The Devil Fights Back
Viewing comments for Chapter 5 "The Devil Fights Back - Ch. 5"Challenges in the pharmaceutical field
19 total reviews
Comment from royowen
I love the banter between Cedric and Marie, I think that will give Marie an idea of how people think of titles these days, talking down to minions shouldn't work well. I loved the gambit of people that actually use their grey matter. You're a skilled and perceptive writer Jim, well done, blessings Roy
reply by the author on 17-Nov-2024
I love the banter between Cedric and Marie, I think that will give Marie an idea of how people think of titles these days, talking down to minions shouldn't work well. I loved the gambit of people that actually use their grey matter. You're a skilled and perceptive writer Jim, well done, blessings Roy
Comment Written 17-Nov-2024
reply by the author on 17-Nov-2024
Thanks very much, Roy. That banter between those two was amusing for me to write and shows that she does have a modicum of a sense of humor about her. I liked the fact that Cedric discerned that he could kid around with her and gave it right back to her.
It was clever. We can take ourselves too seriously sometimes, she maybe mellowing.
Comment from Neonewman
That's sad when sex is compared as an ORDEAL, lol. I'm loving this character. It sounds like she could do some damage if need be. Fun fact, Newman is my middle name.
Marie, ugh! Is she expecting an apology from Julia? I don't see that one happening. Okay, I don't think she's changed a bit.
Exceptional chapter, Jim.
God bless,
reply by the author on 17-Nov-2024
That's sad when sex is compared as an ORDEAL, lol. I'm loving this character. It sounds like she could do some damage if need be. Fun fact, Newman is my middle name.
Marie, ugh! Is she expecting an apology from Julia? I don't see that one happening. Okay, I don't think she's changed a bit.
Exceptional chapter, Jim.
God bless,
Comment Written 17-Nov-2024
reply by the author on 17-Nov-2024
Helllooo, Newman! I presume you've heard that one before. :-)
I appreciate your fun comments, Steve, and those 6 stars too. I'm having a lot of fun with the Marie character. It's a challenge to write about someone like that. It's always tempting to overdo it and turn her into too much of a caricature, so I have to watch myself. Hopefully she will be somewhat believable.
Yes, I have, lol.
Comment from barbara.wilkey
I am really curious how all of this is going to fit together. I have no doubt that will. You do a wonderful job of that, but right now I'm very curious. I enjoyed reading. Thank you for sharing.
reply by the author on 17-Nov-2024
I am really curious how all of this is going to fit together. I have no doubt that will. You do a wonderful job of that, but right now I'm very curious. I enjoyed reading. Thank you for sharing.
Comment Written 17-Nov-2024
reply by the author on 17-Nov-2024
Thank you, Barbara. Right now, I only have a vague idea of how it will all fit together, and we are kind of going down two separate paths, with the overlap between the two being Fran, but I'll make it work by the end when all three will be involved in it together.
Comment from Karen Cherry
You are weaving a fine sequel. You can always examine Julia's and Marie's relationship on more detail She is a hard taskmaster. The intrigue at the big Pharma house. What Julia and Brian plan on doing to improve life with all their money. Dana's suspenseful comings and goings at work. Many ways to go. Write more. Karen
reply by the author on 17-Nov-2024
You are weaving a fine sequel. You can always examine Julia's and Marie's relationship on more detail She is a hard taskmaster. The intrigue at the big Pharma house. What Julia and Brian plan on doing to improve life with all their money. Dana's suspenseful comings and goings at work. Many ways to go. Write more. Karen
Comment Written 17-Nov-2024
reply by the author on 17-Nov-2024
Thanks very much, Karen. I'll definitely be exploring many of the things you mentioned. I've already written through chapter 12. Lots more to come.
I used to think I could not post until an entire story was done. So, I was handicapping myself. When I realized that folks comments could shape a story for good or I'll It released my mindset. Now, I can write a five part story. And that, is a big thing for me. You are my teacher in this area. I watch and read very carefully. Your stuff is the most "true to life" for me. No supernatural animals, no ghosts, No holier than thou positions. T.B. Botts writes great true life stories, but you write the best "almost true" stories. Keep it up pal. Karen
That's very kind of you, Karen. Thank you for that.
It's true what you say about not having to have the whole thing written before you share it. My very first novel I posted was already written, but since then, I've just started writing and let the chips fall where they may. I'm what's known as a pantser, which you probably know means I write by the seat of my pants, rather than a plotter who has the whole story plotted out and outlined before starting to write.
I usually start with just the germ of an idea and let the characters determine the plot with only a little help from me. I also pick up ideas from reader comments along the way, and that will sometimes change the direction of the story. In fact, your speculations often reinforce the direction I might be planning to take, and they are always interesting to listen to, whether I go that way or not.
You sweet talker you. My stories and how I write mirrors your way. I have an idea I sit down, I write. I don't even know the end. Karen
Comment from Pam Lonsdale
This is nitpicky, but cocktail waitress sounds dated. I think waitress would do.
I have no doubt these scenes play out within the major pharmaceuticals - it's all about the money.
"I've decided I will be gracious when Julia apologizes . . ." Typical Marie, lol!
And I love Cecil/Cedric! "I'll plant myself in front of it . . ." That tells us a lot about this young man's personality. And he has balls to speak to her in this way:-)
Much enjoyed, Jim.
reply by the author on 17-Nov-2024
This is nitpicky, but cocktail waitress sounds dated. I think waitress would do.
I have no doubt these scenes play out within the major pharmaceuticals - it's all about the money.
"I've decided I will be gracious when Julia apologizes . . ." Typical Marie, lol!
And I love Cecil/Cedric! "I'll plant myself in front of it . . ." That tells us a lot about this young man's personality. And he has balls to speak to her in this way:-)
Much enjoyed, Jim.
Comment Written 17-Nov-2024
reply by the author on 17-Nov-2024
Thanks so much, Pam. You always seem to identify the parts of a chapter I enjoyed writing the most (the Cecil/Cedric schtick).
I agree; I think "waitress" is probably more in common use today. I will change it.
Comment from Wendy G
Well Marie hasn't changed at all over the years, and I think she'll be disappointed if she is expecting an apology from Julia. I hope she doesn't spoil the occasion with her offensive remarks. Very well written chapter, including about the pharmaceutical companies, interesting and still engrossing.
reply by the author on 17-Nov-2024
Well Marie hasn't changed at all over the years, and I think she'll be disappointed if she is expecting an apology from Julia. I hope she doesn't spoil the occasion with her offensive remarks. Very well written chapter, including about the pharmaceutical companies, interesting and still engrossing.
Comment Written 17-Nov-2024
reply by the author on 17-Nov-2024
Thank you so much, Wendy. I actually wrote the confrontation scene between Marie and Julia yesterday. This is where they discuss that night from the other story, and I think it will prove interesting and very sad.
In regards to Dana and her company, we get to see some of the motivation for her part in the story. So glad you're finding it engrossing.
Comment from Wayne Fowler
You managed to elevate my disdain for Maria.
This supports my opinion of big pharma. On a side not, I despise their advertising or prescription drugs.
Best wishes.
reply by the author on 17-Nov-2024
You managed to elevate my disdain for Maria.
This supports my opinion of big pharma. On a side not, I despise their advertising or prescription drugs.
Best wishes.
Comment Written 17-Nov-2024
reply by the author on 17-Nov-2024
She is a trip alright. It won't end here either. Let's see if she has even a modicum of humanity about her by the story's end.
I have mixed feelings about drug advertising. The libertarian in me says to ban it would be an abridgement of the first amendment.
There are both pros and cons, as with most things. Certainly there has been plenty of misrepresentation in the past (OxyContin, Vioxx, FenPhen), in which side effects are downplayed or not mentioned at all, but advertising does raise awareness of conditions and treatment options that people may not even know about or things to discuss with their doctors.
A little due diligence by people who see a drug advertised to research the drug and inform themselves about possible side effects can help mitigate the hype they see in ads, but many people won't do that.
I liken it to getting your political opinions from campaign promises and slogans. If that's all you do and don't research the claims yourself, you'll stay misinformed much of the time and get fooled into a wrong decision. With proper oversight and some regulations, that can help cut way down on false claims.
1st step would be to disallow such ads as tax deductible based on the premise that they are not advertisements to legitimate customers in that no one can go out and 'buy' them.
But if allowed, every side effect should be given the same 'imprint' as the benefits (same volume, same pace)
Another needed change would be to outlaw product liability insurance. I read where an auto company based a decision on the fact that profits would exceed insurance payments for a design flawed product and therefore, modification was not warranted.
Comment from Rick Gardner
Enjoyed this immensely. Certainly a strong commentary on Big Pharma, nothing new in that field of endeavor. Strangely enough I can relate to this, I practiced Veterinary Medicine at the largest veterinary hospital in the world, in LA. You can imagine what I saw and did on a daily basis. I want to read more.
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reply by the author on 17-Nov-2024
Enjoyed this immensely. Certainly a strong commentary on Big Pharma, nothing new in that field of endeavor. Strangely enough I can relate to this, I practiced Veterinary Medicine at the largest veterinary hospital in the world, in LA. You can imagine what I saw and did on a daily basis. I want to read more.
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Comment Written 17-Nov-2024
reply by the author on 17-Nov-2024
Thanks very much, Rick. It's interesting how you can relate to this even in the veterinary field. Do you have any examples you wish to share?
Pharmaceutical companies easily saw the Veterinary market could be fruitful and not a lot of competition to deal with. Plus Veterinarians were an easy target, we did not argue, volumes small, cash flow limited. Mainly in the vaccination market as we could use the laws on rabies vaccines to be given by county regulations which could differ from one county to another, in every state. This brought clients in to sell them the need to spend money to take care of the family pet. Since this hospital was so large, it could dictate terms and stockpile supplies and get better pricing than others could. Became obvious when the parvovirus virus appeared out of the blue. This hospital bought all the supply for So California. No other hospitals could buy the new vaccine. Panic hit the dog owning population, we had the vaccine and had lines doubling around the block to get the vaccine. The owners used this to their advantage, selling large volumes to the Japanese market, I suspect this broke many laws. I also suspect Big Pharma willing played along, as cash was available at all times.
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Comment from Dolly'sPoems
Your second paragraph is hilarious Jim, I suppose sex is an ordeal for some women and then others miss it very much! Ha ha ha. I can't imagine carrying a gun, I would be terrified that it would go off at any moment. When I use a drill for household jobs, I have to switch it off in between jobs, just in case I trigger it by accident!
I enjoyed the sarcastic dialogue at the end too Jim, an entertaining post, love Dolly x x x
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reply by the author on 17-Nov-2024
Your second paragraph is hilarious Jim, I suppose sex is an ordeal for some women and then others miss it very much! Ha ha ha. I can't imagine carrying a gun, I would be terrified that it would go off at any moment. When I use a drill for household jobs, I have to switch it off in between jobs, just in case I trigger it by accident!
I enjoyed the sarcastic dialogue at the end too Jim, an entertaining post, love Dolly x x x
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Comment Written 17-Nov-2024
reply by the author on 17-Nov-2024
That's funny, Dolly. If you ever do buy a gun, make sure it has a safety you can flip on and off! It is easy to trigger things accidentally. I've learned the hard way to put the beaters in my handheld electric mixer before I plug it in in case I accidentally hit the on button while inserting the beaters.
Glad you enjoyed this chapter. Even Marie has at least a wry sense of humor.