December 2024
And the Dates of Personal and International Recognitions37 total reviews
Comment from nomi338
You my lovely dear Sis, have skills I dare not miss
and so even if I must insist, your skills are quite beyond compare
One who writes so well for free is something in this word that is quite rare.
So, right on, write on, don't you dare ever stop, you don't have to strive because you are already at the top.
You top my list, and again I insist, World you better know this,
there is none better than my little sis.
reply by the author on 02-Dec-2024
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You my lovely dear Sis, have skills I dare not miss
and so even if I must insist, your skills are quite beyond compare
One who writes so well for free is something in this word that is quite rare.
So, right on, write on, don't you dare ever stop, you don't have to strive because you are already at the top.
You top my list, and again I insist, World you better know this,
there is none better than my little sis.
Comment Written 02-Dec-2024
reply by the author on 02-Dec-2024
Now I know we really are brother and sister. Haha, because I so often will be talking and I have to break out in a poem. As I just have to be rhyming something at all times. You do that to me a lot and I laugh at it every time because I know we are so much alike and I love it and you, dear brother. Thanks for your always, kind rhyming LOL words. I love your silliness too. Thanks for your sweet six stars too, big brother. Love, Debi
Comment from bob cullen
You are so clever, and your rhyming is amazing. You also deserve an accolade for your loyalty and willingness to pay tribute to so many other Fanstory contributors. The .only fault I can find with you, is your inability to spell. DebBi has two B's. Like BoB
reply by the author on 02-Dec-2024
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You are so clever, and your rhyming is amazing. You also deserve an accolade for your loyalty and willingness to pay tribute to so many other Fanstory contributors. The .only fault I can find with you, is your inability to spell. DebBi has two B's. Like BoB
Comment Written 02-Dec-2024
reply by the author on 02-Dec-2024
Hello Bob and thank you from the bottom of my heart for this lovely review and such kind words for my poem for the month of December. I appreciate you so very much.
However, since you decided that my spelling was wrong and it should have two b's like in your name, I thought maybe we could switch that up and have your name look a little more like mine.
So thanks Bobi from Debi. Hahaha!
I hope you know I am just having a little fun with you. Lotsa love to you, Bob.
Hello Bob and thank you from the bottom of my heart for this lovely review and such kind words for my poem for the month of December. I appreciate you so very much.
However, since you decided that my spelling was wrong and it should have two b's like in your name, I thought maybe we could switch that up and have your name look a little more like mine.
So thanks Bobi from Debi. Hahaha!
I hope you know I am just having a little fun with you. Lotsa love to you, Bob.
Comment from karenina
Now this is quite clever!
I'm loving the way you did a full month in poetic reminders of dates both historical and relating to FS folks!
This just flowed beautifully and the calendar really set it off nicely!
Christmas was enough to prepare for...
Who knew all these other dates?
Awesome, Debi...
reply by the author on 02-Dec-2024
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Now this is quite clever!
I'm loving the way you did a full month in poetic reminders of dates both historical and relating to FS folks!
This just flowed beautifully and the calendar really set it off nicely!
Christmas was enough to prepare for...
Who knew all these other dates?
Awesome, Debi...
Comment Written 02-Dec-2024
reply by the author on 02-Dec-2024
Hello K, you are so darn sweet and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for this lovely review and such kind words for my poem for the month of December. I appreciate you so very much. Love, Debi
Hello K, you are so darn sweet and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for this lovely review and such kind words for my poem for the month of December. I appreciate you so very much. Love, Debi
Ooops! This came through twice, but I'll reply again once...
You're welcome!
That is strange. Oh well,, then you know I am doubly thankful. LOL
Comment from Colorado Owl
Thank you for your research on December anniversaries. Since December 2nd is my birthday, I was compelled to look up your reference. I was unaware of what that day celebrates. Well done!
reply by the author on 02-Dec-2024
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Thank you for your research on December anniversaries. Since December 2nd is my birthday, I was compelled to look up your reference. I was unaware of what that day celebrates. Well done!
Comment Written 02-Dec-2024
reply by the author on 02-Dec-2024
Hey, I am bumping you to the front of the line, dear friend. I had no idea it was your birthday tomorrow. If you could give me some info about you I can have a poem written for you by tomorrow noon. I try to get the word out but some feel shy to ask. I love doing them because it is a way to make someone feel special. And you, deserve that. Please let me decide if you want one, and it is just a little info that you would like to share about yourself. Family, kids, grandkids, career, hobbies, anything about you?
And thanks for all the kind words. You are now on my list. Love, Debi
Comment from lyenochka
I'm so glad you mapped the month out for us. Now we know when Sally and Jack's anniversary is. I remember it was a December wedding from her posts. And Chef John's birthday, I knew. Our special friend and fairy of good will and encouragement is on the 4th!
reply by the author on 02-Dec-2024
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I'm so glad you mapped the month out for us. Now we know when Sally and Jack's anniversary is. I remember it was a December wedding from her posts. And Chef John's birthday, I knew. Our special friend and fairy of good will and encouragement is on the 4th!
Comment Written 02-Dec-2024
reply by the author on 02-Dec-2024
Thanks Helen, and you know about the first and the twenty first too. But without their permission I don't mention their names. I have a list of who would rather not have the recognition. I won't be doing this every month, but just got an idea for something different.
Thanks again, dear and wonderful friend and sister. Love ya, Debi
Thanks for your always so sweet words of
As you recall, I retired from the birthday poem thing and you took over. So I did the monthly thing last year and so you are free to do it monthly and hope someone else takes over. But really, not everyone wants their birthday recognized so that's okay, too!
Comment from jmdg1954
You continue to amaze me, my dear sweet sister. You never miss a beat and always put those in your life ahead of you.
I'm both honored and appreciative to have been included in your poem. You have no idea.
And as is the norm, you knocked this poem out of the park (that's a baseball reference). I know you're going to kill me for telling you that because you're going to say, "I knew that". But that what us brothers do....
Love you, sis.
reply by the author on 02-Dec-2024
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You continue to amaze me, my dear sweet sister. You never miss a beat and always put those in your life ahead of you.
I'm both honored and appreciative to have been included in your poem. You have no idea.
And as is the norm, you knocked this poem out of the park (that's a baseball reference). I know you're going to kill me for telling you that because you're going to say, "I knew that". But that what us brothers do....
Love you, sis.
Comment Written 01-Dec-2024
reply by the author on 02-Dec-2024
John, you are so silly and of course I know what that means as I am a big baseball fan. However, I am a big football fan. Especially since our Vikings have been pulling it out every week in the fourth quarter. At least so far. And I can't remember if you are for the giants or bills. I think it is you for the Giants and Margaret and Steve for the Bills, and I hear they are doing well too.
I grew up with three brothers so I either did boy things or I didn't get played with at home. I was a tomboy anyway. Loved playing ball and catching frogs, snakes and salamanders. Oops I did get carried away again.
It was your birthday that made me decide to do this. You didn't tell me yet if you want another poem, so I thought this was a good way to ask you? I would love to if you let me. I was thinking of including your job in it a little this time and whatever else you would like to share about yourself.
Thanks for all the sweet and fun things you always say. I appreciate my brother so much. Thanks from the bottom of my heart for those lovely six stars too!!! Love, Debi
You know that I knew that you knew I knew about your being the Tom boy type and was a huge Vikings fan. I, being a Jets fan (no no no Giants) have added a part to the Vikings success...Sam Darnold.
Anyway, you know I don't like yo talk about myself but I would be honored by one of your birthday poems...
I have 3kids, 5 grands, 3 dogs and 1 wife (I couldn't handle more than 1).
I love the outside in the summer with my plants, flowers, tomatoes and herbs.
I love relaxing in my pool, with a rum in hand.
I enjoy cooking.
Huge Yankees fan.
And my goal is to one day publish children's books featuring Mango & Bert, my star beagle and St. Bernard.
Stay tuned for a Christmas story I'll post...
Thanks sis.
Love ya lots.
Comment from Carol Clark2
You included many historic events in the dates you chose to highlight, as well as Jack & Sally's anniversary and a birthday or two. Yes, they are all relevant dates, although some are celebrated more than others. Cute poem! Blessings. Carol
reply by the author on 02-Dec-2024
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You included many historic events in the dates you chose to highlight, as well as Jack & Sally's anniversary and a birthday or two. Yes, they are all relevant dates, although some are celebrated more than others. Cute poem! Blessings. Carol
Comment Written 01-Dec-2024
reply by the author on 02-Dec-2024
Hello Carol, and thank you from the bottom of my heart for this lovely review and such kind words for my poem for the month of December. I appreciate you so very much. Love, Debi
Hello Carol, and thank you from the bottom of my heart for this lovely review and such kind words for my poem for the month of December. I appreciate you so very much. Love, Debi
You're welcome. I enjoyed reading it.
I hope your Thanksgiving was blessed.
Comment from DonandVicki
I am always impressed at your selfless devotion to poetry and to bringing joy to others birthdays and other special or not so special events. Well written as always.
reply by the author on 02-Dec-2024
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I am always impressed at your selfless devotion to poetry and to bringing joy to others birthdays and other special or not so special events. Well written as always.
Comment Written 01-Dec-2024
reply by the author on 02-Dec-2024
Hello Don and Vicki, and thank you from the bottom of my heart for this lovely review and such kind words for my poem for the month of December. I appreciate you so very much. Love, Debi
Hello Don and Vicki, and thank you from the bottom of my heart for this lovely review and such kind words for my poem for the month of December. I appreciate you so very much. Love, Debi
Comment from patcelaw
December is always a special month for me not only do I celebrate the birth of my savior and Lord. I also have the opportunity to celebrate the birth of my oldest daughter who was born on Christmas Day in 1960. She is a beautiful lady and I love her a great deal. Patricia.
reply by the author on 02-Dec-2024
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December is always a special month for me not only do I celebrate the birth of my savior and Lord. I also have the opportunity to celebrate the birth of my oldest daughter who was born on Christmas Day in 1960. She is a beautiful lady and I love her a great deal. Patricia.
Comment Written 01-Dec-2024
reply by the author on 02-Dec-2024
Hello Patricia, and thank you from the bottom of my heart for this lovely review and such kind words for my poem for the month of December. I appreciate you so very much. Love, Debi
Hello Patricia, and thank you from the bottom of my heart for this lovely review and such kind words for my poem for the month of December. I appreciate you so very much. Love, Debi
Comment from ESOSTINE
Hello, Debi, I am amazed at the ease with which you write a master piece on virtually every subject. This one, like all your previous works is outstanding. I really enjoy it. Thanks for sharing your creativity. Well done, dear
reply by the author on 02-Dec-2024
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Hello, Debi, I am amazed at the ease with which you write a master piece on virtually every subject. This one, like all your previous works is outstanding. I really enjoy it. Thanks for sharing your creativity. Well done, dear
Comment Written 01-Dec-2024
reply by the author on 02-Dec-2024
Hello Esostine, and thank you from the bottom of my heart for this lovely review and such kind words for my poem for the month of December. I appreciate you so very much. Love, Debi
Hello Esostine, and thank you from the bottom of my heart for this lovely review and such kind words for my poem for the month of December. I appreciate you so very much. Love, Debi