Reviews from

A dog is a dog!

Thankfully ...

34 total reviews 
Comment from Jim Wile
This work has reached the exceptional level

I loved this, Wendy, and I couldn't agree more with your approach to the job and your attitude about Sunny. The way the dogs are dressed up reminds me of the way mother's have their little daughters compete in those silly beauty pageants, where they are exposed to much that is inappropriate for a young child and teaches them dubious values.

I think that your supervisor "gets it," in that she will only assign Sunny to do palliative care. I think your attitudes about everything related to this are spot on, including the insanity of referring to Sunny in a sexless way.

I'll take plain and ordinary (and natural) every day over the silliness the others seem to be enamored of.

 Comment Written 06-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 06-Jun-2024
    Yes, that's a similar sort of thing. Thank you so much for the wonderful review, and the affirmation that plain and ordinary, and natural, is still okay! For both me and Sunny. We were both delighted to see that extra star twinkling. A huge thank you!
Comment from tfawcus
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I couldn't agree with you more, Wendy. I abhor this trend. It demeans the poor animals and is absolutely unnecessary. Even when I lived in England, we never put coats on our dogs. They grew longer hair to cope.

 Comment Written 06-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 06-Jun-2024
    Yes, that?s nature?s way. Thank you so much for your very encouraging review. I think it demeans the dogs too. But the owners do love their dogs, and think it is a way to cheer people up. But anyway I won?t be changing because I see clearly that Sunny doesn?t like it, and I prefer him to just be a dog. Thanks again. Wendy
Comment from Carol Hillebrenner
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I have friends whose dogs visit nursing homes and the closest they come to dressing up is colorful collars. I do believe the dogs need to look like dogs to do the most good for those who miss their pets. You are doing the right thing.

 Comment Written 05-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 06-Jun-2024
    Thanks so much Carol! Yes, I agree, a colourful collar is fine, but I think the rest is a bit over the top. Many thanks for your support and encouragement.
reply by Carol Hillebrenner on 06-Jun-2024
    Babies in tutus are cute. Dogs in tutus look silly.
Comment from lyenochka
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Keep being the Light there, Wendy. We are not to blend in the world, we need to shine the Light of Jesus to the world. Of course, we will feel like "outsiders" sometimes. Your way of dealing with the situation is best. And dressing up the dogs seems more insulting to them than appreciating who they are. He is a "he" and there's nothing wrong to call him that! We can be accepting and loving to those around us but we do not have to adopt their norms. You're doing great!!

 Comment Written 05-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 06-Jun-2024
    That is my way of thinking too, and I will continue as I am doing, Sunny also. The nmore I think about it the less I like the idea of dresssing the dogs up. To me we are simply the means of bringing support where needed, we are not there to draw attention to ourselves via the dogs. Thank you so much for confirming everything I was thinking. I will never use "they" and "them" for a singular - it's grammatically incorrect, and they are not gender-neutral words, they are simply plurals. Thanks again for your support and kind words.
Comment from kahpot
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

You summed this up beautifully, a dog is a dog and should be accepted as such, any added garments should only be for their well-being, many a time I have seen dogs all dressed up and can tell (their eyes) are saying what the hell is going on, very well written, and glad to get an update on both you and Sunny****kahpot

 Comment Written 05-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 06-Jun-2024
    Yes, their eyes show clearly what they are thinking. Some of the dogs are accustomed to it, they've been dressed up from puppyhood. But We get dogs because we want DOGS, with all their lovely qualities, not babies or unicorns etc. Thanks so much for your super review and encouragement.
Comment from LJbutterfly
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I wholeheartedly agree with you one-hundred percent. I always feel sorry for dogs wearing rabbit ears, dresses, shoes, or anything resembling human attire. Dogs should be allowed to just be dogs. I'm sure patients would appreciate and feel the same level of comfort from the dogs. I'm glad both you and Sunny will remain who you really are.

 Comment Written 05-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 06-Jun-2024
    Thank you so much. Great review. I appreciate your support and encouragement. Yes, we'll remain the same as we are. We want a dog, because of the qualities of a dog - and I am sure the patients will be just as happy, with both Sunny and me. Sometimes I think the world is crazy!
Comment from Spitfire
This work has reached the exceptional level

The handlers are on an ego trip. Unfortunately that means showing off big-time. I agree with you that a dog doesn't need an outfit to stand out. Residents just want to pet them.

 Comment Written 05-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 05-Jun-2024
    Thank you Shari! You summed it up very well. I think they find their identity in the dogs and their outfits. Personally, I would just want a dog to pet, not a dog dressed as a unicorn. Many thanks for a super review, and for the six stars. Always appreciated.
Comment from Paul McFarland
This work has reached the exceptional level

Hi, Wendy. This is Sam. Don't change a thing. I had to push Paul out of the way, so I could respond to your post. I almost lost it when you mentioned the pronoun thing. Getting dressed up is going a bit too far, also. I let young Paul's girlfriend put a hat on me once in awhile, but that's about it. Give my best to Sunny.

 Comment Written 05-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 06-Jun-2024
    Thank you so much Sam. We both appreciate your super review and your gift of six stars! (Hope Paul doesn't mind!) A birthday hat for a few happy birthday photos, yes that's fine. Getting dressed up for a whole morning once or twice a week or sometimes more than that? Nah. Mama likes me to be a dog, and to be myself - and she will always refer to me as "he". Thanks again.
    Sunny (and Wendy)
Comment from royowen
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I think our last dog buddy was a dog very much in nature like your sunny, although buddy was a bit bigger and muscular, his nature was fantastic, great with children, thought he was one of the boys I taught guitar to, played soccer with them, short legged, but the perfect pet, but our animals were never our children, forever members of our household, but if you have kids one knows the difference, I think pets are almost essential when raising kids, they learn to respect, love and be kind to them. Beautifully written, blessings Roy

 Comment Written 05-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 05-Jun-2024
    Thank you Roy for reviewing and sharing about your dog. Appreciated.
reply by royowen on 06-Jun-2024
Comment from jmdg1954
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Wendy... Do Not Change who you are to "fit in" with these other yokels. Hopefully their agenda for doing this service with their pups is half as heartfelt as yours (which would make them 50%'rs). Sonny is asked to do more than the others, for a reason!

Remember, you took care of Jonathon for thirty years and you stood fast on your principals. You're doing the same here.

Thank you for this great post. A virtual six as I'm plum out of them.

Cheers to Sonny being a dog, mans (woman's) best friend!


 Comment Written 05-Jun-2024

reply by the author on 06-Jun-2024
    Thank you so much John. What a super and very encouraging review. I don?t plan on changing myself to fit with them. I prefer to be different and just be myself. Sunny does a great job. I think we need to value the qualities of dogs, not pretend they are different beings. They all love their dogs but personally I?m not into showmanship. Sunny and I are happy to just be ourselves and just do our best. Thanks again.