Guided by Faith
Viewing comments for Chapter 29 "Chapter 18 B"Can faith guide our path?
37 total reviews
Comment from Karen Cherry
Goodness, I read one or two of them to pay you back for reading my stuff, but now I'm hooked and will have to go back to the start. I had to develop a
one-for-one reading policy which works well for everything but series. I like to read a series all at once. And most people cannot read a dozen of my Things at once!hahaha So, I don't expect you to do that. But, after I read a series, I won't review your other things for a while, so I am letting you know so you won't think I am avoiding you or snubbing you later. I enjoy your work. And I will let you know what I think with each one so you get your proper credit.I do not hold much esteem for those who read and run. Karen
reply by the author on 21-Sep-2023
Goodness, I read one or two of them to pay you back for reading my stuff, but now I'm hooked and will have to go back to the start. I had to develop a
one-for-one reading policy which works well for everything but series. I like to read a series all at once. And most people cannot read a dozen of my Things at once!hahaha So, I don't expect you to do that. But, after I read a series, I won't review your other things for a while, so I am letting you know so you won't think I am avoiding you or snubbing you later. I enjoy your work. And I will let you know what I think with each one so you get your proper credit.I do not hold much esteem for those who read and run. Karen
Comment Written 20-Sep-2023
reply by the author on 21-Sep-2023
Thank you for the kind review. Don't worry. You do you, I understand.
Comment from Brett Matthew West
Seems she is indeed a gold digger going after the old man's money.
Gossiping at the church. Isn't that one thing some busy bodies do in them regularly?
Could have done without the video. (Just my own taste though.)
Appears Emma and Seth are drawing closer, even if he is rather "bossy".
reply by the author on 20-Sep-2023
Seems she is indeed a gold digger going after the old man's money.
Gossiping at the church. Isn't that one thing some busy bodies do in them regularly?
Could have done without the video. (Just my own taste though.)
Appears Emma and Seth are drawing closer, even if he is rather "bossy".
Comment Written 20-Sep-2023
reply by the author on 20-Sep-2023
Thank you for the kind review. A couple of my readers enjoyed the video. My guys wouldn't have liked it either. LOL
Comment from judiverse
Emma has managed to stay out of trouble in this chapter. Good for her! She is also convinced she is able to go ahead with her reading group and church group. Seth continues to be 'way too protective. I love the dogs in the story. Ace and Molly are so cute. Gossip spreads in a small town, so it's no wonder the story about Elliot and Peggy Barton is spreading. I doubt the leak comes from anyone in the police chief's department, however. Peggy's behavior is unbecoming of an assistant librarian. Elliot's finances will bear looking into. Great chapter that's a good set-up for what's to follow. I definitely remember that scene from "Music Man." judi
reply by the author on 20-Sep-2023
Emma has managed to stay out of trouble in this chapter. Good for her! She is also convinced she is able to go ahead with her reading group and church group. Seth continues to be 'way too protective. I love the dogs in the story. Ace and Molly are so cute. Gossip spreads in a small town, so it's no wonder the story about Elliot and Peggy Barton is spreading. I doubt the leak comes from anyone in the police chief's department, however. Peggy's behavior is unbecoming of an assistant librarian. Elliot's finances will bear looking into. Great chapter that's a good set-up for what's to follow. I definitely remember that scene from "Music Man." judi
Comment Written 20-Sep-2023
reply by the author on 20-Sep-2023
Thank you for the kind review.
You're very welcome. judi
You're welcome. I really enjoyed this. judi
Comment from Teri7
Barbara, This is a really great chapter you have penned. Great dialogue and great descriptive words. The video you shared was really cute too! love and blessings, Teri
reply by the author on 20-Sep-2023
Barbara, This is a really great chapter you have penned. Great dialogue and great descriptive words. The video you shared was really cute too! love and blessings, Teri
Comment Written 20-Sep-2023
reply by the author on 20-Sep-2023
Thank you for the kind review.
you are so welcome!!!
Comment from nomi338
These two are really good together and for each other. I suspect that MS Barton is about to receive a very rude awakening. If she is up to no good, I believe that she will soon be exposed and suffer the consequences as well she should. This is a well balanced story with lots of interesting elements. I am enjoying the read very much.
reply by the author on 20-Sep-2023
These two are really good together and for each other. I suspect that MS Barton is about to receive a very rude awakening. If she is up to no good, I believe that she will soon be exposed and suffer the consequences as well she should. This is a well balanced story with lots of interesting elements. I am enjoying the read very much.
Comment Written 20-Sep-2023
reply by the author on 20-Sep-2023
Thank you for the understanding.
Comment from Jim Wile
Seth really is a good guy, and they appear to be getting along fabulously now. Unfortunate as the accident was, it seems to be drawing them closer together. I'm really enjoying this story.
Your author notes about making changes are interesting, Barbara. It happens to me too when I post. It doesn't seem to matter how many times I've read it over in my manuscript, when I see it on the page here in FanStory, I always find a few additional things to change. It's funny the way that works.
reply by the author on 20-Sep-2023
Seth really is a good guy, and they appear to be getting along fabulously now. Unfortunate as the accident was, it seems to be drawing them closer together. I'm really enjoying this story.
Your author notes about making changes are interesting, Barbara. It happens to me too when I post. It doesn't seem to matter how many times I've read it over in my manuscript, when I see it on the page here in FanStory, I always find a few additional things to change. It's funny the way that works.
Comment Written 20-Sep-2023
reply by the author on 20-Sep-2023
I edit while I'm writing often, then I edit every day for two weeks before I post and still can't seem to get it right. Thank you for the kind review.
Comment from Sanku
The couple seems to be moving closer ,with Emma accepting his bossiness sportively .Now what is going to happen with Peggy
reply by the author on 20-Sep-2023
The couple seems to be moving closer ,with Emma accepting his bossiness sportively .Now what is going to happen with Peggy
Comment Written 20-Sep-2023
reply by the author on 20-Sep-2023
Thank you for the kind review.
Comment from Pam Lonsdale
I notice that you use "bakery/bookstore" a lot; if it has a name, perhaps just use the name of the bakery/bookstore.
"I have good feeling about it." Add "a" after have.
I love stories with lots of dialogue, as this allows us to get to know the characters better. And I enjoyed this chapter because of the easy banter between the two of them and Emma is smiling!
Look forward to the next part of this chapter.
reply by the author on 20-Sep-2023
I notice that you use "bakery/bookstore" a lot; if it has a name, perhaps just use the name of the bakery/bookstore.
"I have good feeling about it." Add "a" after have.
I love stories with lots of dialogue, as this allows us to get to know the characters better. And I enjoyed this chapter because of the easy banter between the two of them and Emma is smiling!
Look forward to the next part of this chapter.
Comment Written 20-Sep-2023
reply by the author on 20-Sep-2023
Thank you for the kind review. I have a horrible habit of leaving out those little words. The name of the bakery/bookstore is Winters' Bakery/Bookstore. Maybe I need to come up with a shorter name.
How about "Winter's"
Probably would work. Thank you.
Comment from Dolly'sPoems
It sounds like some warmth is growing between this couple and Emma is a bit more appreciative of the help, even if she comments about the bossiness! Fine dialogue and a pleasure to read Barbara, love Dolly x x x
reply by the author on 20-Sep-2023
It sounds like some warmth is growing between this couple and Emma is a bit more appreciative of the help, even if she comments about the bossiness! Fine dialogue and a pleasure to read Barbara, love Dolly x x x
Comment Written 20-Sep-2023
reply by the author on 20-Sep-2023
Thank you for the kind review.
Comment from lyenochka
Thanks for making time to give us another chapter even when away! I think things are starting to heat up to sweet simmer between Seth and Emma. With Peggy behaving as she is, she won't have any possible reason to expect Seth to want her.
reply by the author on 20-Sep-2023
Thanks for making time to give us another chapter even when away! I think things are starting to heat up to sweet simmer between Seth and Emma. With Peggy behaving as she is, she won't have any possible reason to expect Seth to want her.
Comment Written 20-Sep-2023
reply by the author on 20-Sep-2023
Thank you for the kind review.