Reviews from

A Serendipitous Meeting

Viewing comments for Chapter 1 " Serendipitous Meeting Chapter 1"
Traditional in a modern world..

34 total reviews 
Comment from Aiona
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

What a lovely chapter! I love happy beginnings. I also love serendipity stories, and just as its title says, this is a lovely serendipitous meet-cute. I would read the rest!

 Comment Written 06-Mar-2025

reply by the author on 06-Mar-2025
    Thank you for the encouragement.
Comment from Sandra Stoner-Mitchell
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I am so sorry, Barbara! I don't know why I missed the start of your new book. I'll get two for the price of one now! LOL

This was an excellent start, and I'm guessing that Rebeka is pregnant the way she keeps rubbing her tummy. We now know the main characters, and it looks good. Well done, and again, I'm sorry I missed it. At the moment I'm blind in my left eye and my right isn't too good. I've seen the consultant and will have my cataracts, one at a time, in six to eight weeks time. Can't wait :) Sandra xx

 Comment Written 09-Feb-2025

reply by the author on 09-Feb-2025
    Thank you for taking the time to read and catch up.
Comment from Gypsy Blue Rose
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

It seems like Rebeka is in good hands. LoL a new story! It's wonderful so far. I like the characters and plot. You are a very romantic lady.

I'm not sure if this is a misspelled word....

"My phone sent out an alert. The road between here and Longhorn Creek is flooded and there's reports lightning (stuck ) the bridge." *Struck?

Well done!

"The poet waits quietly to paint the unsaid." -  Atticus

 Comment Written 06-Feb-2025

reply by the author on 07-Feb-2025
    Thank you for the catch. I'm surprised one of the other reviewers didn't catch it. I really appreciate the help.
Comment from eliz100
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

This is an excellent first chapter part one. I enjoyed reading this part. You are setting the stage for your book. I do not see any need for improvement. Have a blessed day.

 Comment Written 05-Feb-2025

reply by the author on 05-Feb-2025
    Thank you for the encouragement.
Comment from Neonewman
This work has reached the exceptional level

Alright, Barbara. This is not my usual genre, but you have captured my attention with a bit of mystery. I feel like Rebecka is hiding something and I have to know what it is. I'm on the ground floor with this new book and excited to see where it goes. You have a draw, something all writers need, and your description is fanstastic. If she had no pain, I wonder if she was pregnant as she was holding her stomach, like a woman with child would do. I look forward to the next part of this chapter.
Great work, Barbara.

God bless,

 Comment Written 04-Feb-2025

reply by the author on 05-Feb-2025
    Thank you for the support. Although my novels are romance, I always have a back story or two in them. This one has a couple.
reply by Neonewman on 05-Feb-2025
    My pleasure, Barbara.
Comment from Y. M. Roger
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Oh, so we're on to new romances now, are we? HOORAY! I'm in on the beginning of this one... looking so forward to this, Lady Barb! :) I got a feeling where we're going with this, but I'm looking forward to your driving! Thanx for sharing the beginning ... I'm in for the ride! ;) Yvette

 Comment Written 04-Feb-2025

reply by the author on 05-Feb-2025
    Thank you for the support.
Comment from jmdg1954
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Okay. I'm in. This first chapter post has me intrigued... what's Rebeka hiding and she just happens to crash her car next to a drs home... lucky her.

He appears to be a stand up good guy, with a dog, I love dogs...

Looking forward to chpt 3.

Thank you, Barbara


 Comment Written 04-Feb-2025

reply by the author on 04-Feb-2025
    I have a dog in all of my stories. Everybody needs a dog, right? Thank you for this kind review.
Comment from Jacob1395
This work has reached the exceptional level

This is an excellent start to your new novel, Barbara and I really enjoyed it. I loved how you gave us a snapshot of Rebeka's life at the beginning, particularly when she was asking her personal assistant not to worry, this made me think that something more is going on behind the scenes. Now I'm sure something is going to develop between Rebeka and Tyler. There is definitely already some chemistry between them. I'm looking forward to seeing where you take her story next.

 Comment Written 04-Feb-2025

reply by the author on 04-Feb-2025
    Thank you for the encouraging review.
Comment from forestport12
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

I prefer getting a good start on chapter one. I'm in awe how this has already been written, but what's even smarter, as you polish with each submission of a chapter. I liked how it had them on the road, keeping my attention span, wanting know how they interact. Like the undercurrent here to about how what appears to be an accident has purpose in providence. Nice.

 Comment Written 04-Feb-2025

reply by the author on 04-Feb-2025
    Thank you for the encouraging review.
Comment from Teri7
Not yet exceptional. When the exceptional rating is reached this is highlighted

Barbara, This is a really great chapter my friend. I read it a few days ago but didn't have time to respond then. You used great descriptive words and very good dialogue. I look forward to the next chapter. love and blessings, Teri

 Comment Written 04-Feb-2025

reply by the author on 04-Feb-2025
    Thank you for the encouragement.