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Shirley Ann Bunyan

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Please clarify

Hi all,
Could anyone clarify this for me.
If a contest rules states 'any genre', does this mean it can be either prose or poetry?
Thanks in advance :)

Julie Helms

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RE: Please clarify

My understanding of it would be if a contest is posted as poetry--any genre, then you could choose any poetry form: sonnet, limerick, haiku, etc

If a fiction contest is posted as any genre, then I would think it needs to be a story (prose) that is romance, thriller etc.

So genres within the type of literature requested. But I'm no one official.

Shirley Ann Bunyan

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Rank:  218

RE: Please clarify
Thank you, Julie. That might explain it, but I think it needs to be clear for future reference i.e. 'No poetry' or 'Poetry only' - just to be clear, because some contests are indeed open to both prose and poetry.


Level 4 Pro

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RE: Please clarify
Another clue is if there is a high word limit given. Very few poems are going to have a thousand words, for example. And yes, genre means what sort of story is it? I'm not aware whether poetry has genres, but I will look up the definition and posts that here. Be right back.


Level 4 Pro

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RE: Please clarify
According to Webster: Genre is a category of artistic, musical, or literary composition characterized by a particular style, form, or content.

So, in Story writing, genre tells what the story is about, i.e., is it a mystery? Is it a horror story? Is it a romance Or thriller?

I think you can assume if the word "fiction" is mentioned, the contest is open to prose only.

Brett Matthew West

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RE: Please clarify
One of my questions is why does the CEC, who is supposed to be monitoring contests for proper entries, allow poetry in contests that are clearly meant to be prose?

(Exception obvious for contests that state prose or poetry.)


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RE: Please clarify
That sounds like a question you should ask the CEC.

Shirley Ann Bunyan

Poet Rating

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Rank:  218

RE: Please clarify
The particular contest that prompted this query stated 'Maximum 800 words', and my poem was definitely fiction! Anyhow - water under the bridge.
All I am suggesting is that it might help if specs were black & white clear.
Prose only
Poetry only
No poetry
No prose
Thank you, Nor84, for taking the time. Much appreciated :)

Brett Matthew West

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Rank:  200

RE: Please clarify

If you ever get a straight answer about anything from the CEC do let me know.

Poems in contests clearly intended to be prose occur with regularity.


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