Advice to New Fanstorians
Viewing comments for Chapter 11 "With Due Respect"Tips and advice for the new members
30 total reviews
Comment from barbara.wilkey
I agree with what you've written 100%. What I've come across is people who don't want to improve their writing, they just want to write. I have had people say that to me after I've reviewed. I find that frustrating because I need to use so many words in the review. I don't review those people anymore, but they didn't need to be rude in answering the review. But for the most part this is a wonderful, caring writing community.
reply by the author on 21-Jan-2024
I agree with what you've written 100%. What I've come across is people who don't want to improve their writing, they just want to write. I have had people say that to me after I've reviewed. I find that frustrating because I need to use so many words in the review. I don't review those people anymore, but they didn't need to be rude in answering the review. But for the most part this is a wonderful, caring writing community.
Comment Written 20-Jan-2024
reply by the author on 21-Jan-2024
Thank you Barbara, for your super review, and for bringing up a valid point. And yes, you are quite right. I 've just read another review where somebody said, I had generalised by saying that we ALL want to improve our writing. It was an assumption and an incorrect one. Some people don't want to improve, others don't feel they need to improve .... Yes, it's quite a spectrum. I might change my opening and closing sentences to "most ..." But you are right. A respectful response to you is in order, and shouldn't be too hard. Thanks again.
Comment from Verna Cole Mitchell
I think your last sentence sets the theme for all your thoughts. Well said. I'm obviously not a ratings fan, but I can appreciate those who are, especially the ones who write very well, (which is not all those who go for ratings.) I particularly like the phrase you used,"honesty plus respect." That's what reviewers should strive for.
reply by the author on 21-Jan-2024
I think your last sentence sets the theme for all your thoughts. Well said. I'm obviously not a ratings fan, but I can appreciate those who are, especially the ones who write very well, (which is not all those who go for ratings.) I particularly like the phrase you used,"honesty plus respect." That's what reviewers should strive for.
Comment Written 20-Jan-2024
reply by the author on 21-Jan-2024
Thank you, Verna. You have understood perfectly what I was trying to say, an excellent summary. (Some people have been a little upset here and there.)
Comment from Jesse James Doty
Hello Wendy. I remember helping you when you were new to this site. You have come a long way since those early days. This is concise and well thought out in all the different aspects involved in reviewing a post and I am glad I read it. I also reserve the right to disagree with a couple of points but notice that this is not the place to do it. You have earned the number one spot for short stories once again this year and you deserve it.
Thanks for the hints on giving out six stars while reviewing other posts. It is good to remind us we don't owe them to anyone.
Respect and thoughtfulness are always important in reviewing other writer's work.
Have a great day, my friend!
reply by the author on 20-Jan-2024
Hello Wendy. I remember helping you when you were new to this site. You have come a long way since those early days. This is concise and well thought out in all the different aspects involved in reviewing a post and I am glad I read it. I also reserve the right to disagree with a couple of points but notice that this is not the place to do it. You have earned the number one spot for short stories once again this year and you deserve it.
Thanks for the hints on giving out six stars while reviewing other posts. It is good to remind us we don't owe them to anyone.
Respect and thoughtfulness are always important in reviewing other writer's work.
Have a great day, my friend!
Comment Written 20-Jan-2024
reply by the author on 20-Jan-2024
Thank you Jesse. I am glad you read and reviewed here, and find it mostly okay. Yes, disgreeing is absolutely fine, so long as it is done with respect. We are all different, and have different perspectives, and that is what makes sharing our thoughts in writing so special and important. Hoping you also have a wonderful day.
Thanks again.
Comment from Jim Wile
Wendy, 5 stars only because I am out of 6s. If it's possible to do, I will go in tomorrow and change the ranking.
This was so clearly written with such excellent points for both new and old folks alike. I found myself agreeing with everything you said, and I could not have said it better. I especially liked these two points:
1) Don't just use a review as the opportunity to only offer one's own experiences or thoughts. Offering one's experiences or thoughts is fine to do, but you have to show how it relates to the post with some words that indicate how well the author made their points or with some sort of remarks about their writing and what you liked or disliked about it. Always be conscious about relating your experiences to the post.
2) Sometimes the reviewer is able to see more clearly than the writer where a work can be improved, and the writer would do well to consider another viewpoint before dismissing it out of hand. As writers, we get so wrapped up in our own way of seeing things, we are often blind to how others may perceive the same things.
My most favorite reviews are those that present a position I never thought of or thought of and dismissed. If others are perceiving my work that way, it makes me think again about it, and I will sometimes tweak it to cover the scenario or point made.
That's the idea behind having beta readers for a novel you've written--to see how it's coming across. My daughter is my best beta reader for my novels because she never holds back in telling me why something doesn't work or could be better and I always seek out her opinion. If you ever intend to publish a work, this is indispensable, and I view posting on FanStory somewhat in that light and always appreciate the feedback.
There were just so many good points you made, but I don't have the time to comment on all of them. This post should be extremely helpful to folks. - Jim
reply by the author on 20-Jan-2024
Wendy, 5 stars only because I am out of 6s. If it's possible to do, I will go in tomorrow and change the ranking.
This was so clearly written with such excellent points for both new and old folks alike. I found myself agreeing with everything you said, and I could not have said it better. I especially liked these two points:
1) Don't just use a review as the opportunity to only offer one's own experiences or thoughts. Offering one's experiences or thoughts is fine to do, but you have to show how it relates to the post with some words that indicate how well the author made their points or with some sort of remarks about their writing and what you liked or disliked about it. Always be conscious about relating your experiences to the post.
2) Sometimes the reviewer is able to see more clearly than the writer where a work can be improved, and the writer would do well to consider another viewpoint before dismissing it out of hand. As writers, we get so wrapped up in our own way of seeing things, we are often blind to how others may perceive the same things.
My most favorite reviews are those that present a position I never thought of or thought of and dismissed. If others are perceiving my work that way, it makes me think again about it, and I will sometimes tweak it to cover the scenario or point made.
That's the idea behind having beta readers for a novel you've written--to see how it's coming across. My daughter is my best beta reader for my novels because she never holds back in telling me why something doesn't work or could be better and I always seek out her opinion. If you ever intend to publish a work, this is indispensable, and I view posting on FanStory somewhat in that light and always appreciate the feedback.
There were just so many good points you made, but I don't have the time to comment on all of them. This post should be extremely helpful to folks. - Jim
Comment Written 20-Jan-2024
reply by the author on 20-Jan-2024
Thank you so very much for your thoughtful review, and I am very encouraged by it. I do hope to publish some of my writing, and as you commented, honest (and kind) reviewers are indispensible for the thoughtful help they offer. I would rather have a dozen valuable and careful reviewers who make me think and rethink, then two dozen who give a token review just for the money. Many thanks again, and please know that as I follow your present work, any comments I make will be with a view to publication - and hopefully both helpful and respectful. Best wishes.
That's terrific, Wendy, and I will do the same.
Comment from GWHARGIS
This was very good, Wendy. I love when a reviewer offers suggestions. If I chose to use said suggestion, that doesn't matter. What matters is they thought about my writing, for me, not just the payoff. And to be honest, some people just don't know how to review. I couldn't review a poem based on form or any technicality, but I can tell you what it makes me feel or see. Did I smile while I read it, did it make me want to jump right in and be where they were describing. I'm not great with grammar, but I'm good with feelings. If a piece is shocking or controversial, I usually pass. I can't separate my judgement to review the writing. If someone makes several mistakes but the story is riveting, they'll get a five. One or two spags, great story, I'll give a six. Thos was very helpful. Great writing. Gretchen
reply by the author on 21-Jan-2024
This was very good, Wendy. I love when a reviewer offers suggestions. If I chose to use said suggestion, that doesn't matter. What matters is they thought about my writing, for me, not just the payoff. And to be honest, some people just don't know how to review. I couldn't review a poem based on form or any technicality, but I can tell you what it makes me feel or see. Did I smile while I read it, did it make me want to jump right in and be where they were describing. I'm not great with grammar, but I'm good with feelings. If a piece is shocking or controversial, I usually pass. I can't separate my judgement to review the writing. If someone makes several mistakes but the story is riveting, they'll get a five. One or two spags, great story, I'll give a six. Thos was very helpful. Great writing. Gretchen
Comment Written 20-Jan-2024
reply by the author on 21-Jan-2024
Thank you very much gretchen, for your insightful review.
I am exactly the same re giving sixes. It doesn't have to be perfect, but it shouldn't be shoddy either. I too love suggestions - they show careful reading with an effort to help me improve, or new or different ways of looking at something, or better ways to organise my thoughts. Sometimes I wonder if people have actually read my writing, (or my review, when one gets a copy and paste response).
It's a huge subject and everyone is different and looks at things differently, but I think that reviewing with thought, care and respect, and responding to reviews likewise should be the norm. Many thanks for your thoughts on this.
Comment from patcelaw
This is an absolutely wonderful writing about being a reviewer to other writers on the site. I agree with the points that you have made. Many times. I am disturbed when somebody will give me a three and yetthey're. com on the review were appraised and I am confused by that. I wish you the very best with all of your writing, and I also look forward to reading, anything that you post. Patricia.
reply by the author on 20-Jan-2024
This is an absolutely wonderful writing about being a reviewer to other writers on the site. I agree with the points that you have made. Many times. I am disturbed when somebody will give me a three and yetthey're. com on the review were appraised and I am confused by that. I wish you the very best with all of your writing, and I also look forward to reading, anything that you post. Patricia.
Comment Written 20-Jan-2024
reply by the author on 20-Jan-2024
Thank you very much Patricia, and I am very pleased you continue to enjoy what I write. Such an encouraging comment!
I have always found that you?re writing is very well done. It always moves along smoothly and it?s a joy to read and you always have a lot of common sense in your writing as well and that I had liked.
Comment from Karen Cherry
I agree, howsomever,( this is a real word in Texas). You will no doubt get some backlash. I have felt that I got empty praise once or twice; when it is fake, they tend to go overboard. Good solid writing. Karen
reply by the author on 20-Jan-2024
I agree, howsomever,( this is a real word in Texas). You will no doubt get some backlash. I have felt that I got empty praise once or twice; when it is fake, they tend to go overboard. Good solid writing. Karen
Comment Written 20-Jan-2024
reply by the author on 20-Jan-2024
Yes, I expected some backlash, but so far so good. Some people may recognise themselves in my comments, but they should at least have a think about the effects on others when you have reviewed something with care and thought, and then get a copy and paste response. Hopefully the comments will be helpful for all of us ( and they are certainly a reminder to myself). Thanks again.
Of course nothing bad applied to me! ( delusional thinking) I hope it encourages deeper thinking. i will be more careful. Karen
Lol. I hope it doesn't apply to me too! Yep, it's just a reminder for all of us, me included.
Comment from Wayne Fowler
Wow! What an excellent post.
I only hope I saw myself in your good points, not the bad, although I have probably dipped into error a time or two.
Your post is not only error-free as far as I can tell, but extremely on point and meaningful. Honesty is hard sometimes. Courtesy should not be that hard. Some of us lack the social graces or word skills necessary to criticize politely. For myself, brevity is not my friend. If a writer misspells a word, I am likely to simply cut and paste the sentence or phrase (as an aid in helping them find it in their post) and offer the correcton (correction). Is that rude?
Content vs presentation: I'm clear on a reviewer's duty, but constantly find myself crossing the line (as I'm doing in this very review). smiley face here
I'm sorry for the lengthy response. I'll bet you are inundated.
I agree with every word you wrote, even though I am prob'ly guilty of every faux pas.
Thank you for your heartfelt and thoughtful post.
reply by the author on 21-Jan-2024
Wow! What an excellent post.
I only hope I saw myself in your good points, not the bad, although I have probably dipped into error a time or two.
Your post is not only error-free as far as I can tell, but extremely on point and meaningful. Honesty is hard sometimes. Courtesy should not be that hard. Some of us lack the social graces or word skills necessary to criticize politely. For myself, brevity is not my friend. If a writer misspells a word, I am likely to simply cut and paste the sentence or phrase (as an aid in helping them find it in their post) and offer the correcton (correction). Is that rude?
Content vs presentation: I'm clear on a reviewer's duty, but constantly find myself crossing the line (as I'm doing in this very review). smiley face here
I'm sorry for the lengthy response. I'll bet you are inundated.
I agree with every word you wrote, even though I am prob'ly guilty of every faux pas.
Thank you for your heartfelt and thoughtful post.
Comment Written 20-Jan-2024
reply by the author on 21-Jan-2024
I also have dipped into poor reviewing, so it as much a reminder to my own self as for all of us. I can't remember any major errors from you. I think the main thing people need to remember is to disagree with respect and not attack the person, whether writing a review or responding to a review. Re what you do for spelling errors, that's exactly what I do too, as it helps them find the word quickly. Brevity is not necessaarily a good quality - sometimes it is clear that the person has not even read the piece. Many thanks. I just hope the piece was helpful, and dooesn't make everyone hold back in case they do it "wrongly". I probably should have just said, "Be honest, be kind, be respectful, and don't be lazy!" Lol.
The way you said it was perfect.
Comment from Tom Horonzy
I appreciate your take on the matter; however there are likely to few with degrees that truly warrant giving "review" or critique when unlicensed to do so.
I find myself simply enjoying and commenting on what I read and responding with congratulatory words of enjoyment and .... maybe a correct spelling or two.
reply by the author on 20-Jan-2024
I appreciate your take on the matter; however there are likely to few with degrees that truly warrant giving "review" or critique when unlicensed to do so.
I find myself simply enjoying and commenting on what I read and responding with congratulatory words of enjoyment and .... maybe a correct spelling or two.
Comment Written 20-Jan-2024
reply by the author on 20-Jan-2024
Hi Tom, it's not only for the ones with degrees to review, and I hope I didn't imply that. Everyone can and should review (it's not just for a few who feel they are "licensed" to do so), but it also should be done with thought and respect, and be based on the work. Some teachers might pick up grammar, but everyone can offer insights as to what they thought (or liked or didn't like) about the work, and how it was developed, or what feelings it evoked. I think just commenting on what you read and enjoyed is absolutely fine. And spelling can be problematic anyway as different countries spell the same word differently (eg humour/humor). I hope you will continue to review, and in your own style. Just be your own self.
Comment from Debbie D'Arcy
This is an impressively comprehensive post which endorses my own thoughts regarding processes on this site. And I applaud the way that you've shared your knowledge with us in this honest, methodical and respectful way. It needs to be said as a form of reboot to enable members to appreciate their roles, particularly when it comes to reviewing and responses to those reviews. I'm often left disappointed and frustrated when, either there is no response at all, or the comment is so perfunctory that you wonder if all your effort, for example, with spelling, has been gratefully received or merely offended (it's difficult enough phrasing suggestions as it is). On a literary site, I expect better communication and respect. And that's the bottom line for me. And, as for those reviews that solely refer to the reviewer's own experience, the joke that sums them up is: "Well, that's enough about me talking about me! What do you think about me?" Thank you, Wendy, for this excellent and faultless clarification which, hopefully, might help to set the record straight. Best wishes Debbie
reply by the author on 20-Jan-2024
This is an impressively comprehensive post which endorses my own thoughts regarding processes on this site. And I applaud the way that you've shared your knowledge with us in this honest, methodical and respectful way. It needs to be said as a form of reboot to enable members to appreciate their roles, particularly when it comes to reviewing and responses to those reviews. I'm often left disappointed and frustrated when, either there is no response at all, or the comment is so perfunctory that you wonder if all your effort, for example, with spelling, has been gratefully received or merely offended (it's difficult enough phrasing suggestions as it is). On a literary site, I expect better communication and respect. And that's the bottom line for me. And, as for those reviews that solely refer to the reviewer's own experience, the joke that sums them up is: "Well, that's enough about me talking about me! What do you think about me?" Thank you, Wendy, for this excellent and faultless clarification which, hopefully, might help to set the record straight. Best wishes Debbie
Comment Written 20-Jan-2024
reply by the author on 20-Jan-2024
Love your review, particularly re the "all about me" people. It should not need to be said that reviewing should be based on the piece of writing (content, theme, development, emotions raised etc as well as spelling, grammar etc) and that it should be offered and received with respect and thanks. This how I want to be reviewed, and what I try to offer in return, but it's often ignored or not well received. I appreciate the thought and care that goes into all your meaningful and helpful reviews, and I think you are one of the best reviewers on the site - so thank you.