The Library Book Drop
a rhyming poem in 6/5/6/5134 total reviews
Comment from JudyS
What a great poem, very imaginative and creative. I'd never thought about elephants and pirates mixing, anywhere. What fun. You chose a wonderful picture to go with it as well. Super job. Judy
reply by the author on 05-Jul-2014
What a great poem, very imaginative and creative. I'd never thought about elephants and pirates mixing, anywhere. What fun. You chose a wonderful picture to go with it as well. Super job. Judy
Comment Written 05-Jul-2014
reply by the author on 05-Jul-2014
Judy, thank you so very much :-) Brooke
Comment from royowen
I like your library drop poem, I suppose its a big deal when little ones make their first library drops, I can't recall my grad kids doing that, I think their parents do it, lovely little poem Brooke, well metered, nice abcb thyming. Blessings, Roy.
reply by the author on 05-Jul-2014
I like your library drop poem, I suppose its a big deal when little ones make their first library drops, I can't recall my grad kids doing that, I think their parents do it, lovely little poem Brooke, well metered, nice abcb thyming. Blessings, Roy.
Comment Written 05-Jul-2014
reply by the author on 05-Jul-2014
royowen, thank you so much :-) Brooke
Comment from RYME4U
Delightful and joyful...every word! Such a unique idea the book drop "eating" the books, How cute is that! Your poems always cheer me. I look forward to them every day.
reply by the author on 05-Jul-2014
Delightful and joyful...every word! Such a unique idea the book drop "eating" the books, How cute is that! Your poems always cheer me. I look forward to them every day.
Comment Written 05-Jul-2014
reply by the author on 05-Jul-2014
RYME4U - I'm so glad you like the idea behind this poem :-) Thanks so much for your review. Brooke
Comment from judiverse
What a clever thought about the book drop. It takes the child's imagination to see the book drop as some kind of monster eating all the books. It munches on pirates, mountains, and skyscrapers--all manner of things designed to give the book drop a tummy ache. Excellent rhyme and flow in this, and it's great fun. Kids can't start getting acquainted with books too early. Our library has recently put up some mini libraries throughout town about the size of a post office drop. I imagine the books are ones that have been donated, so they don't have to worry that much about getting them back. judi
reply by the author on 05-Jul-2014
What a clever thought about the book drop. It takes the child's imagination to see the book drop as some kind of monster eating all the books. It munches on pirates, mountains, and skyscrapers--all manner of things designed to give the book drop a tummy ache. Excellent rhyme and flow in this, and it's great fun. Kids can't start getting acquainted with books too early. Our library has recently put up some mini libraries throughout town about the size of a post office drop. I imagine the books are ones that have been donated, so they don't have to worry that much about getting them back. judi
Comment Written 05-Jul-2014
reply by the author on 05-Jul-2014
Judi, it's great to hear of communities that promote reading, especially among children. Thank you so much :-) Brooke
You're so welcome. I can understand that a book drop would be confusing to a child. Our library now has a separate drop for DVDs and CDs. judi
Comment from RodG
Brooke, you have definitely given "book drops" a whole new personality.
My wife is a retired library director and on Sundays I used to help her clear the books from the book drop and was always intrigued by all the kids books turned in. You have done a wonderful job of animating this one.
reply by the author on 05-Jul-2014
Brooke, you have definitely given "book drops" a whole new personality.
My wife is a retired library director and on Sundays I used to help her clear the books from the book drop and was always intrigued by all the kids books turned in. You have done a wonderful job of animating this one.
Comment Written 05-Jul-2014
reply by the author on 05-Jul-2014
Thanks so much, Rod :-) What a great job your wife had. Brooke
Comment from thedreampeddler
Damn, you are good.
I wish I didn't have to write anything else, so I'll just say that I hope you and your family are having a wonderful Fourth of July weekend.
Again, really awesome poem. SIX STARS
reply by the author on 05-Jul-2014
Damn, you are good.
I wish I didn't have to write anything else, so I'll just say that I hope you and your family are having a wonderful Fourth of July weekend.
Again, really awesome poem. SIX STARS
Comment Written 05-Jul-2014
reply by the author on 05-Jul-2014
Thank you so very much, dreampeddler for your great review and generous sixth star :-) Brooke
Comment from Sandra Stoner-Mitchell
I have never heard of a 'library book drop' Brooke, but looking at the photo, I can see what it is. It's a good idea, I don't know why we don't do it here. So, Sawyer is now a member of the local library, I think that is such a good thing, I am sure you and Miranda have encouraged him to look at books, it is a shame more parents don't do it. Another excellent poem, and I am sure it is going to be greatly appreciated by one little chappy once he has learnt to read. Plop! LOL. xsx Sandra
reply by the author on 05-Jul-2014
I have never heard of a 'library book drop' Brooke, but looking at the photo, I can see what it is. It's a good idea, I don't know why we don't do it here. So, Sawyer is now a member of the local library, I think that is such a good thing, I am sure you and Miranda have encouraged him to look at books, it is a shame more parents don't do it. Another excellent poem, and I am sure it is going to be greatly appreciated by one little chappy once he has learnt to read. Plop! LOL. xsx Sandra
Comment Written 05-Jul-2014
reply by the author on 05-Jul-2014
Thanks so much, Sandra - I had no idea everywhere didn't have the drops for returning books. Yep, he has his very own card with his name on it, separate from his mom's. And at home he owns a boatload of books that she reads to him every day, to the point that if she stops in the middle of the line in any given book (dozens of them) he will finish the line word for word. Brooke :-)
That is amazing, it is the best grounding any child could have to start out in life with. I feel very sorry for people who tell me reading bores them, how could that ever be possible? Sawyer will do well in life. xx
Especially amazing considering he is 26 months old - his mom and his uncle were smart kids, but he takes the prize.
Comment from Dawn Munro
Awwww!!! (What can I say? It's my favorite non-word, especially when it comes to your children's poems. LOL) You must be an absolute hoot to hang with; your imagination is unlimited! (Why do I get the feeling you got a lot of little pals in trouble when you were a kid? Hahahahaha)
This is just so creative, Brooke - absolutely charming!
reply by the author on 05-Jul-2014
Awwww!!! (What can I say? It's my favorite non-word, especially when it comes to your children's poems. LOL) You must be an absolute hoot to hang with; your imagination is unlimited! (Why do I get the feeling you got a lot of little pals in trouble when you were a kid? Hahahahaha)
This is just so creative, Brooke - absolutely charming!
Comment Written 05-Jul-2014
reply by the author on 05-Jul-2014
Dawn, thank you so much :-) Actually, I was the teacher's pet kid, the one they left in charge when they had to walk out of the room for a minute. I was such a goody two shoes, and then I grew up and came to my senses. LOL Brooke
Comment from Dean Kuch
Why people want to waste their time watching mindless drivel on their televisions like Honey Boo-boo, when there are so many wonderful books out there begging to be read is beyond my comprehension, Brooke.
Books open up doors to new worlds, discoveries, and places we'd all love to see, yet may never be able to do so. Adventure, romance and, yes, even horror, can transport you there, simply through the power of the written word.
You cover all of these here and more, as your grandson, Sawyer, drops book after endless book into the receiving slot at your local library. I hope Sawyer is a reader, I truly do. If he is, or if he becomes on when he's at the age where he can actually read, then there may be hope for mankind's ultimate intelligent quotient yet!
Well done, Brooke, and I'm so sorry I'm out of sixes. Tom simply does not allow us enough proportionate to all of the amazing talent within this community, you included!
Well done, Brooke, as always!
reply by the author on 05-Jul-2014
Why people want to waste their time watching mindless drivel on their televisions like Honey Boo-boo, when there are so many wonderful books out there begging to be read is beyond my comprehension, Brooke.
Books open up doors to new worlds, discoveries, and places we'd all love to see, yet may never be able to do so. Adventure, romance and, yes, even horror, can transport you there, simply through the power of the written word.
You cover all of these here and more, as your grandson, Sawyer, drops book after endless book into the receiving slot at your local library. I hope Sawyer is a reader, I truly do. If he is, or if he becomes on when he's at the age where he can actually read, then there may be hope for mankind's ultimate intelligent quotient yet!
Well done, Brooke, and I'm so sorry I'm out of sixes. Tom simply does not allow us enough proportionate to all of the amazing talent within this community, you included!
Well done, Brooke, as always!
Comment Written 05-Jul-2014
reply by the author on 05-Jul-2014
Thanks so much, Dean. Yes, Sawyer is a great pre-reader. He owns many dozens of his own books, and when his mom stops reading in the middle of a line in each and every one of those books, he will finish the line by memory word for word, and he's only 26 months old!! He adores his books. :-) Brooke
Comment from livelylinda
Brooke: oh, memories of how much fun teaching the little ones about books and the public library. The library was such a treasure to me and all the doors and worlds to which I was introduced there. All three of my daughters are avid readers because I introduced them, as I was once. Rhythm and rhyme always perfect and each one a delight to read, of your poems. Linda
reply by the author on 05-Jul-2014
Brooke: oh, memories of how much fun teaching the little ones about books and the public library. The library was such a treasure to me and all the doors and worlds to which I was introduced there. All three of my daughters are avid readers because I introduced them, as I was once. Rhythm and rhyme always perfect and each one a delight to read, of your poems. Linda
Comment Written 05-Jul-2014
reply by the author on 05-Jul-2014
Linda, thank you so much :-) Brooke