Saving Replies to Reviews.
I am having difficulty saving replies to reviews and I apologise in advance to all those who review my work.
I shall be sending personal messages to all those where my replies do not save.
Sorry about this but my apple device seems incompatible with this site.
RE: Saving Replies to Reviews.
I work on an iPad and have lots of glitches with the site. They come and go which seems weird to me. Currently I can't even load the site on my new iPad. I had to dig up the old one that I use just for FS.
RE: Saving Replies to Reviews.
Be careful of the type of characters in your review. Some odd characters will not be accepted in the review field that are accepted in post. This can happen when copying and pasting into the review field. The site will not tell you; it simply will not accept your review.
RE: Saving Replies to Reviews.
Thank you Lancelot for your advice here, that is helpful.
For ipad users, it does help to use Private Browsing when logging into Fanstory. It will mean you have to log in again periodically, but it seems to free up the possibility to navigate the site much better.
RE: Saving Replies to Reviews.
Dolly, I’ve been experiencing the same issue! It’s been happening for weeks and seemed random, but now I’ll have to pay attention to what Lancelot suggested.
Poet Rating
Rank: 16
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Review Stars
Rank: 117
RE: Saving Replies to Reviews.
Yeah, make sure you type only in plain text. Do not use any sort of word processor if you are copying and pasting in reviews. There are invisible characters in your word processor that do not render correctly in plain text, such as paragraph breaks and tabs. Everything in the review gets rendered into HTML, which does not accept those characters unless they are properly escaped. Additionally, as a security feature, no hyperlinks are allowed in the initial review. You can add them in subsequent answers to the review thread.