Am I A Criminal?
I tore the tag off my pillow32 total reviews
Comment from Brett Matthew West
"pillow case" should be pillowcase.
Not removing the tag off a pillow or mattress does not apply to consumers, only manufacturers. But, still better be on the lookout for the vaunted Pillow Police.
Dialogue with agents humorous. The problem remains everyone knows the government does not give a rip about "everything that happens to our citizens." Very seldom does the government care about much of anything that happens to its citizens.
reply by the author on 25-Feb-2024
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"pillow case" should be pillowcase.
Not removing the tag off a pillow or mattress does not apply to consumers, only manufacturers. But, still better be on the lookout for the vaunted Pillow Police.
Dialogue with agents humorous. The problem remains everyone knows the government does not give a rip about "everything that happens to our citizens." Very seldom does the government care about much of anything that happens to its citizens.
Comment Written 25-Feb-2024
reply by the author on 25-Feb-2024
Hello Brett,
thanks so much for the fine review. I'll correct that error. You're probably right on the one hand that the government could care less about what happens to us, as evidenced by issues at the border and the crisis it's caused around the country. Nonetheless, they still seem to be involved in more of my life than I want. They don't like gas stoves, they want us to drive electric cars, and they make it almost impossible to build new housing in so many areas because of red tape. I just wish they would do what they're supposed to do and protect this country.
Have a blessed day.
Comment from LateBloomer
Hi Tom, this story is hysterical, and again, I am saying that you are my husband's twin. He cannot stand those pillow labels, and he removes them. Each time, I say ... you know that you're not supposed to remove the label. He responds, Why? I reply, I don't know why, but that's what the tag says. Lol. Tom, you are absolutely correct. With all of the crime, etc. in our world, the Government is worried about the tags on pillows. Give me a break. A fun story.
BTW, if some uninvited person rings my bell, I have no problem with not answering the door. However, my husband feels that he must. He usually points to the do-not-knock decal (yes, we have that in our town) and the no-trespassing sign. I think that you got the picture. Outside of that, we are friendly people. Big-teeth smile. Margaret
reply by the author on 19-Feb-2024
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Hi Tom, this story is hysterical, and again, I am saying that you are my husband's twin. He cannot stand those pillow labels, and he removes them. Each time, I say ... you know that you're not supposed to remove the label. He responds, Why? I reply, I don't know why, but that's what the tag says. Lol. Tom, you are absolutely correct. With all of the crime, etc. in our world, the Government is worried about the tags on pillows. Give me a break. A fun story.
BTW, if some uninvited person rings my bell, I have no problem with not answering the door. However, my husband feels that he must. He usually points to the do-not-knock decal (yes, we have that in our town) and the no-trespassing sign. I think that you got the picture. Outside of that, we are friendly people. Big-teeth smile. Margaret
Comment Written 19-Feb-2024
reply by the author on 19-Feb-2024
Hello Margaret,
thanks so much for the delightful review. I laughed at your response to your husband about the tags. Several people pointed out that the tags were meant for the manufacturer, not the consumer. I don't know when it became the governments job to decide what kind of car we should drive, how we heat our homes or if we take the tags off our bedding. In too many cases people that have not been elected are running organizations within the government without accountability that are screwing up our lives. The George Orwell book, 1984 comes to mind. Big Brother is always watching, and they don't like what they see if you're not towing the party line. Scary.
Have a blessed day gal.
Comment from royowen
I must admit I only just noticed there were tags on our pillow cases and, would you believe also tags on the sheets, quite prominent, but I won't look at them, I don't really want to see if the lags have a protection law protecting them, heh heh, well done, great write, blessings Roy
reply by the author on 14-Feb-2024
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I must admit I only just noticed there were tags on our pillow cases and, would you believe also tags on the sheets, quite prominent, but I won't look at them, I don't really want to see if the lags have a protection law protecting them, heh heh, well done, great write, blessings Roy
Comment Written 14-Feb-2024
reply by the author on 14-Feb-2024
Hello Roy,
thanks so much for the wonderful review. Yes, sometimes it's better not to know some things. If you don't know about it, you don't have to answer for anything going wrong. I never looked at my sheet, I just assumed they only mentioned that they were cotton and who the manufacturer was.
Have a blessed evening.
I agree
Comment from LJbutterfly
My mother swore by those tags. We were not to cut them off. When I married and had my own house I read the tags and they said they were not to be removed except by the consumer. I cut them off. I leave tags on bedspreads and quilts so I can put the tag side at the bottom of the bed.
This post is hilarious, especially where you knew your wife wasn't going to move to get the door. (That's me. Sit and let hubby get it)
reply by the author on 14-Feb-2024
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My mother swore by those tags. We were not to cut them off. When I married and had my own house I read the tags and they said they were not to be removed except by the consumer. I cut them off. I leave tags on bedspreads and quilts so I can put the tag side at the bottom of the bed.
This post is hilarious, especially where you knew your wife wasn't going to move to get the door. (That's me. Sit and let hubby get it)
Comment Written 13-Feb-2024
reply by the author on 14-Feb-2024
Hello LJ,
I'm so pleased that you enjoyed this post. Its funny how may people were afraid to remove the tags, but then just as many, in a fit of rebellion removed them anyway. It would be my luck that I would go to remove the tag and end up ripping open the pillow and having stuffing everywhere. If it's never happened before to the whole human race, it will happen to Botts. Ah well, it makes life interesting.
Have a blessed day.
Comment from pome lover
well, look at you! All Time Best! Am delighted. This is a wonderful tongue in cheek post about the stupidity of the government - so typical, sweating the not even small stuff, but infinitesimal stuff, and yet, protect our border? Defend our country? not a peep.
This is funny, Tom. Good for you.
reply by the author on 13-Feb-2024
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well, look at you! All Time Best! Am delighted. This is a wonderful tongue in cheek post about the stupidity of the government - so typical, sweating the not even small stuff, but infinitesimal stuff, and yet, protect our border? Defend our country? not a peep.
This is funny, Tom. Good for you.
Comment Written 13-Feb-2024
reply by the author on 13-Feb-2024
Thanks so much for the exceptional review and stars Katharine. The government wants control of our lives, though I'm not sure why, they can't control what they are in charge of now. Like President Reagan said- the most scary thing Americans can hear is- hello, I'm from the government and I'm here to help.
Have a blessed day gal.
you're right. It's a royal screw-up.
Tom, if you don't mind, maybe you can clear something up for me. Wasn't Mike Johnson, at first, for the bill, giving the 95 billion to Ukraine and others, without aid for our border? and now he's against it? Is that right?
Hi Katharine,
I'm baffled right now about what's going on. I think that the bill that Senators Lanksford (R) Senema (I) and Schumer (D) worked on gave money to Ukraine, Israel and a lesser amount for the border. The bill that the senate wanted was going to allow 5,000 people a day into the country, still over a million a year. The money was going to go towards border agents and supposedly the wall, but the agents were mainly going to be processing migrants, not enforcing the border as I understood it. That's why Johnson is against it. The bottom line is, the shenanigans in DC create issues like tying something like border security to Ukraine and Israel. They're trying to pass something that doesn't solve our problem, while at the same time trying to help our allies. The border wall should have it's own bill. As has been mentioned many times, a bill isn't really needed. Biden opened the border- Biden can shut it down, but his controllers don't want that, as you know. I'm sorry I can't difinitively answer your question gal. As with most things DC, we're fed what they want us to know. Time for term limits.
thanks, Tom, but why in the world would they want to allow 5,000 illegals a day into our country when we already have millions, instead of securing our border???????
Without trying to sound like a conspiracy theorist, I suspect it's to hasten in a one world government that is very much in the works. When the whole world is falling apart, and the one country who has been the cornerstone of democracy is flailing about with more problems than can be mentioned or dealt with, the people might be more open to having an entity like the UN take over, which they want to do anyway. I say kick out the UN and withdraw from it. Can anyone name one thing that they've done to better any country in the world? They take our money, squander it, tie our hands on important issues, side with our enemies and undermine our democracy. The bible speaks of people being blind, whether that is because they don't want to see the truth, or they have followed the wrong path for so long that they can no longer see the truth, I don't know. I just know that we're in a world of hurt, and you can't convince people by facts if they don't want to acknowledge them. Hang in there gal, don't let the madness get to you. God's still in control, and nothing that is happening hasn't been foretold.
That's what worries me. People say that this is the end of times.
I agree with you about the world order, etc. The damned WEF.
How do we kick out the UN? Congress as a whole?
I hope I'm not bothering you. If I am, and you're busy, I'll hush.
I think there IS a conspiracy. The blasted WEF, the US elite, the UN. and crazy Joe
Comment from lyenochka
This was so much fun, Tom. I'm sorry to get to this after using upy sixes. I have seen those warnings but have been reassured that it's for mattress and pillow manufacturers not the consumer so I think we're all safe!
reply by the author on 13-Feb-2024
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This was so much fun, Tom. I'm sorry to get to this after using upy sixes. I have seen those warnings but have been reassured that it's for mattress and pillow manufacturers not the consumer so I think we're all safe!
Comment Written 13-Feb-2024
reply by the author on 13-Feb-2024
Hello Helen,
thanks so much for the reassurance. There is so much control over so many parts of our lives, that nothing surprises me. I thought it was funny that so many people rip the tags off, and another large percentage were scared to for fear of a penalty. I used to worry about a whole plethora of things when I was younger. I was scared to death I was going to die before I ever got married and had a chance to experience marital bliss. Then when I was in the navy in rough seas I was afraid I'd die on the ocean before I got back home. When I went into the woods in Charleston, I was afraid of fire ants and poisonous snakes, as well as gators, all of which were in abundance, and all of which I had some dealings with. In Hoonah there was the issue with the brown bears. At some point I realized that so much of what I was afraid of wasn't going to happen, and if it did, then it was in God's hands. Worry doesn't help anything.
Have a blessed day gal.
Then I think your time on the "farm" probably cured a lot of those fears as the experiences probably helped put priorities in order. I think we worried more as kids but now as seniors we worry more for the next generations.
Hello Helen,
you're so right. My time is coming to an end, but I have children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. What kind of world are we leaving them? Scary.
Comment from Mary Vigasin
Tom, this is clever, hilarious and highly entertaining.
I have to give you a six for creativity
Good job!
I enjoyed reading
Best wishes
reply by the author on 12-Feb-2024
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Tom, this is clever, hilarious and highly entertaining.
I have to give you a six for creativity
Good job!
I enjoyed reading
Best wishes
Comment Written 12-Feb-2024
reply by the author on 12-Feb-2024
Hello Mary,
thanks so much for the generous review, I truly appreciate it.
On a different note, how are you doing? I know that you're dealing with a trying medical issue with your husband. At night when I go to bed, I usually pray for various issues, and I try to remember my fan story friends who are facing assorted difficulties. By and large I think we're all a bit older, and have to deal with age related problems. I hope you are getting some relief, perhaps having a friend or family member come by to spell you so you can have some time for yourself. We all need that. Please keep me posted so that I can direct my prayers in the most effective way.
Have a blessed day gal.
Sorry Tom, I did not reply sooner, My computer would not let me in Fanstory. I found another way.
First, I want to thank you for your kindness and prayers. I appreciate it.
For a few days, I was tired and depressed realizing that life has changed. I broke a dish that smashed to bits, the old hubby would clean it up for me afraid I would cut myself. The new hubby walked away while I cleaned it up more concerned about the TV. We used to carry the groceries up the stairs and put it away together. The other day, he was more concerned about the TV, while I carried all five bags up the stairs and put it away. He cannot follow directions or have an awareness that i need help. He is more like a 10 year old now. The patient and thoughtful husband is disappearing.
Thank you for your prayers.
Hello Mary,
I don't expect you to reply right away, or even at all. I know that you're dealing with a heart breaking situation, I'm so sorry. I'll continue to pray for you and your husband. I hope you'll find comfort in the prayers of the many who are praying for you gal.
God bless and keep you.
Comment from Wayne Fowler
Oh, what a bad man you are! Don't tell me that you actually removed the label. Why, next you'll be taking the label off towels, those extra soft, five-star hotel-quality towels that treat tender skin so gently, that is, until the cardboard stiff tag rakes across your delicate parts voiding any use of 'advertising' as it tears and gouges away hunks of flesh.
Nicely written. Good work.
reply by the author on 12-Feb-2024
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Oh, what a bad man you are! Don't tell me that you actually removed the label. Why, next you'll be taking the label off towels, those extra soft, five-star hotel-quality towels that treat tender skin so gently, that is, until the cardboard stiff tag rakes across your delicate parts voiding any use of 'advertising' as it tears and gouges away hunks of flesh.
Nicely written. Good work.
Comment Written 12-Feb-2024
reply by the author on 12-Feb-2024
Hello Wayne,
So far I haven't sunk to the lows that you describe, but I don't travel much. Now that I'm aware of how harsh those towels can be on tender skin, I'll keep an eye out next time I'm in a hotel. I'm still trying to find a hotel that has a pillow that you can actually sleep on or a heater/ air conditioner that works and doesn't sound like you're inside a factory building car parts. Thanks so much for the humorous review.
Have a blessed evening.
I know exactly what you mean about hotels. We stay at quite a few hotels, but are NOT rich. Despite that, we had to step up to the Holiday Inn level in order to get any rest at all.
I'll remember that next time we travel, thanks.
Comment from Wendy G
Bad man! Removing tags from pillows and mattresses!! Shame on you. Now I'll tell you a secret. Sunny has a little toy monkey mostly gren in colour with a squeaker inside. He enjoys playing with it and throwing it around. Miss Seven always took a fancy to this toy and wanted to play with it, but I didn't want her to because it was a dog toy. She kept asking me to buy her one for herself. She had her birthday last week and is now Miss Eight. I went to Pet Barn and bought her an identical green monkey, to go with her other gifts. Of course it had a tag which said "Dog Toy ONLY". I cut it off. I couldn't have my son thinking I was buying dog toys for his special girl, could I?! Last night I heard a plane flying over ....
reply by the author on 11-Feb-2024
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Bad man! Removing tags from pillows and mattresses!! Shame on you. Now I'll tell you a secret. Sunny has a little toy monkey mostly gren in colour with a squeaker inside. He enjoys playing with it and throwing it around. Miss Seven always took a fancy to this toy and wanted to play with it, but I didn't want her to because it was a dog toy. She kept asking me to buy her one for herself. She had her birthday last week and is now Miss Eight. I went to Pet Barn and bought her an identical green monkey, to go with her other gifts. Of course it had a tag which said "Dog Toy ONLY". I cut it off. I couldn't have my son thinking I was buying dog toys for his special girl, could I?! Last night I heard a plane flying over ....
Comment Written 11-Feb-2024
reply by the author on 11-Feb-2024
Hello Wendy,
this was hilarious! You should write a post about this. I'm still laughing as I write this. Do you think the parents would mind that it was a dog toy? What are you going to do with Sunny's toy when the family comes for a visit? That might be hard to explain. The plane might be checking on you, better get prepared for a visit. Thanks so much for sharing this gal.
Have a blessed day.
Lol. Maybe there should be a club for people who cut off tags! I might write about it, if you don't mind that it is similar to your story.
I think it would be received well. It's so funny! Please go for it gal.
Done. Just posted. Lol.
Hope you enjoy it. I added more (true) details.
Comment from aryr
This was quite good, Tom. This was darn good and you showed it in the way you presented it. What a great picture? This was priceless, you made this all your own! Blessings n Peace!!!
reply by the author on 11-Feb-2024
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This was quite good, Tom. This was darn good and you showed it in the way you presented it. What a great picture? This was priceless, you made this all your own! Blessings n Peace!!!
Comment Written 11-Feb-2024
reply by the author on 11-Feb-2024
Hello aryr,
thanks so much for the delightful review gal. You're very kind. I'm so glad you enjoyed this. It's encouraging to know that the work is appreciated. I hope you have a blessed day gal.