Thoughts in Darkness
Keep me awake18 total reviews
Comment from Sherry Asbury
What a fine poem. You did such a good job with images. I could see you pulling up that sheet of darkness.
"The moon leaks in between the cracks,
before it settles down to sleep." This is one of my favorite lines!
reply by the author on 29-Oct-2021
What a fine poem. You did such a good job with images. I could see you pulling up that sheet of darkness.
"The moon leaks in between the cracks,
before it settles down to sleep." This is one of my favorite lines!
Comment Written 29-Oct-2021
reply by the author on 29-Oct-2021
Thank you for reading my poem and for your nice comments. :)
Comment from Gert sherwood
Thoughts in Darkness
Boogienights. Your poem I see that you wrote about how you write poem are with your poetic words of what you are feeling,
are well explained
reply by the author on 26-Oct-2021
Thoughts in Darkness
Boogienights. Your poem I see that you wrote about how you write poem are with your poetic words of what you are feeling,
are well explained
Comment Written 26-Oct-2021
reply by the author on 26-Oct-2021
Thank you dear lady, for this wonderful review. Have a nice night. :)
You are most welcome
you are so welcome
Comment from WriterHeather
This is a very powerful and emotional piece. I'm not sure if you are referring to physical or emotional pain or perhaps both. But I know this will speak to many pirple people on an emotional level. Well done!
reply by the author on 25-Oct-2021
This is a very powerful and emotional piece. I'm not sure if you are referring to physical or emotional pain or perhaps both. But I know this will speak to many pirple people on an emotional level. Well done!
Comment Written 25-Oct-2021
reply by the author on 25-Oct-2021
Thank you for reading my poem and this wonderful 6 star review.:)
Comment from robyn corum
Oh, this makes me so sad. I wish I could reach out and give you a great big hug. I hate for anyone to feel depressed or sad or self-doubting. I know that if you could see yourself like we see you it would help. *smile*
You have a million cheerleaders here. And you know we love you!
reply by the author on 25-Oct-2021
Oh, this makes me so sad. I wish I could reach out and give you a great big hug. I hate for anyone to feel depressed or sad or self-doubting. I know that if you could see yourself like we see you it would help. *smile*
You have a million cheerleaders here. And you know we love you!
Comment Written 25-Oct-2021
reply by the author on 25-Oct-2021
Thank you for your concern and support. I haven't been sleeping at night and for some reason feel afraid .....I think that is where this came from. Thanks again for reading my poem. ❤
I'm so sorry. When we don't get enough sleep - it's frightening how much is affected! Please take care of you!!
Comment from Modee
But when I settle down to write,
the words will not drip to the page,
and they remain internally,
the angst I feel, the hurt, the rage.
Just Beautiful.
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reply by the author on 25-Oct-2021
But when I settle down to write,
the words will not drip to the page,
and they remain internally,
the angst I feel, the hurt, the rage.
Just Beautiful.
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Comment Written 25-Oct-2021
reply by the author on 25-Oct-2021
Thanks so much, that's very kind of you. I appreciate you reading my poem. :)
Comment from Mary Shifman
This is a beautiful and moving poem. I really like your first stanza. It is so lyrical and filled with imagery:
"It's friendly, for a night this black,
it covers me just like a sheet.
The moon leaks in between the cracks,
before it settles down to sleep."
Good luck in the contest.
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reply by the author on 25-Oct-2021
This is a beautiful and moving poem. I really like your first stanza. It is so lyrical and filled with imagery:
"It's friendly, for a night this black,
it covers me just like a sheet.
The moon leaks in between the cracks,
before it settles down to sleep."
Good luck in the contest.
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Comment Written 24-Oct-2021
reply by the author on 25-Oct-2021
It's actually not in a contest, just something I posted. Thanks so much for reading my poem.
Right. Sometimes I confuse them.
Comment from Mama Baer
I am always excited to see a new post from you! This is a beautiful piece. Your reflective poem touches on a principle I feel more and more--the need to escape and write. Thanks for putting these feelings to paper. Sending lots of good wishes for the last week of October...Shaunna
reply by the author on 24-Oct-2021
I am always excited to see a new post from you! This is a beautiful piece. Your reflective poem touches on a principle I feel more and more--the need to escape and write. Thanks for putting these feelings to paper. Sending lots of good wishes for the last week of October...Shaunna
Comment Written 24-Oct-2021
reply by the author on 24-Oct-2021
Thank you for this exceptional review, you are so kind. I haven't been sleeping lately and have many hours to think at night....I think that's where this came from. Is your name shaunna? What a beautiful name. My name is Sharon, when I'm not being boogienights.. :) Thanks again for taking the time to read my poem. :)
Sharon! Fun to know the name behind the pen. :) Sorry to hear you haven't been sleeping. What a bummer. One silver lining--our challenges make for great poetry! Wishing you a little more sleep in the coming days.
Comment from Dolly'sPoems
This poem is very touching as grief can grip us deeply and we block out the world whilst feeling this way and hope that another day brings some release, your words here a melancholy, well written, perfectly rhymed and flow like a dream, a pleasure to read, love Dolly x
reply by the author on 24-Oct-2021
This poem is very touching as grief can grip us deeply and we block out the world whilst feeling this way and hope that another day brings some release, your words here a melancholy, well written, perfectly rhymed and flow like a dream, a pleasure to read, love Dolly x
Comment Written 24-Oct-2021
reply by the author on 24-Oct-2021
Thank you for this thoughtful review and the exceptional rating. I havent been sleeping at night lately and I feel afraid...I guess thats where this comes from. Thanks again.