combining coaching and teaching with Christian faith. Debi, I knew nothing about this organisation so thank you so much for educating and entertaining me with this informative and comprehensive post. Well done! Love Debbie

 Comment Written 18-Dec-2024

reply by the author on 19-Dec-2024
    Thanks Sweetie, and I can't tell you now much how special that is that you like Megan's poem so much. Her dad is the only brother I have left so we are very close. We always have been. Anyway, thank you so much for this lovely review for Megan. I surely appreciate you, my dear friend. Love, Debi
Comment from Verna Cole Mitchell
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is a lovely birthday poem for your niece. She sounds like a beautiful Christian woman with an outstanding skill in basketball. Congratulations for her using her talent for the Lord.

 Comment Written 18-Dec-2024

reply by the author on 19-Dec-2024
    Verna, thank you from the bottom of my heart. Your comments mean the world to me. They are so kind and thoughtful of you. Thank you again.
    Merry Christmas to my sweet sis and family. Love you, Debi
Comment from Cindy Decker 3
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I see why you are so proud of your niece and how well you tout this organization.
I always wanted to play football; I was too small and so were the rules (no girls allowed). (I could have tried out for extra point kicker.
What position did your niece play in football.
Happy birthday to Megan.
Excellent presentation, Debi.

 Comment Written 18-Dec-2024

reply by the author on 19-Dec-2024
    Hi Cindy, and thanks so very much for this lovely review for Megan. I appreciate your kind words so very much. In fact they mean the world to me, my awesome friend.
    Thanks again. Love, Debi
reply by Cindy Decker 3 on 20-Dec-2024
    You're welcome. Debi.😊
Comment from barbara.wilkey
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Thank you for sharing this poem with. My four-year-old granddaughter, Eleanor already has a good dribble. When Steven and Andrew played football, they each had a coach who loved the Lord and instilled that love in his players. Not all coaches do that. It's an easy way to reach students.

 Comment Written 18-Dec-2024

reply by the author on 19-Dec-2024
    Hi Barb, and thanks so very much for this lovely review for Megan. I love that your granddaughter is doing bb and that your grandsons are playing football and were coached by someone who loved the Lord. I appreciate your kind words so very much. In fact they mean the world to me, my awesome friend.
    Thanks again. Love, Debi
Comment from karenina
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I hope you are framing this and giving it to your niece as a Christmas gift. It's obvious you love her to pieces and what a testament of faith and skill that she and her family have thrived no matter where they are "planted"

I was unaware of FCA, so thanks for giving us a little history on that. I know I can't add links to posts or reviews, but if anyone happens to type in the initials and add a dot and an "org" it would be worth their while...

(Also, they accept donations and what a worthy cause--and a gift shop on the week before Christmas!

Some great YouTube videos on this as well.

(Let's see if I outsmarted the link-banning filter...)


Megan must soak up Auntie Debi's love!

My classic gripe: There are not enough sixes to equal the fine posts I read weekly.

Twinkle away! Virtually but sincerely!


*****Addendum: Thanks, Debi, for adding the videos about FCA. What a worthy cause to donate to.

 Comment Written 18-Dec-2024

reply by the author on 18-Dec-2024
    Hi Sweetie. My brother, her dad, was a star in all sports. He was accepted on the Twins farm team with a chance to move up and then something happened in the family that it never happened. He also was a hometown football and basketball star. We started playing football very young as kids and me being the only girl with four brothers, I learned or didn't get anyone to play with. I learned my love of frogs and snakes with them. Anyway Greg is all I have left and I love him more than you could believe. He still plays basketball and is like Dick Clark who doesn't give up. He still walks at least five miles a day and is a year and a half older than me. I am so proud of him as you can see. And Megan didn't fall far from the tree.

    So You are brilliant, sweet K. Per your ideas of videos I added a couple that I think will give a much better idea of what they are about. I get news letters every month because I am a monthly supporter of $50. And have been doing it for years now. It is such a rewarding thing to see through their book and newsletters of these kids who wouldn't necessarily have a chance to learn about Jesus and do a fellowship with other teens.

    Thanks so much for your input and for your kind words and I do hope you will go back and listen to at least one of the videos. You're the best,, my friend.
    Love, Debi
reply by karenina on 19-Dec-2024
    Great idea! I will head there now to watch the videos!
Comment from nomi338
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

The one thing the world of sports needs in place of showboating, on field and or on court fighting, displays of poor sportsmanship. All of the negativity that give sports a black eye, it will be a pleasure to see instead, athletes displaying not only their skill, but to also so see a clear reverence for the God of love and his dear son Jesus Christ the Prince of Peace.

 Comment Written 18-Dec-2024

reply by the author on 19-Dec-2024
    Hi Nomi, and thanks so very much for this lovely review for Megan. I appreciate your kind words so very much. In fact they mean the world to me, my awesome BBBB. And in fact what you said was perfect!!
    Thanks again and Much Love, Debi
Comment from Begin Again
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Awesome, Debi! Your pride and love gleam like the brightest star as you write about Megan, and so they should. This is a beautiful poem and tribute to an awesome young lady. Thanks for sharing this poem.
Happy Birthday, Megan! May God's blessing continue to shine on you.
Smiles, Carol

 Comment Written 18-Dec-2024

reply by the author on 19-Dec-2024
    My dear Carol, thanks so very much for this lovely review for Megan. I appreciate your kind words so very much. In fact they mean the world to me, my awesome friend.
    Thanks again. Love, Debi